Chapter 16- Freind Or Foe

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We marched down to the elevator... Me and Sarah didn't even get to investigate past the metal door room.

In the class trail room we noticed once again that two more picture frames sat on Zeke and Cia's podiums to replace them.

"START TE DEBATE!" Monokuma yelled.

Where to begin I thought...

"Okay... well I think we'll noticed how the door opening causes the sythe to fall on Zeke right?" Janice budged in.

We all nodded.

"Well then the killer was the person who opened the door correct." She said staring at me. "Cody opened the door." She wouldn't even beat to look at me.
"Shall we get to the vote?"

A jumped into accusation. "I didn't do it!! Can we just make sure before you vote after 5 seconds of debating!?!" I yelled. "Janice for one is quick to accuse. How about we go through how the killer did it and maybe then it will point to the true culprit."

Janice looked at me with cold eyes. "Okay, but your still not unsuspicious."

I do understand that... but I faced the odds of me possibly killing Zeke unwillingly. How was I supposed to know that Zeke was in there. Hopefully I wasn't the real culprit, surely I'm not.

"Okay, well how would the killer access the metal room of it was locked?" Damien asked.

"Your an idiot Damien. The killer accessed the room because they killed Zeke." Daniel said.

"But wouldn't the killer have to kill him first?" Damien said. "This isn't like the last motive. They don't get the reward before they kill."

"He is right Damien." Janice said, "Zeke must have been killed before the room."

"You opposed your own theory Janice!" I shouted. "I couldn't have killed him by opening the door if he was already dead before hand!"

Janice sighed. "Dang it, sorry Cody."

For a mystery solver she sure is bs at accusing.

"I bet the killer was trying to frame the person who opened the door to cover up their work." Malarie said.

"Cody... Didn't you grab that folder from the desk in there?" Sarah asked.

I grabbed the folder out from my jacket. I opened it slowly... Inside was valuable information about the Hotel.

"It talks about Hotel Maclerya... Except it's not a hotel..." I uttered.

"What?" Damien questioned.

"Go on!" Daniel yelled.

"It's actually called Maclerya Hospital." I said slowly.

The room went silent as Monokuma grinned on his throne.

"Is that all?" Sarah asked.


The silence soon turned into more debating as we talked about more clues.

"I noticed that the sythe blade didn't go into his head as far as the wound went. Meaning he definitely was killed before we entered the room." I said.

"Then that means the ropes strapping Zeke to the mattress were for show." Sarah told.

"Now it comes down to the weapon and killer. I know that the weapon was the sythe both times... The sythe was the only weapon anybody came across in the hotel." Janice said.

"You mean hospital?" Daniel asked.

"Yes." She said sarcastically. "But, I could also tell that there was blood splattered on the handle. No blood was splattered anywhere else in the room besides his head. So why would it get on the handle... Meaning the sythe was the murder weapon."

"So, that leaves it to the killer." I said.

"Well, me, Daniel, Cody, and Janice were hanging out all day so we have an alibi." Malarie said. "So it was one of you two!" She pointed to both Damien and Sarah.

"..." Everyone stirred a blank. There was no evidence to either of them doing it.

"Wait." Daniel said. "When Zeke left our group he wanted to go eat at the restaurant... and I believe Sarah was fixing the faucet at the restaurant kitchen."

Sarah drew a blank, probably in shock of being found out. This was the same girl I had investigated with and spent the most of my time here with. She was by my side through thick and then and never strayed.

"Sarah... You didn't do it right?" I asked.

She didn't answer.

"SARAH!" I yelled.

She stood there quietly.

She talked between sobs. "Let's... get... to the vote.

Monokuma spring up from his throne and yelled, "OKAY! LETS GET GOING!"

A slot machine appeared in the middle of the podium circle. Each slot landed on a picture of Sarah's face.


Monokuma dragged her into the punishment room as I quietly balled my eyes out.

She was on a makeshift stage. Jail cell bars slowly enclosed her stage shut so she had no choice but to stand on the stage and wait for incoming doom.
A stage light fell from the ceiling and landed beside her right leg. Another fell to her left. That's when several more landed onto of her knocking her out cold. I'm sure she isn't dead, but I doubted that when even more fell on her head as she layed down.

5 of the original 15 remain alive... And I have a sudden urge to survive. Due to Sarah.

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