Angels and Demons (KiriKami) Quirkless Au pt 5 - Aftercare

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"God that was amazing." Kaminari whispered breathlessly, pressing his forehead to Kirishima's.

"Mmhmm~" Kirishima nodded, smiling warmly, "are you alright?"

"'M great." Kaminari giggled, licking the blood off his lips.

"Good, good." Kirishima kissed Kaminari's cheek "Anything you didn't like?" He gently slipped out his softening cock.

"The compliments are going to take some getting used to. But no, everything was perfect." Kaminari pulled Kirishima in for another kiss, this one soft, sweet, and loving.

"Good." Kirishima smiled as he sat up, "I'll get us some water." he pressed one more soft kiss to Kaminari's lips before getting out of the bed to grab some water from the kitchen

Heart still racing, Kaminari wrapped himself up in the blanket, stuffing some in his mouth as he screamed. He smiled so wide his face felt like it was going to split in two. He couldn't help but think of all the wonderful things Kirishima had said to him. 'So fucking beautiful' echoed in his head as heavy breathing turned into purring so loud he didn't hear Kirishima re-enter the room.

"Mm~ happy my pet?" Kirishima set the glass of water on the bedside table and gently ran his hand down the lump of blanket on his bed. When the purring got louder he took it as a yes. "I got you some water." he peeked under the blanket, chuckling when he saw Kaminari smiling around a mouthful of blanket, pupils so blown out there was only the faintest ring of gold around them. "Come here beautiful, have some water."

Purring so hard his whole body was vibrating, Kaminari crawled over into Kirishima's lap. He leaned into his strong chest, calming his purr enough to drink some water without choking on it.

"Love, we should hop in the shower before everyone gets back." Kirishima nuzzled Kaminari's neck before scooping him up, smiling like a goof ball when the purring picked back up.

The shower was warm and soothing, full of gentle caresses and loving words. Kirishima washed Kaminari's hair, whispering lovingly about how soft it was. After they were clean and rinsed off, Kirishima trailed kisses down Kaminari's body, enjoying the little giggles that interrupted jet engine purring.

"Here you go love." Kirishima handed Kaminari a soft plain shirt to change into.

"Thank you." Kaminari smiled warmly as he slipped into the fresh shirt, its smooth texture sliding gently against his skin all the way to his knees. He giggled as he shifted his tiny wings to poke out the massive holes meant for Kirishima's.

When they stepped back out to the bedroom they could hear a commotion happening out in the living room.

"Bro you need to put him down!" Sero's voice was pleading and strained like he'd been begging for a while

"NO-ooo! Like hell 'm gonna let some ex-tra f-lirt with him and ma-aybe snatch hi-m up 'fore I even have a cha-ance to confess!" Bakugo was louder and definitely drunker than usual

Doing their best not to snicker, Kaminari and Kirishima slipped past them into the kitchen to make some food. Mina smirked at them, wiggling her eyebrows at Kaminari, pointing at his new jagged scar. He blushed and shoved his face into Kirishima's pecks earning him a chuckle and some soothing head-pats.

"Kacchan, it's okay I'm not going anywhere, promise. You can set me down." Midoriya rubbed the base of Bakugo's wings as he dangled over Bakugo's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Fuckin' Dek-u and your c-ute ass~ and those 'dorable godda-mn freckles," Bakugo set down Midoriya, "perfect li-l' horns," he nuzzled into the curly mop of tangled green hair, playfully biting at the black ridged spirals that protruded from it, "with your soft as fu-uck hair. M~mm s~smells soo go-od." he slurred as his knees buckled.

"Woah!" Midoriya scooped up Bakugo bridal style, "I told you you were drinking too much." he shook his head with a fond grin. "Where's his room so I can tuck him in?"

"Last door on the right..." Sero rubbed his face trying to relive some of the tension. "Sorry about all of this..."

"It's more than alright," Midoriya smiled sheepishly, "I wanted to see what he'd do." he shrugged as he sauntered off.

"Welp I'm exhausted..." Sero dropped face first onto the sofa

"Too exhausted for food?" Kirishima gave a sly smile over his shoulder

"Never!" Sero's wings extended enthusiastically for emphasis.

Kirishima chuckled, pulling Kaminari close by the hip planting a firm kiss on his cheek. He finished seasoning the food and grabbed some plates from the cabinet.

Mina and Sero exchanged kisses and sweet words as they sat together at the table. Eyes gleaming when Kirishima handed them their plates.

When Kaminari started to sit down, Kirishima wrapped his arms around his hips and guided him into his lap instead. He nuzzled into damp golden hair exhaling contently as Kaminari's tail wrapped around his leg.

After they ate and finished cleaning up, they all went to their rooms.  Kirishima held Kaminari tight to his chest as they laid down. They fell asleep as a tangle of limbs one body almost undiscernible from the other. In the morning they'd go pack Kaminari's apartment.


If you liked it don't forget to vote and leave a comment <3 I hope you have a wonderful day stay safe lovelies

Love,~Lady Em~

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