Chapter 8

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"Follow me." I said.

"Where are you taking us?" Jake asked.

"Back to school." I replied.

"So we could retrace their steps?" Gray asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, "No dumbasses, they never left school property."

"Heather and Hayley are probably having the time of their lives right now and we're worrying for nothing."

Hayley's POV

We were running for our lives, terrified.

"Girls, come out. You don't want to be punished, do you?" His voice echoed through our ears.

We came to a two-way hall, "Where?"

"Left, LEFT." Heather pulled me. "He's going to kill us, oh my god."

"No he won't." I was getting annoyed at how scared she was, granted that we were in such a crazy situation.

We ran into a dead end. "Shit."

"Now what?" Heather panicked.

I looked to my right and there was a half wall and luckily I knew where it led. "Heather, let's jump... it's our only way."

She nodded confidently, despite being nervous and scared.

"I can smell you, ahaha. You think you can run away? I will find you, and I will kill you." The tyrant's voice echoed through the walls once again.

I held her on my back, "Get on."

She got on my back and climbed the wall, then kicked my head as she jumped. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay, help me through." I said.

"Wait, jump and hold onto the wall and I'll pull you to this side."

"I see you." A cackle from a distance, becoming incoherent as he went further from us.

I grabbed the top of the wall and tried my best to kick my legs over the wall too. I closed my eyes and kicked over my legs. Heather helped me down as we made our way to the front of the campus.

This was too good to be true, we... were so close to our escape. As soon as I came to the door, the alarm went off and to my horror, the doors were locked.

"Crap! No, this can't be happening!" I pushed the doors, aggressively shaking the handles.

Heather helped me but it was no use.

"What are we going to do?" I panicked.
**p.s a synonym for panicked was 'took fright'?? what--**

"There has to be other doors. They can't all be locked."

We ran away as the alarm amplified, he was probably on his way now.

We searched around, but there were no doors in sight. "Heather, check the right side and I'll check the left side."

"NO! We can't split, if he finds one of us, we're done for."

She was right, "Then what do we do?"

"You know what's always fun? Let's put up a girl fight."

"He's a pSyChOpAtH!"

"Then what? We run around like fools, we're just wasting time."

My mind wandered around then it hit me. "Where's your phone?"

She checked her pockets. "I can't find it, I must have dropped it somewhere."

"Crap. I have mine but there's absolutely NO signals."

Detention with a Psychopath - HORROR STORY (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now