Chapter 9- Set For Death

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When we got down to the class trail room two more podiums had a picture frame on them... Jake and Taylor were both gone since the last time we were here.

"Start the debate!" Monokuma said. That seemed to be his catch phrase here.

"Let's start with how it happened." I said.

"I think the killer got Taylor hurt and then proceed to kill her today." Janice said. "I mean, who would just cripple someone?"

Janice had a point. "I had to have happened in her sleep though... I mean she would have seen the killer and told us." Penny mentioned.

"She was to blind to even lock her door." Zeke said.

"Anyway... Did anyone find a murder weapon? I'm starting to think the killer still has it." Malarie said.

"I found a spear in the vent at the men's restroom." I said.

Everyone stood there and thought carefully about what I said.

"Would that mean a guy killed Taylor?" Daniel asked.

"No... A girl still could have gotten inside when nobody was around." Damien speculated.

"I think we should start focusing on who did it." Cia said very quietly.

"I checked on her when I woke up." Malarie said. "I know I'm not someone who was supposed to, but she was still ok then."

"I was there too." Sarah chimed in. "I went up with her."

They checked out. Taylor wasn't killed then. I started thinking aloud ,"So it had to have happened before the party was being setup, everyone would have seen the killer go into her room."

"Now that I think about it... Penny and Malarie could get in and out of the doctors office, no questions asked." Daniel said.

"But, it wasn't me! I was with Damien literally all day helping cook with Damien, and set up the 3rd floor." Malarie said annoyingly.

"So it leads to Penny!" Daniel said, pointing to her.

"But it wasn't my day! I'm not allowed to enter." She said with an irritated expression.

"If I remember, Malaries days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. You get Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. So it was your day Penny!" Daniel objected.

"You had a long time while they were cooking to be on the 3rd floor alone Penny. You shouldn't have had a problem getting away with it." I said.

Monokuma stood up on his throne and yelled, "ITS TIME FOR THE VOTE!"

Penny yelled, "But guys I didn't do it!!! We're all gonna die!"

We started to cat our votes.

"Nonononononononono." She chanted under her breath.

A slot machine came out from the middle of the circle... each slot spun around and landed onto Penny's child like face,

"You're correct! Penny totally murdered Taylor in cold blood!" Monokuma yelled.

I turned to penny. "Why would you do this Penny? You know what it feels like to be nearly killed. Jake drugged you just a few days ago!"

She kept her head down...

She talked very quietly, "I knew he was about to murder. I said I would help him commit the crime if he drugged me and made me look innocent. I knew you guys would find him out. His plan was flawed."

"Wait you HELPED Jake?" Janice asked stunned.

"Yeah..." She said even quieter than last time. "Well, can we get to my eviction already?"

Monokuma sprung out of his chair. "YOU BETCHA!" He took Penny by the hand and pulled her to the door.

Inside the door this time was a barred room that we were expected to watch from... On the other side of the bars, Penny was strapped to a pole. On the walls surrounding her was about 50 miniature cannons. After a while the cannons started firing needles... Se was swarmed by them... You couldn't even see her because there were so many of them. All you could hear were her muffled scream.

She was gone. We all left to go back into the elevator, knowing that we would probably be back after another murdered. If we didn't know Penny wanted to murder awhile ago there are probably more to come.

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