Chapter 1

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Ever wonder what happens when you sleep all day and stay up all night? Just like an owl, you end up getting locked up in a school with a pedophilic teacher. It's not directly related, but just listen to my story.

I entered my house after a tiring afternoon class with fatigue written all over my face. I quietly shut the front door behind me and walked to my room and as I crawled the stairs and collapsed on my bed.

I had awoken a couple moments later to vexatious loud texts only to realize a couple hours had passed. I groaned, turning to shut my phone to silent. A new text popped up, "Are we still meeting at the library at 8?"

Uh oh, I was supposed to meet Ben to finish homework... and I need help. I contemplated replying but decided if he thought I was sleeping, he would leave me alone.

I put it to silent and tossed it back.

Later, having my sleep interrupted again, I heard my mom open the door to someone.

"Hi Mrs Marshalls,"

I recognized that voice, Ben was over??

I tried to make out the rest of their conversation, then hearing footsteps leading to my room.

One knock, followed by two more. "Hayley? Are you in there?"

I stayed silent.

"HaYLeY? Are you dead?"

"I'm sleeping." I replied back.

"Oh okay," He walked in, turning the lights on.

The illuminating light burned my eyes, "BEN!"

"Ahem??" Slight attitude in his voice, "We were supposed to meet up half an hour ago."

"Oh, were we? I'm really tired, let's work on it tomorrow."

"It's due tomorrow, WITH the extension."

I had my blanket covering my face, "Argh! Who even let you in?"

"Your mom and she didn't even know you were home... did you sneak in?"

"No... to my own house? Only you could pull that off." I replied, slyly.

"He chuckled lightly, "Okay get up Hayley, or I'll drag you myself to the library."

"I'm sleeping!!! Spare my life."

"You can't be that tired if you can carry out an entire conversation with me."

"Huh? I- sleeping... now."

"I'm shaking my head at you."

"Ooh I'm so ashamed," Sarcasm built up in tone.

"Oh by the way, remember the girl who went missing last year? Yeah they finally found her body last night under the subway tunnel."

I peeked my eyes open, "Really? That's insane, but she went missing for an entire year, wasn't her body... decomposing?"

"That's the crazy part but apparently she looked freshly dead. If the cops decided to do more investigation and not pronounce her dead three months after her disappearance, maybe she would have still been here with us."

"That's- so sad."

"I know, her body was badly torn apart, it's like the killer was... an anatomist or something. And she was just one year above us."

"How's her family?"

"Well I don't know that, maybe you should get up and we can ask together."

"Oh my god, go away."

"Don't come to me later then."

"I'll do it on my own."

"Fine, I'll finish it on my own, you're on your own too."

I could hear him turning around but my guilt began taking over me.

"Wait," I removed my blanket off me.


"I forgot to return your sweater." I rushed to my closet.

I could feel him shaking his head.

I pulled out the neatly folded and dry-washed black sweater and walked to him. "Thanks for letting me borrow it."

He lifted his head, "It's all good,"

"I washed it for you."

He sniffed it, "Why did you have to do that?"

"Why not?"

"Now I can't smell you."

"BeN!" I laughed, "Okay bye now."

"Bye weirdo."

I smiled, "Says you."

I watched him leave and then laid back in bed and slept like a baby. 

I liked writing this but I don't know how I feel actually publishing it

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I liked writing this but I don't know how I feel actually publishing it. I still hope you all can be gentle with me because I haven't published anything in 3 years soooo...
Thank you all for reading, let me know if this was too long or just the right amount of long you need :) ALSO NOTE THAT: There will be perspective changes throughout the actual climax.

Word Count: 648 (excluding Author's Notes)
If you're reading this, I love you <3

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