Chapter 18- Hope vs Despair Part 2

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Everyone was silent... Not a sound to be heard. What do I want to do? I could easily die out there in the real world.

"Should we stay?" Janice said while shaking slightly. "Should we just stay and forget this all!?!"

I cast a look at her, "Janice what are you talking about! You've helped with the trails the most up to this point, don't put that work to waist!" She kept shaking. She appeared to look somewhat insane at this point.

Monokuma smiled, "Great this is just what I wanted to happen!"

Janice wasn't the only one appearing to be shaken up... Damien, Malarie, and Daniel all seemed to want to stay. Although Janice was by far the most shaken up.

"C-C-Cody." She uttered. "All of our family's are either dead in hell or are starving to death in some alleyway! We have to stay in shelter!" Janice purposes.

"No! There is hope for a future out there!" I yelled. "For all you know you family found a safe haven!"

Damien's head perked up at me. "Cody... give up... We'll just stay here in peace."

"I can't sit and wait for the whole human race to be on their own for years guys! Let's all go!" I yelled.

I wasn't getting through to them... maybe I could slowly convince them. The thing is that I'm not gonna get much time before Monokuma calls the class trail off.

"Malarie!" I started. "Your a writer right?"

Malarie nodded yes.

"Then you wouldn't want this whole experience at the hospital to go us recorded right? You could write about the outside world too, and carry it on to future generations!" I yelled.

"Your right... I can't let everything go unheard off... I going with you Cody!" Malarie yelled.

Great, me and Malarie are voting to leave, that just leaves Daniel, Janice, and Damien.

"Daniel! If your a workout trainer, then you would be the really fit right? If so then your the strongest person in this group to provide to us. You can also make any newer generations strong to live out their lives!" I roared.

Daniel nodded, "Fine, I'll vote to leave. Only if you stop pestering me."

Okay... Only Janice and Damien.

"Damien! Your the one person in their group that can make food properly, and tell what is edible and what is not! We need someone like you to help us in that way! Also, your one of the cheerful people here that we need as encouragement!" I yelled.

Damien nodded and said, "Your right! I can't stay here and complain about every little thing! I need to keep on moving! I'm gonna choose to go!"

Janice was the only person in the podium circle that is currently wanting to stay here at the hospital.

"I wanted to kill someone next..." She said

Daniel shot a look at her. "What?"

"I wanted to see my family. I wanted to be in the warmth of another human being. I wanted to love my life in peace. But now none of that will come true." She said.

Malarie walked over to Janice's podium. She hugged her tight as Janice had a blank stare ahead of her.

Malarie said while hugging her, "Janice... were your family now..." As she let go of Janice and hot back to her podium Janice spoke.

"I can't do this anymore. I can't stay out their when my family is gone. I might as we'll be gone too." She said

Janice reached into her back pocket and got a pistol. She held it up to her head.

I ran as quickly as I could to her podium! I can stop her before she pulls the trigger! When I reached her it was too late...

RING! A loud sound filled the room as Janice fell to the floor... Blood seeping through her skull.

Monokuma didn't seem to be fazed by this as he announced the voting to start now.

2 buttons sat on my podium, one said stay in Black letters, while one said leave in Blue letters. I choose the leave button. I hope the other 3 did as we'll.

Monokuma sat on the edge of his throne as he said. "WELL YOU ALL CHOSE TO LEAVE SO I BETTER SHOW YALL THE EXIT!" He got up and walked to the execution door that 5 people have died in before.

Was he really going to show us the exit this easily? He opened the door to reveal the stage in which Sarah recently died. He walked behind the curtains to push aside a few boxes. Behind the boxes was a metal door. He took a key out of his pocket and unlocked it. He didn't open the door though.

"You may leave whenever you'd like!" he said and walked back into the class trail room.

Me, The Ultimate Gamer. Damien, The Ultimate Chef. Malarie, The Ultimate Writer. Daniel, The Ultimate Workout Trainer. We were the survivors of The Maclerya Hospital Incident. We opened the door to reveal a beautiful world. Monokuma lied about the plague... The world was just as we left it a few weeks ago. Everyone did the unthinkable for nothing... everything was useless. The police never did find Monokuma or anything else. They didn't find any of the bodies either... why did this happen? I will never know.

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