Chapter 15

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"Ben, whatever it is, you can ask me." I held his hands. "I promise I'll understand even if it is inappropriate." I smiled.

He held my hands and very gently said the words I didn't want to be asked, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

He was really asking me out for the second time? His question took me by shock and I slowly pulled my hands back, fidgeting with my fingers again as I gazed down.

He looked scared, "I'm sorry for asking, I- this was probably a bad time."

I didn't know what to say.

The room went silent.

"That was stupid- sorry... I'll just leave." He stood up from my bed.

"Ben..." I mumbled.

"Yeah? Say anything..."

"We've dated before and it didn't work out as we wanted it to. You're a really good friend but I don't think we're set out for a relationship." I said it like it was.

"It didn't work out because we were kids in high school. I didn't know what it meant to have a girlfriend but we're older now. We have knowledge of relationships and I actually... like you... so much."

I knew how much that meant to me but I wasn't convinced, "I don't want to ruin our friendship, you can understand that."

"No, I can't understand." He replied, "I know I really was trash to you in high school but you have just seen one side of my capabilities being in a relationship. I swear I will treat you better and treat you like the queen that you are. I really like you and I know you already know but you're the only one who brings out the softness in me and the only girl that makes me happy."


He interrupted me, "Hayley, just think about it." He didn't let me speak further then left my room. Seconds later I heard the front door shut. He left me alone with my thoughts.

I couldn't decide. On one hand, I knew I would love to give him a second chance but on another, I was hesitant especially because of our high school relationship. I hated fighting and arguing with him in a serious relationship but if we remained friends, arguing wouldn't have mattered much. We got into so many arguments as a high school couple and there was absolutely no transparency or trust between us. He couldn't make time for me, ignored my calls, and acted up when I wanted to talk. Breaking up was THE hard process and he got so defensive about his unjustified actions. We were so much better as friends. Why couldn't he just see that? I really didn't want to hurt his feelings if I said no. But again, I wasn't sure if he deserved a second chance.

The next day, when we all were eating breakfast at the table, mom turned the TV on to the news channel.

"Breaking News! College professor was found dead at the suicide bridge all way in West Virginia."

Everyone's attention was diverted to the TV.

"He had been found and charged with 5 counts of first degree murder and 2 counts of harassment of his college students on a recent record."

My mom's grip on my hand numbed the tension in me.

"He killed his accomplice brutally after his accomplice came clean about everything and his body was found under a tunnel behind the subway. Professor Devor was originally an anatomist teaching different sorts of subjects in schools, very likable and trustworthy. However, he was originally a criminal but paid millions to clear his name before teaching here. His records show charges of use of drug and illegal substances, injecting them into people before horrendously murdering them. To all the families affected by his cruelty, you are all safe now and the community promises to do rig-."

My mom shut the TV off. She caressed my shoulders gently, "You're safe, we'll never let anyone touch you again."

"We'll make sure of that, sweetheart." My dad added.

I shook my head, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have stayed after school with prof."

"It was never your fault." Mom reassured me.

"We're so proud of you, you're so brave." Dad agreed. 

Well no comments, but will Hayley say yes or nah? Subaascribe to find out ;)) jkjk just read the next chapter :D

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Well no comments, but will Hayley say yes or nah? Subaascribe to find out ;)) jkjk just read the next chapter :D

Word Count: 705 

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