Chapter 3- Trail Of Death

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I just stood there in awe at Tera's lifeless, burnt body. How could someone do this.

"Aren't we suppose to investigate now?" Taylor said in the loudest voice she could muster.

I nodded and took in the crime scene. The tarp was in ashes... And the room WAS on fire. But how did the fire from the fireplace get over here. Did he or she take a torch and light it on fire and then set the tarp up? Or did something else happen.

I inspected Tera's blackens body to check if she only caught on fire... I noticed the star necklace was gone, and I also found that There was a stab wound on the back of her head. You couldn't see it if you didn't roll her over.

I had inspected the whole lounge and didn't find anything that could stab her. So me and Sarah decided to search the floor for a weapon.

We didn't find anything in her room... Which was strange. "In every CSI show something happens in her room." Sarah said. "You must not know much about investigating huh?" I said.

Janice walked into the room. Her talent is the Ultimate Detective so hopefully she can crack this case wide open.

"Find anything Cody?" Janice said. When i nodded no she decided to search the room incase I missed something.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go search the lounge again, so I guess you two can look together." Sarah said as she headed out of Tera's room.

"There's no sign of the necklace, the killer must have taken it." Janice said.

She told me to follow her to the restaurant so we can search the kitchen for a weapon.

I checked the cabinets first while she checked the dish washer and pantry.

"Cody look over here." She said while peeking into the dish washer. Inside was a blanket. If you look faintly you can see traces of pink blood from what I assume is from her head wound.

Inside was also regular forks and cups and such. But a long, big knife was inside.

After we searched the kitchen as good as we could Monokuma called for us to go to the class trail.

The class trail is where we will debate over who killed Tera, after we debate for a while a vote will be taken on who the killer is. If we are correct the killer is executed, if we're wrong the killer escapes and we are all executed.

At the end of the hallway where all our rooms are there is a elevator, it can hold all 14 of us comfortably... And it goes straight down hundreds of feet to the class trail room.

We all filled in one by one into the huge elevator. It was horrifying to think that at LEAST one of us wouldn't come back up.

The elevator bounced down the elevator shaft foot by foot until it stopped to a halt.

When the doors opened we saw a huge room decorated like a classic, old theatre that Mozart could possibly play at... Except there was no stage. It was a circular room with podiums in the middle all shaped into a circle. Each podium had a nameplate on them occurring to each houseguest. On the podium labeled "Tera" there was a large pile with a posture on it... The picture was Tera's face, and it was crossed out with a bloody X. There was a throne on the opposite side of the elevator outside the circle, and Monokuma's sat on it with a huge grin on his face.

"Why don't you guys all take a seat and start the debate!" He said in a surprisingly cheerful way.

We all took out podiums... I was standing beside, Samuel, on my right. To my left was Damien, the chef. Too bad Monokuma's refills most of the food we eat. Damien could probably fix up some really good food.

"Start the debate!" Monokuma announced.

I started talking first. "So, Tera had a stab wound on the back of her head. This means that she was stabbed and most likely killed before the killer burnt the tarp she was under."

"Also, we found a sharp knife in the dish washer. Has anyone even needed to use a knife here? I mean Monokuma provides pre-made food that don't need sharp knifes to prepare." Janice added.

"Was there anything else in the dish washer?" Taylor asked.

"There was a bed sheet that was used to cover the killer from getting blood on them." I replied.

"But why would they put it in the dish washer?" Kaelyn said.

"There isn't any washing machines to clean clothes on the first floor. They would be seen easily if they used the sink." Daniel said. He sounded like he was the one in charge. Yet he barely contributes.

"So the knife must be the weapon huh?" Zeke said.

"But if they put it in the dish washer... then they would have to go through the restaurant, we were all eating there." Malarie said.

"Everything must have happened before breakfast." Jake chimed in.

"But the fire and the kill must have helped at totally different spreads quickly." I said.

"They had to have caught it on fire under the tarp to have it take some time, and then slowly walk over." Damien said.

"Let's get to who might have actually done this." Penny said.

"We have some things to discus first Penny." Janice said. "I noticed that Tera's necklace was gone. It wasn't in her room either, so the killer must have taken it before they set the fire."

"So they probably took it effort when she lost it too right?" Cia said.

"Right, but who would have wanted to do that?" Jake thought aloud.

"I know who did it." I said.

"Who... did they tell you something alone?" Sarah asked.

"Actually it happened at the pool. Me,Sarah, Kaelyn and I think Malarie and Jake all were swimming right after Monokuma's talk at the dining room. We were all talking about family and someone said that they're dad was an astronomer, and she wanted something to remember him by. That was YOU Kaelyn!" I paused, and stared at her. She had a shocked look on her face, it looks like I found her out.

"I...I would never do something like that." She said in shock.

"We all know very well who did it, you can drop the act Kaelyn." Malarie said. "I heard it as well."

Monokuma jumped to his feet. "It's time for the vote!"

"NO!" She screamed.

"Cast your votes and we will see who will be executed!"

The votes were unanimous, even Kaelyn voted for herself in the end. She knew she was done.

A slot machine appeared in the enter of the podium circle. It has three slots that spun around all of the people in the hotel... All three landed on Kaelyn's face.

"Kaelyn has been voted guilty and you are correct about your killer! She did it! Well, it's time for the execution." Monokuma yelped.

A TV screen behind Monokuma showed a picture of him dragging off An animated Kaelyn into a dark hallway. Monokuma did this in real life as he took a rope and tied it around her neck forcefully and dragged her out a door of to the side of the circle.

We were instructed to follow as we saw Monokuma go inside the room.

Inside was a fake recording studio. We were in the editing room. She was in the recording room strapped to a chair. In her room there was a gigantic amp. All of the sudden it blasted on and the sound sent her flying into the wall behind her. The force of the amp throwing her into the wall... Killed her.

The class trail was over... 2 of us were dead. But 13 of us were alive. I will never forget Tera and Kaelyn... No matter how much I will try.

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