Chapter 14

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Hayley's POV

It had been two days since and we were finally released from the hospital. What sucked most is they hadn't caught Prof Devor. But even more than him, I wish they had caught the fking janitor. My ear was still in pain from his animal-like bite and the medical ointments weren't helping. Even the iron stamp on my back felt like it needed healing of its own. The next couple days, my mom didn't leave my side. I remembered when mom told dad and the tears that came to his eyes. He hugged me tightly and promised to do better to protect me. It really wasn't his fault. Timothy didn't understand what was happening and no one would tell him either. I hadn't interacted with anyone since, not even Heather.

"Hayley, do you want to be alone or do you want me to stay with you?"

"Please mama stay with me."

"Do you want to tell me everything that happened?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, we can talk when you are ready. I want you to take this time to heal."

"Thanks mom,"

"I'll be back in a minute." She left the room.

I shoved my hand under my pillow to grab my phone but remembered I had lost it in the halls of violence.

And mom and dad planned to switch me out of that college but... I kind of didn't want to. All my friends were there but even I feared for my safety now.

Worst of all, I couldn't reach anyone nor could they reach me.

I cried the first night but by now my tears had dried and trauma began taking over me. I just wanted to be calm. But how was I supposed to be calm if he was still out there? My body released another emotion; Anger. Why hadn't they caught him? They were so close and now he could be anywhere. My life was still in danger.

Later that day, an officer came by our house and returned my possessions. He said they sanitized everything but I just wanted to get rid of everything he returned. I wanted to forget what happened but all my possessions reminded me of that horrendous night... especially my betraying phone.

I was once again in my room, alone with my thoughts.

"Hayley. Dinner."

I flinched.

Mom came in through the door. "Sorry, did I scare you?"

I couldn't keep on going like this. So I was ready, "Mom, I want to tell you everything."

She didn't look surprised, instead nodded as if she expected it. She sat beside me and put a tight grip on my hand.

I told her everything. I cried as I let it all out but I did it... I told her everything.

I don't even remember all that I said but felt the biggest weight off my shoulders. Hearing her loving words calmed me.

Ben had come to visit me the next day.

He asked if I was fine and then if I was ever to return to class.

I didn't know either. Maybe yes? Maybe never?

"Do you think I should?" I asked.

"If it brings back bad memories then don't."

"My dad thinks I should switch."

"Where to?"

"Maybe to the one further away, away from this crappy town?"

He looked upset, "Oh, I don't want you to. Prof Devor-"

I shut my eyes. That name. It made me sick.

He corrected himself, "Maniac is gone and he's never returning and he probably left the country by now. And the janitor too. The school promises to keep us safe."

I played with my fingers, "I uh- I don't... ever want to put myself in that situation... ever."

"I'll protect you!" He said so sarcastically yet seriously.

My nervous face changed into a smile. I chuckled, "Oh Ben."

"I'm serious. I'll be hella clingy and make sure I never leave your side... ever."

I tried to change the subject. "Is she returning... Heather?"

"Gray said probably."

"How was everything on her end? I haven't uh- talked to her."

"She's not okay but she's keeping up. I think you should sit down with her and just... talk it all out. She'll be more comfortable with you than anyone else right now."

I pushed my hair behind my ear, "Yeah." My fidget on my hands became more aggressive as I became more nervous. "Uh I should but I don't know how to. I can't uh leave my house and nor can she come."

"Why don't you call her?"

"I don't want to..." That came out wrong, "...touch my phone."

"Hayley, you're panicking too much. It's alright." His soft grip appeased me.

I teared up, "I know I say I'm strong, but I'm so weak, Ben and- all these people who expect more from me don't know that I'm just a sheep in a wolf's clothing. I'm not strong in the slightest bit and to say I wasn't scared is an understatement. I was terrified and if it weren't for her sake, I would have probably given up." Was I really crying?

He pulled me into a hug on his chest, "Please, you're so strong. You fought him for her- I can't with you. You've always stood up for yourself and you can't be apologetic. If I was in your place, I would have been petrified, maybe even chicken fried." We let out a little laugh, "And sometimes a wolf has to be in sheep's clothing just so they can live but you're an entire wolf."

I stayed silent, intaking his scent. I moved back and grabbed a kleenex, wiping my tears. "I- really needed that."

He smiled.

"How did you know I wasn't lying when I said I fought him for her-?"

"I trust you, I know when you're lying and when you're speaking the truth. You were strong."

We looked into each other's eyes, so darn close.

His hazel eyes with a hint of yellow glaze grabbed me. Wow- I couldn't stop looking at him... DING! My notification distracted us both and I moved back, picking my phone up.

"It was just a- notification from an app." I nervously laughed.

"Hayley... I uh- kinda wanted to ask you something. And I- uh know this is early but, uh I really wanted to ask you this on Friday but after everything that happened I don't how to and I don't know if it's appropriate to ask you now or anymore until you heal and-" He was clearly nervous to ask so I interrupted him.

"What is it, Benny?"

He looked very anxious and nervous.

"Ben, whatever it is, you can ask me." I held his hands. "I promise I'll understand even if it is inappropriate." I smiled.

He held my hands and very gently said the words I didn't want to be asked, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" 

DID HE JUST ASK HER OUT OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ****squeals even though she wrote it-- why am I speaking in 3rd person??****

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DID HE JUST ASK HER OUT OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ****squeals even though she wrote it-- why am I speaking in 3rd person??****

Word Count: 1149 

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