Chapter 12

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"Help me!" I heard a faint sound from a neighbouring storage room. My vision was already very low and I couldn't bear to see anything especially in the dark. My shoulders failed to move as they were still numb from his painful throw. My ears felt useless and eaten up from his insane bite. I was not okay.

From all the tortuous stuff the janitor projected on me in that room... how was I still alive? Even tears would leave my side now. But the taser, I could still feel its effects around my body. He was right about everything that happened in that room, and how it would stay in the room. My heart was failing to live on.

But this couldn't be it. I had to continue, at least to save Heather. She was all I could think about. I stood up, feeling unsteady and vertiginous. I held onto anything strong enough to carry my weight. Please God, I pray you keep me and my friend away from any further more tortures.

The metal door knob was freezing. My hands couldn't hold onto it. Regardless, I held onto it and for a second, I felt myself feeling nauseous and lightheaded. I couldn't. Hayley, just lay on the ground and give it up. There's nothing more to live for anyways. Sure, there's mom. She's always been there for me. She works super hard to keep the family alive and healthy. Then there's dad, the sweetest man on this planet. He's made sure I've had it all though I've been ungrateful during my upbringing. There's also Timothy. He's the sweetest little boy. Every Saturday, it's his day and we have a blast doing whatever. Then there's also all my cousins and sure I see them twice a year for Christmas and Thanksgiving but they are the best. The kindest and the most generous. Especially the few that are younger than me. And there's all my friends too and I love them all. And last but not least, there's Ben. My first love, my best friend, my ride or die. He may forget me after I die, but I love him so much and my heart will go on. He's so irritating when he's overprotective and all, but it makes me feel like he still cares.

No Hayley, there's way too many people to live for.

"Please. Anybody." The same faint voice again, very faint compared to last time but I could still hear it. It felt like a whisper, shivering down my spine. Using every strength left in my body, I pushed that door open. I had no energy but then I saw my best friend.

"Heather!" My scream was so incoherent that even she didn't look up when I yelled.

She was chained to a strong metal clothing rack, half dressed. Tears fell as I paved my way to her, falling halfway.

"I'm here," I yelled again.

She didn't look up.

"Heather...?" I tried to do something, anything really.

She had finally shook her head. "No, he's going to cut my body in half when he re- turns." Most of her words were broken.

I walked to his desk, falling a couple of times, feeling the painful burn of the iron yet again, but using her as a motive to stand back up. I looked for something that could help me remove her from the chains and to my prayer, the keys were the first thing to hit my hand. My drowsy eyes could not fail me now. I begged them to choose my side. I pulled the keys and tried the first one to unlock her chains. It wasn't working. Then I used the second one, scared and terrified. It wouldn't twist. I pushed harder and it went through. Heather unexpectedly fell on the ground so hard that I heard a cracking sound. I kneeled for her. "My precious, it's going to be okay, okay?" My eyes remained shut as I said that.



"I'm cawlt."

"What are you- saying?"

"I'm- cold."

I opened my eyes and saw her, yet again half undressed. She still had her jeans but her shirt was missing. I had only noticed this now, but there was chalk on her.

"What's this chalk?" I began rubbing it off.

"He- mark-ed the areas he uh wa-nts to dis-se-sect first." Her voice was very faint.

We had to get out.

"Come, let's stand up."

"I'm cold Hayley," She began coughing.

I was so stupid, I was wearing Ben's hoodie and my shirt inside. I took his hoodie off and gave it to her, "It'll keep you warm."

"You had this the entire time?" Some of her words were still inaudible but I made out what I understood.

"No, Ben gave it to me before... the lights out."

"Ben's here?"

"Yeah, so is Jake and Grayson."

"My brother's here? He has to find us!"

"I don't know." I was losing hope myself. "Put it on, the cold will get to you."

I could tell she had no energy so I helped her put it on. I rubbed my shoulders and hers. "Keep rubbing, it'll keep us warm."

"Hayley, there were cops that came into the building, I heard the sirens from the window behind us."

I flicked my eyes open and behold, there was a window on the wall, the size of the entire wall.

"We need to do something when they come out."

"We don't have the energy to, it's useless."

"No it's not, come with me there and wait for them to leave the building then we make our move. Just put all of your energy and strength. I don't want that pedophile to get away with this."



Yesss there is the light at the end of the tunnel!!

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Yesss there is the light at the end of the tunnel!!

Word Count: 956

Detention with a Psychopath - HORROR STORY (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now