Chapter 4- Pax Romana

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After the trail we all flooded into the elevator, Kaelyn's Execution was even worse than finding Tera In the lounge.

Just, seeing her be blasted into a wall at deafening speeds just made me go pale. At least we didn't see Tera die before our eyes. Nobody wanted to eat dinner after the class trail so we ALL went to bed right after.

The next morning everyone seemed surprisingly cheerful for people who saw 2 dead bodies yesterday. Even Mark, who told me to shut the heck up when I first met him, had a smile on his face.

We all ate together. All 13 of us were in the restaurant eating pancakes with syrup, which Damien made. They were delicious, no wonder he is the ultimate chef!

After breakfast we noticed that the barred of staircase across the dining hall was now unbarred and ready to explore. So we all checked out the new floor. It was so nice to be in a area that I hadn't walked through a million times.

On the 2nd floor there was a a big open room with a carpet laid down in the center. In the room there was also a TV and couch. (the TV didn't work)

To the far right of the room was a big hallway with 2 doors in it... The same thing was on the right.

To the left hallway we found an electronics room. Inside was everything electronic you could think of. The second door was a music room with some pianos and CDs. Wow Kaelyn really missed out, she is a musician after all.

In the right hallway there was a Games room. There were some video games inside as well as board games. Now the TV makes since because there must be some gaming consoles in the Electronics room. The second room in the right hallway was a Library, so now we have reading material.

There is a new barred of staircase in the main room with the TV... It is directly right to the first one, so I guess there is even more floors.

Everything on this floor seems like it's supposed to waste time, I thought monokuma wanted us to want out.

"Hey guys look! I found a hidden room!" Samuel yelled. He was right. In the library behind some bookshelves was a doorway with the word "Medicine" on it.

Inside were some Antibiotics and medical stuff. It was basically a pharmacy... Except I found some poison in the back, so let's hope nobody else found it. We wouldn't want that used against us.

With that we have finished looking through the second floor, there's a whole new area we can go to in the hotel!

Everyone wanted to do something different after we explored the floor, it was 3 in the afternoon. So now was the best time to play around.

Samuel, Penny, Taylor, and Sarah were on the Xbox at the TV. We found the Xbox in the electronics room and some games in the game room. There was also a second TV in the games room which they were using.

Daniel, Janice,and Malarie, were in the Music Room trying to find songs that have aired on the radio this past week.

Zeke and Damien were playing board games in the games room.

Mark, Cia, and Jake are still sleeping in like they do every morning.

What should I do? I gotta do something... I guess I'll go to the games room to look at the Xbox.

After I checked it out, it was really cool to look at a screen again, everyone went to the restaurant to eat dinner as a group.

Everyone was there, so it was a really good time, Damien made the best steak I could ever even imagine!

When midnight struck some people got too tired and went to bed. Jake, Damien, and Zeke all left to go sleep. I was really expecting more.

We were all cheating and finishing the steak Damien made when... The power shut off.

We couldn't see anything anywhere! It was completely dark!

"Who's foot is that." Someone said, I think it was Penny.

"It's mine get away." Daniel said in his stuck up way.

"Where am I?" Malarie said.

The lights were out for a good minute or two before they came back on.

I saw that two others were missing where were they? Penny and Samuel were gone. I looked. Around, and then as I went to the Music Room...

I saw both of them laying on the ground... Not moving an inch.

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