Chapter 10- Motives

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So many of us 15 have died... I didn't think even one would. Six of us were either murdered by a friend, or killed a friend. There's so many negative people around me. Mark... he was always a player, or a gangster... He was never just nice to us. There was Daniel who was always full of himself... I just wanna be around the positive people. But most of them were killed.

The next breakfast we had was extremely quiet... Seeing our friends die before us was really dreadful and exhausting. I hope nobody does it again.

The intercom shot on in the middle of breakfast. "HEY KIDS! MEET IN THE DINING HALL ASAP!" Monokuma yelled in his squeaky bear voice.

We all trudged down to the dining hall, what does this bear want. When we entered her sat on his throne from every class trail we've had. How can a bear his size carry that up?

"I see that you guys are out of energy... But it's okay because I have a motive for this week!" He said. Wait, he expects a murder to happen every week! I'm surprised it's actually gone that way so far.

"A motive?" Damien said from the back.

Monokuma looked at Damien and said, "A motive... you know the reason why someone wants to do something? I'm gonna give you guys a reward if you kill somebody!"

Everyone looked around at each other, is someone gonna believe his words.

"I'm gonna put a computer on my throne up here. It will sit here until somebody gets killed. The reward is information about what's going on in the outside world or the hotel, you just type in your question and I will answer. You get one question to ask. Once you ask your question you have ONE day to kill. If you don't I will!" Monokuma said in his now threatening voice.

Whoever does this can get any sort of information they want? This is a big deal!

"Goodbye everyone! You guys better be on the lookout to see if anyone is gonna type in that computer! Because then they're forced to kill!" He said as he walked out of the dining room, leaving the computer to sit on the throne for anyone to type in.

"We need to guard this thing." Malarie said quickly.

"But then we would need 3 people to guard it at once... So that one guard doesn't kill the other to take a peek." Daniel said.

"We can't just leave it." Cia said, quietly as usual.

"We'll, who wants to volunteer to guard first?" I asked.

Daniel, Damien, and Zeke raised their hands and took the first shift.

Then, as we were about to leave Monokuma barged through the door again, knocking down Malarie who had been standing by the door.

"Ouch!" She yelled as she tumbled to the ground.

Monokuma laughed at her, "Upupupu! Sorry Malarie, I just have another thing to say before I head back. The Forth floor is open to go through. But there is a pass code to get up. 11037 is the code. See ya later guys!" He walked out the door.

"So much for manners." Malarie said as she stood up.

Why would there need to be a pass code to get up there? I asked myself. We walked up to the third floor and looked at the barred gates which still stood there. A door with a pass code lock was in the middle. We typed in numbers 11037 and it unlocked first try.

We walked up the stairs to see a whole new floor. Instead of a hallway like the first two floors, or a open circle like the last knee, this floor had an indoor garden with gravel pathways.

"What the fuck?" Mark said. He can never keep his mouth shut can he.

There was lights blaring from the ceiling at a high voltage. It was a huge square room with doors in 3 places... There was a gravel pathway to each one so we wouldn't step on the crops.

The first door to the right of me was a big pantry with all sorts of foods inside. There was spices, dried fruit, and dried meat...

The door straight ahead to the stairs was a walk in freezer. It also had a passcode, so I couldn't get in. But there was a window so we could see inside.

The last door, to my left, was filled with animals. There was makeshift grass to walk on in the floors. There was a chicken coop, one lonely cow fenced in the corner, and more.

The whole floor was explored fairly fast. But that didn't stop us from looking at another barred gate protecting another staircase. It looks like there is more of the hotel to see later.

I can already sense another murder about to happen.

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