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After being forced to accept the rules Amelia spoon fed me some type of weird mush. The texture made me gag a few times but I was eventually able to force it down with some not so nice words of encouragement. It was embarrassing to not be allowed to feed myself but apparently it was part of a punishment. I don't know what I'm even being punished for at this point.

I was forced to take medications that I wasn't even allowed to see but at least I was able to wash it down with water this time.

"Okay.. I think it's time for you to go to bed now.."

Amelia sighed while looking at her watch. Its still daylight... why is she going to force me to go to bed so early? She leaned down and undid the restraints holding me in the chair.

"Hopefully tomorrow I won't have to restrain you like this.. as long as you're good I won't have to do this again.."

I just nodded in response as she continued. I could head butt her right now but I don't want to cause anymore issues for myself.. at least not yet. She gently grabbed my hand and I followed her upstairs. Halfway up I started to feel dizzy, Amelia must have noticed because she let me lean against her the rest of the way.

She definitely gave me some kind of sleeping pill because I was completely out of it by the time she put me in bed. She kissed my forehead and the last thing I remember is hearing all of the locks click into place.

* * *

The sound of the locks clicking open startled me from my sleep and my eyes darted around the room frantically. I must have been having a nightmare because I was on edge and my heart was racing. The cleaning girl walked into the room holding a tray of food. I noticed she had a black and blue bruise that almost completely engulfed the side of her face. I averted my eyes to the floor feeling guilty because it's my fault. I can't even believe Amelia would hurt someone that bad..

She sat the tray at the end of the bed and quickly scurried out of the room. Locking the door behind herself. I looked down at the food and scrunched my nose. I hate waffles.. the thing that caught my eye was the butter knife. I quickly grabbed it and went over to the window. I started to try to pry the window open from the frame and it seemed to be working. I kept glancing over my shoulder even though I knew the locks would give it away if Amelia were to come in.

I noticed there were a few screws holding the window shut so I climbed up onto the windowsill to unscrew them. Just as I was about to unscrew the last one the locks started to click. I quickly jumped down and resumed my position on the bed, putting the butter knife back where it was. I shoved a bite is the waffles into my mouth right as Amelia opened the door.

"Good morning my beautiful girl, I hope you slept well!" Her cheery voice was almost as repulsive as her kidnapping me.

I noticeably grimaced as she stepped closer with a small cup of pills in her hand.

"Can I please not take those.. they make me feel like I'm not even in my body I just-"

"You're taking them and you're taking them now."

It's really rude that she interrupts me constantly.. She put the cup of pills in my hand and gave me a small cup of water. I sighed and took them without anymore hesitation. I noticed her suspiciously eying the butter knife on my tray. Some of the paint from the window was stuck to the metal.. her eyes went to the window then to me. She then crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at me.

"I knew you would try to escape but I didn't think you would be dumb enough to try it so soon.." she growled.

I slightly pushed the tray away from me, ready to defend myself if I needed to but she didn't do anything. She just took the knife from my tray and left the room. Okay.. crazy woman with an unpredictable attitude back at it again. She looked like she would crucify me if I didn't take my pills but I tried to escape and she didn't bat an eye..?

I shrugged it off and forced myself to finish the breakfast she gave me. No point in making her more annoyed with me. After I finished the food I started to feel lethargic as I expected to so I got snuggled back up in bed and watched the rain outside.

About an hour passed by and Amelia came back into the room wheeling some kind of weird cart with her. I watched her intently as she added more screws to the window.

"Now if you try to get out of the window again I'll completely black it out and put bars over it so you can't even look outside. I don't want to have to do that but I will if you can't behave.." she muttered.

I hate that she continues to talk to me like I'm a child.. I also hate that she acts like I'm the problem when she's the one keeping me here..

"Now that we have that under control..."

She paused as she pulled a blanket off of the cart revealing several terrifying looking devices.

"'s time to discuss your punishment for being a bad girl.."

Hello here I am! This chapter is just shit and I hate it but I had to end it here because the next one is gonna get a little wild 😅 I'm sorry that I got off my schedule but I'll be aiming for Saturday's now! Please vote and comment! Much love 💋💕😘☀️❤️✨

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