Chapter 11

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Ben's POV

They sat us down in a classroom and we sat aligned on the class tables.

"Boys, I understand this is a Friday night and you like doing stupid adolescent things, but breaking into private property isn't acceptable." A police officer said.

"Oh but holding two twenty-year olds girls after school timings is appropriate? He's a freaking serial killer." Grayson barked.

"Gray, one second. Officer, you know my dad. He's very strict on me doing "stupid adolecent things" and I don't disappoint him often. Do you really think we came here for fun?" Jake confronted.

"I'm only going easy on you because of your father, otherwise I would have just cuffed and thrown you all behind bars."

"Can I get my dad to come in?" Jake asked.

"Okay, but he'll say the same good cop thing that I just said, so it's better if you guys leave. And I won't tell your dad anything."

"Before you do anything, you haven't even heard our side of the story. You're just trusting that bastard with every lie he tells." I pointed to the door.

"He's a respected elder, address him as professor, Ben."

"Professor my ass, ask him what he did with the two girls earlier tonight. There's murderer written all over his eyes."

"Officers, arrest his false accusation. I did no such thing. You can ask anyone, I have a good reputation here." His voice shook as he spoke.

"Then why the fk are you so scared?" I hissed.

"BENJAMIN! You will be arrested." The officer warned.

"For what? Wanting rights for our friends?"

"You're my student, Ben, why would I do anything to your friends? I have no record of anything bad in the past."

"He does have a very good reputation and a clean record. I can't believe anything coming from your mouth." Another officer interrupted.

I got up. "I'm going to beat his bullcrap."

The other officers came front. "Stay where you are or we'll have to do this the hard way."

"Ben's right, he's bullsh*tting right now, you can't trust anything he says." Grayson defended me.

"Why won't you officers believe me? Somewhere in this college, he has two girls in torture."

"Let's go, we're arresting you all."

"No, call my dad. He'll do justice." Jake sternly said.

"This is a joke. Officers, arrest them already." Prof said.

"We can't, he's the head officer's son, we'll wait for him to get here."

"That's not a law for you all to follow." Prof said. "Just arrest them and take them out of my personal space."

"Sir, we'll have to wait."


Jake's dad, Officer Vanmorin, arrived soon later. "What is going on? And why is my son here?"

"They broke into this college trying to sabotage private property." One officer explained.

"I know my son, he wouldn't do that."

"Ask him." The officer directed him to us.

He walked up to us. "Boys? Wanna explain what I'm hearing?"

"Let me explain, officer." Prof interrupted. "Being the crazy kids they are, they broke into the school with the intention of sabotaging systems and intruding on private property."

"Ben, Grayson... Jake?? You've got something to say?"

"Bullsh*t. He's lying." I was in disbelief.

"Then why did you come here at this hour?"

"Because this professor is a murderer and is keeping two of our friends captive and we wanted to save them."

"That's wrong officers."

"Can we look around?"

"Go for it, I have nothing to hide."

Hayley's POV

He had brought me to another sector of the campus. I was unsure where I was or even if I was still alive. The pain was tormenting and untolerable. But I still couldn't tolerate the smell. What was that?

He threw me on a cold cemented floor. "Stay here until he's back. He'll deal with you after."

He shut the door and left. With the last bits of consciousness, I could make out the same room we started with. But it was different; Colder and darker. I coughed and coughed until my throat became sore. I can't give up now. I was back to square one. The taser electrocuted every part of me but I was healing. I brought my wrists to my head and watched the blood flow through. I coughed again and again until I began choking. The same man came in the door again and helped me up. He acted as the back support for my lifeless body and gave me water. It wasn't the cleanest but it was good enough to heal my dry throat. I tried to hit him in anger but it was no use, I was the sheep and he was the wolf. "Go away, let me die now."

"I can't let you die, that's what he's supposed to do."

I knocked the glass out of his hand. "Then I'll die on my own... I'm not letting his hands get my blood."

"Drink you foolish girl."

"No!" I said with the last bits of my strength.

"Please, I can't be the one to kill you."

I pushed him and fell to the hard ground again. I coughed and coughed as I watched him leave the room. Where was Heather? I was so worried for her.

The pain was agonizing as I struggled to keep my consciousness. My back burned from the curling iron he stamped on me. I felt pain everywhere on my body.

I was beginning to accept fate; I was going to die.

I then heard a whisper from a distance, "Help me." 

Next parts coming up are pretty interesting

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Next parts coming up are pretty interesting...

Word Count: 913

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