Chapter 7- Eleven

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I woke up the next morning to eat breakfast, Damien and Zeke were actually the only ones there when I arrived. I guess I woke up early.

When everyone arrived at breakfast we went upstairs to check if there was a new floor to explore... An thankfully there was.

Where the old barred staircase was sat an unbarred staircase that was just welcoming us to explore it. On the third floor there was a open room shaped like a circle... Around the circle were a bunch of doors which I would guess that each door would lead to another room.

The first door I went through led to a auditorium with a TV screen. I don't know what this rooms purpose is. There is a tv downstairs which was probably used when this hotel was actually used properly.

The next door held a doctors office. There was just one room with all sorts of surgery tools. Why would a hotel like this need a place to preform surgery? There were multiple rooms in which to help patients. I started to get a headache thinking about this so I went to the next room.

The 3rd room on this floor was a arts studio. There were mantels to paint in and loads and loads of shelves stocked with pastels, paints, crayons, and more. I'm sure this is where people are gonna spend most of their time on this floor.

The last room on the third floor was a master bathroom. When you went through the door to the right was a door leading to girls and another door leading to boys on the opposite wall. It was a weird placement for a bathroom. But I'm not against having multiple bathrooms in the hotel.

The third floor was fairly big. It may only have 4 different rooms, but each room was huge.Yet it's not adding of a place to be like the last floor.

We all hung out at the lounge that day, every single one of us eleven. We all just chatted... I'm supersede it wasn't more of a sad conversation because Tera did die in this very room. But things turned out for the better.

My alarm clock woke me up the next morning. It was a typical Thursday... Well typical for Hotel Maclerya. When I went to the restaurant that morning I saw most everyone there eating breakfast.

"Hey it's Cody!" Taylor announced as I entered the room. He was still as crazy and red headed as she was that first day we met. She never seemed down, just cheerful.

Malarie walked up to me. "Damien and I have decided to have a party on the third floor." I guess I would show up. I mean why not?

"I'll show up." I said. "Wait when is it?"
I asked her in a curious way.

"Saturday;." She replied and walked back to the kitchen to help Damien cook. I guess she is eloping with the food for the party.

The next morning I didn't wake up to my alarm clock, but to scram in coming from someone's room!

I ran out into the hall and tried to find what room it was coming from. It sounded like it came from Taylor's room.

I ran to her door and tried the doorknob... It's unlocked... That not a good sign.

When I walked in I did see that Taylor was alive, but she definitely wasn't in the best shape.

She had a pool of blood around her feet. She just sat in awe at the blood soaking through the covers.

"Oh my god!" Sarah said. She had got out of her room the same time I did and stood behind me watching the scene.

I pulled the covers of the bed to examine her feet. They were definitely broken.

"Are they... Ok?" Taylor asked.

"They're broken, are these your only wounds? Is there pain anywhere else?" I asked.

She nodded no. And closed her eyes to sleep.

"Lets get her to the doctors office on the third floor. They're some places for sick patients to rest there right?" Sarah asked.

By now everyone in the hotel was in or around Taylor's room.

"Is anyone educated medically at all?" I asked. Penny and Malarie raised their hands.

"My dad is a doctor, so I learned a bit as a kid." Malarie said

"I took medical in 8th grade." Penny said.

They weren't very experienced in these things. But none of us new more than them, so they were taking care of Taylor.

"On Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Malarie will work." Daniel said. "The other days go to Penny." Daniel was more of the guy in charge at the hotel, I don't know why.

Damien and I carried her upstairs to the clinic. She probably won't walk for the rest of her stay here.

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