Chapter 9

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Turns out, I was in a different area from the lecture hall. We eventually reached there and checked every inch of the hall and his storage room. They weren't there. We searched a lot more but absolutely nothing. NOT EVEN A CLUE!

"GOSH DARN IT! Where could he be? AND HE COULD BE DOING ALL SORTS OF TERRIBLE THINGS TO HER!" Grayson punched the wall. His fists bled.

"Stop harming yourself." I mumbled.

He turned to me, "How could you leave her alone?" He walked closer to me. "You weren't even trying, were you? You're just too pretty to do anything, aren't you? Too pretty to fight, too pretty to defend! Can't even GET YOUR HANDS BLOODY FOR A CHILDHOOD FRIEND THAT YOU CALL A SISTER?"

"Grayson! Calm the fk down!" Ben held him away from me.

"It's not her fault." Jake defended.

"I TRIED EVERYTHING I COULD DO!" I yelled in anger. How could he doubt me?

"Why didn't he take you?"

I was insulted but I didn't want to say anything that would offend him.

"You let her into his hands, didn't you? To save yourself?"

"No- he took her."

"You're a coward!"

"You know why? Because I fight, she doesn't. ALL her life, you and your brother have protected her SO NOW SHE CAN'T FIGHT ON HER OWN!!!"

He shook his head, "That's a lie."

"Is it? You've NEVER let her pick her own fight. I've always been on my own. I depend on myself. She depends on YOU!" I pushed him.

Grayson didn't say anything.

"Look at my palms, they're bruised and red! How, you may ask? BECAUSE WHEN HE WAS GRABBING HER VIOLENTLY, I WAS THE ONE TO FIGHT HIM FOR HER. These hands are red because I was frantically... freaking frantically, beating down the elevator door. Do not question my integrity."

Grayson was speechless. He turned away.

"Guys, we're just wasting time." Jake said.

"He's right, we should split and use our phones as walkie talkies." Ben added.

We agreed.

"I'll go with Hayley and you go with Gray." Ben said to Jake. "And we'll meet back in twenty minutes. Keep me on dial."

"I'm fine with that." I walked away.

Ben followed my lead.

They turned around and left.

"Can you believe him? He really had the audacity to pin the freaking blame on me." I crossed my arms.

"Everyone knows Grayson's very extra and impulsive. He's just as anxious as you."

"If he's her brother, then I'm her sister. I would never let anything happen to Heather."

"Forget Grayson, are you okay? I was so worried for you."

"You want to know honestly?"


"I am not okay. I just went through hell. Prof Devor is a psychotic narcissist... he's- so-" I thought back to all the nasty names he called me. "Malicious."

"What did he do?"

"Well, nothing special but he hit me, stabbed my arm, grabbed me by my shirt..." I tried to not let tears escape my eyes.

Ben didn't say anything.

I turned to look at him and saw his face heat up with anger. "Oh Ben," I stopped and held his face in my hands, caressing his cheekbones with my thumb. "I'm okay."

"You just said you're not." He held my hand on his cheek.

"I'm okay... now that you're here." Then I removed my hand, trying not to make it awkward. "But we REALLY need to find Heather, because... that pedophile is attracted to her and he can do a shit ton of crazy things that he wasn't able to do to me."

"Yeah," He took his hood off, "You should wear this... to you know, cover your cut and use it against him when we go to the police."

"You really don't have to."

He pushed the hood to me, "I want to."

I gave him a weak smile and wore his hoodie. "Thanks, Ben."

"You know what we need? Weapons." He stated sternly.

"Wait, how did you get in the building, all the doors are locked."

"We used a crowbar?"

"OH my god, where is it now?"

"Back in the car."

My hope faded, "Oh. How did you know I was here?"

"Because you didn't text back."


"Nah, we went around and Gray, Jake and I formed a search party."

I smiled, "You're so amazing."

The lights dimmed slowly until darkness consumed the room then suddenly the lights went out.

"Ben?!" I asked.

"I'm right here,"

It was pitch black dark and I could not see anything. "What the hell just happened?"

"Someone cut the lights."

Prof Devor.

Suddenly, the PA system went off: Attention students, by being at the school at this hour, having broken the front door, and wandering in the school property, you are breaking the law and you will be punished. The police will arrive shortly.

I felt a hand on my mouth as they put a wet cloth, slowly taking away my consciousness. I pushed the hand away but the grip was too strong as the rough hand grabbed me again.

"Hayley, let's go back." Ben said. "Where are you?"

I could still hear him but could not respond.

"HAYLEY!" He screamed as my body felt weak and unresponsive.

Please... help me. 

Exciting partssss eeee!! Guyss stay calm I'm screaming in my head tooo

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Exciting partssss eeee!! Guyss stay calm I'm screaming in my head tooo.

Word Count: 873 

Detention with a Psychopath - HORROR STORY (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now