Chapter 8- The Injured

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Taylor was being cared for, she was in good hands.

The party was going on today and she would sadly miss it. Malarie and Damien had to work on the 3rd floors main room. The area was being set up with DJ equipment for Zeke to do his magic.

I had some free time before the party was ready. What should I do? I decided to just go up to the party and wait for it to be ready, I might even help if they're up for it.

When I got up there they were already ready, so I went to tell everyone that it was done.

The party was AWESOME! Zeke was our DJ, Damien made a bunch of food! It was honestly the best time I have had here at the hotel.

"Hey Damien! Do you think Taylor might want some food?" I asked him.

Damien nodded, it wasn't easy to talk with the noise, I'm surprised he even heard me. He got a plate of food an walked into the office.

When he came back out he had a stunned look on his face, that's not a good sign.

He signaled to Zeke to stop the music.

"Everyone... Taylor's dead." He said in a glum tone.

Everyone files the doctors office and walked into Taylor's room. Inside Taylor lay on the bed... Not moving a muscle.

There was a blood dried blood stain on her feet. (Mae used the same blanket from downstairs so it was the same blood) There was also a blood stain coming from her back.

"Cody, let's go investigate." Sarah said. Everyone had someone they investigated with... A few joined other groups when their partner passed.

Me and Sarah searched the whole floor for clues... Nothing seemed peculiar. When we got to the restroom I found something in a men's stall... There was a spear in the bathroom vent above the toilet.

There was no blood on it, but it could have been washed away in the toilet water.

We knew we ran out of time when Monokuma's usual announcement came on...

"Hello everybody! Report to the elevator for your 3rd class trail!"

It was time to put my life on the line once again.

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