Chapter 11- Death is in the Air

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Monokuma new motive and new floor has been introduced to us. I'm pretty sure someone would kill for it. The next day I woke up to see that Malarie, Zeke, Damien, and Daniel were all in the restaurant eating breakfast. I sat down and started to get some biscuits and gravy that Damien made for breakfast.

Zeke got up to get seconds from the kitchen. "Guys... The sink is broken." He said.

When I entered the room the sink was broken by the faucet. The sink was flooded over and water was drowning the room by and inch or two. The door to the kitchen reaches all the way to the floor so no water could be seen leaking out.

All of us at the restaurant got buckets and filled them to the brim with the flooding water. When we were done we all were pretty tired.

That's when Sarah barged through the kitchen door.

"A BODY!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

Oh no! Sarah must have found another body! Another knee of us is already dead by Monokuma's new motive.

She lead us upstairs, I wonder who it is. She brought us to the fourth floor and directed us towards the freezer.

Mark was laying inside the locked freezer slouched against the opposite wall of the door. His eyes were closed, but there was no blood to be seen. He could have been killed with an easy smack with a bat.

"He was always so arrogant and rude." Daniel said. "I'm glad he's dead." Daniel was even more of a jackass than Mark.

I needed to alert everyone else in the hotel that another person died. We're gonna need to investigate pretty dang we'll. The door to the freezer is locked, it's been that way sense we explored the fourth floor. Someone must have got ahold of the password for the keypad.

I alerted the others who were all sleeping in their rooms. Sarah was sleeping in her room, Cia was sleeping in the lounge, and Malarie in her bed. Me and Sarah, like usual, paired up in investigating and looked around.

We checked the first floor first, starting with the restaurants kitchen. Inside we were mainly looking at the faucet. There's no way that the damage was unintentional. The faucet was broken bluntly.

The first floor was clean of clues we could see of besides the faucet. On the second floor we found nothing in all the rooms besides the pharmacy. The same syringe that was used on Penny in the power outage case was gone from the inventory.

The third floor was completely empty of clues. When we checked the fourth floor there were no clues either.

Almost on cue Monokuma announced the fourth class trail, this should be fun.

Dangan Ronpa ALIVEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora