Chapter 17- Hope vs Despair Part 1

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We walked back to our rooms after the class trail. I was pretty out of it when I saw Sarah on that stage. She was completely crushed!! Why would she murder over something small like this. Surely we will escape... We'll that was something I always told myself after very class trail, and every day to the looks of it.

When I went to breakfast the next morning everyone was there. Damien, Malarie, Daneil, and Janice. We were all here.

"EVERYONE PLEASE REPORT TO THE CLASS TRAIL ROOM!" Monokuma yelled before I could eat anything.

We all marched down to the elevator, and when we got there. Sarah's picture was on her podium as things normally occur when someone dies. Monokuma was on his throne,

Hey everybody!" He yelled. "Take a seat!"

We all stood at our podiums waiting for him to explain the reasoning of us being here at the class trail room.

After a while Monokuma explained. "I bet your all wondering why you are all here." He said. "That's because this is the end of our game! It will end in multiple possible ways."

Everyone has a shocked look on their faces.

"W-we can leave?" Damien uttered.

"But there is a twist!" Monokuma said while springing out of his chair and standing in the middle of the podium circle.

"The outside of the hospital is not what you think!" He said.

Malarie crossed he arms. "Spill the bean Monokuma!"

Monokuma explained, "The hospital was made for a reason." He said. "A player has hit North America and is spreading to the South. The plague is similar the the Black Death. You get black splotches up and down your back that eventually kill you. Except in this situation they take over your body and paralyze you! Leaving the whole world in chaos. People are killing and stealing! The world is in ashes and rubble, leaving 1/4 of our population alive." Monokuma said in a creepily happy way.

Janice's eyes widened. "One fourth!?!?! Are you telling me that it's possible that my whole family is dead on some street somewhere?" She hung her head low.

"Knowing this you have a choice." Monokuma said. "You can leave into the plagued world, or you can stay in this hospital and live a peaceful life in despair! But if only ONE of you chooses to stay, none of you can leave."

We had a tough decision to make. What will we do!

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