The light of an Angel!

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Hawk's POV:

I was in the kitchen with Azrael and prepared us a quick breakfast. It was a huge surprised that he liked chicken too and I don't know why but seeing the young greenette with his wings I couldn't help but think of him as a little brother. He had the same marks around his eyes and wings like I did.

It didn't take long for the chicken nugget to be done. Once they were I put them a large bowl and went to table with it.

Me: Please enjoy!

The moment I place the food on the table I could see him particularly drooling. His eyes were also glittering. He looked ready to jump at the food too.

Me: Pfffff.

Azrael: Hm?

Me: Just take one already.

He did as I said and he was smiling while he began eating one after another. I already was up a while now wondering who he was. However, I never thought that he would be hiding from the hero commission. This was another reason I needed him to be with me. It was definitely not that I was lonely or that I wanted the burned chicken nugget to be here with me. One more kid that felt like a brother wouldn't be bad. This somehow felt like a family and I couldn't help but want this family to be real.

Me: So, what's your name?

Azrael: Why?

Me: You know my and I thought it is only fair that I know yours.

Azrael: Fair enough. I'm Izuku.

Me: Izuku?

Izuku: Yep just Izuku.

Me: No family name?

Izuku: I left it behind all the years ago.

I could see him stopping to eat his nugget. His eyes began clouding and be darker. The huge smile disappeared from his face and I couldn't help but be sad because of it.

Me: All right feathers! Now take another one. You did seem rather hungry.

Izuku: What about you?

Me: Ohh I just had some earlier.

Izuku: How long was I out?

Me: About a week now.

Izuku: That long?

Me: Yes. That reminds me how are you feeling?

Izuku: Good.

Me: Any pain?

Izuku: No!

I knew that was a lie because I watched him from the door. My feather alarmed me that he was up the moment he moved and this was how I knew that his wings were hurt. It was also not hard to guess that since he was not closing them completely but leaning them against his shoulder like a cape.

Me: Hm-hm~ Then how about your wings?

Izuku: Hm?

Me: You don't have to lie to me little feathers! I know that you are in pain. You are not closing them.

I smiled him thinking of ways how to make him feel comfortable and not scare him. He was a vigilante and the way he attacked me told me that he wasn't good to talk to me. The way he pronounced the word hero commission. It was with so much venom that I could think that he was a villain.

Then there was this matter of his quirk. He said I didn't know how it felt like if one's quirk was bent to someone's will. Whatever he meant with that didn't sound good at all. It was wrong even thinking about it and yet he lived through it. There was no doubt that the hero commission would do something like that. I knew it too. I knew exactly what they were willing to do to get what they want.

Azrael  (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now