Chapter 2

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Series of peaceful dreams later, I finally woke up. I felt so refreshed and energized as I yawned and removed my blanket off me, making my way to eat dinner. Surely, everyone would be eating now.

"Mom? Dad?" I came into the dining room, "Timothy?" It was completely. Even my little brother was asleep and he stays up late every day.

I'll just eat alone... again. When I entered the kitchen, my eyes shifted to the oven clock and my mouth hung low. It was two in the morning, no wonder no one was awake. I heated food and took it back to my room. I should probably get on with my work, sleeping was not a solution to procrastination, though another five minute nap would be fine... NO HAYLEY you must finish it. I set my plate on my study desk as well as my laptop. I opened it and took a look at my assignment, heavily sighing. I felt the coolness of the room getting to me but I couldn't wrap myself in my blanket, instead I grabbed my white hoodie and turned my focus solely to my research project.

A couple minutes of researching later and I really could use Ben's help. I facetimed him on my laptop and waited for a little bit. The first one wasn't picked up so I re-facetimed until he did.

"HI!" I shrieked.

He looked annoyed, "Hayley, it's two in the morning."

"I know, are you awake?"

He shifted his camera around him, "I was sleeping."

"Sorry, can you stay up a little and help me?"

"Uh really? I'm going to head back to sleep," He yawned. "And you should too."

"No please please, you know I have a terrible sleep schedule, I'm up all night and dead during the day."

"Well it's the opposite with me, now let me sleep." He whined.

"Fine, I'm going to go cry now."

He sat up, "What is it that you need to work on?" He cared so much for me. #simpXDLOLKIDDING

"Well, I wasn't sure what topic to choose and-" I said as I noticed his eyes widened. "-What?"

"You haven't picked a ToPic yEt?!"

"Well, I have two final picks, the genocide or the lawsome movement in 1930..."

"I did the internalization of the law firm,"

**Side Note: Those aren't real life events, excuse me while I jump off a cliff from my creativity.

"That's really boring, how did you even do it-?" I asked.

"I just did research in the library at 8 with Jake and Gray and submitted it."

"Lucky you, should have invited me." I tsk-ed.

"Oh? Yeah, sorry I'm really inconsiderate." He shook his head in sarcasm.

"Okay enough of that, where did he say again to find our resources?"

"You're supposed to use at least two books and three online publications, and they must be relevant and relatively recent."

"I'm sure I can't find any books at this time."

"Just search up relevant E-Books and add them to your poor-folio."

"My poor-folio?" I laughed. "We're making up words now, huh?" I added it to a sticky note.

"Portfolio. It's an inside joke between my friends, sorry you won't get it..."

"I'm your best friend, get that right. I know all your guys' inside jokes, tell me and I'll understand."

"You won't, trust. Okay I really need to sleep, night."

I pouted, "Okay bye."

"Good luck with the work, don't sleep in okay?"

"Okay dad."

"Mhm night."

I hung up.

Around 5 AM, I had completed some of my project so I decided to call it a night and sleep. I should have probably stayed up a lot longer and at least try to finish it but obviously my brain stops working when I need it to work the most. I yawned and went to bed.

Sounds of loud bells twirled around me followed by a sudden wave of panic. My eyes opened from sleep, my ears still ringing only for myself to acknowledge I had slept in and my thirty 'constellation' alarms were the loud bells in my sleep. <iPhone users know how annoying that alarm is> I didn't even take time to process what was happening but hastened to get changed and get my butt to college.

The next few wild minutes were a blur then I had arrived at the lecture hall, not acknowledging my terrible choice of clothes as I ran down my green shirt paired ugly jeans. And the weather forecast even said it was supposed to rain, uh some luck I have. When I entered the room, it was dark since the professor had a presentation up front.

Yes he was distracted! I quietly walked past the front, making my way to the seats.

"Ms Marshalls." 

I hope you all enjoyed this, I wasn't sure where to end it

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I hope you all enjoyed this, I wasn't sure where to end it. Also let me know how often I should upload since I've completed the entire story (sam said everyday but some of you have school soooo... LY SAM <3) Also many of you have said you like Ben but how come? LMK LOL ok I'm such an unprofessional writer. 

Word Count: 792

Detention with a Psychopath - HORROR STORY (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now