Finding a Pack (SeroKami-KiriBaku) Quirkless Au pt 1

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Monster fucker week #BNHAmonsterweek

Monday the 25th/2021 - Chase

Denki was taking a breather against a large tree on a forested path, thudding the back of his head on the tree trunk repeatedly, unable to shake the anxiety that had been plaguing him. With the anniversary of his friend's disappearance coming up, he just needed to be away from his family for a bit, so he'd gone on an impromptu hike to hopefully clear his head. With a couple of shaky breaths he let a few tears roll down his cheek before opening his eyes to stare up through the canopy at the starry sky, reminiscing on bittersweet memories. The night was comfortably cool and clear, the moon was full and he was alone, or so he thought.

A twig snapping drew his attention, at first he thought one of his cousins had followed him out but the moment he heard a low growl he bolted. Unfortunately the only option was further up the mountain path instead of the way back home. He ran, not turning to look back, instead focusing on the path ahead of him, if he tripped he was done for. Despite knowing the path like the back of his hand he could hear the creature gaining on him, barreling toward him as it growled. His legs burned, only adrenaline keeping him going as he hurdled logs and rocks, occasionally losing traction but steadfast in his balance. He knew he wasn't very strong but he focused on the one advantage he usually had over people, speed. But this wasn't a person, and he could hear the creature grow closer with each stride, snarling as it barreled single-mindedly toward him.

Lungs burning and adrenaline running out, his movements grew sloppy. All it took was one misplaced foot on a too slick rock to tumble gracelessly to the ground, immediately pounced on and pressed into the dirt under the heavy creature. He tried to struggle to no avail only stopping when a gravelly voice whispered in his ear making his heart stop.

"Fast as ever my little lightning bolt."

Only one person ever called him that and he was dead. Tears welled in his eyes. Being gay in a small town had been hard but they'd found acceptance, friendship, and even love, in each other. That was, until they'd been caught. A soft kiss at the wrong time seen by the other's abusive father meant not only the end of their relationship but the end of his friend's life. Dragged out into the forest never to be seen again.

"Denks, baby breathe." An all too familiar voice cooed sweetly as the paws that pinned him slowly reverted to hands. Long slender fingers tipped with claws wrapped around his wrists, familiar and grounding.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Panic faded to disbelief. Had he hit his head on the way down? Was this just a trick his mind was playing on him as he laid there bleeding out? After all it couldn't be him, could it?

"Hanta?" he whispered then felt the weight shift off of him letting him sit up. He was about to turn his head but a clawed hand gripped his jaw keeping him facing forward.

"Just before you see me I should probably tell you that I don't look the same. Especially with the full moon." Hanta rested his forehead against Denki's back between his shoulder blades. "Sorry for chasing you down like that. I don't have much control right now."

"I missed you so much." Denki choked back a sob as he moved the hand on his jaw to his cheek leaning into it. Eyes closed and watering, he cradled the furry hand with both of his own, overwhelmed with emotion. He couldn't care less what Hanta looked like, he was just glad to finally be reunited with him after thinking he'd been dead for almost three years.

"I missed you too." Hanta rubbed Denki's cheek tenderly. He shifted slightly, pulling Denki into his lap as he sat down on the dirt path.

"I..." Denki sniffled words getting stuck in his throat "I thought you were dead." the moon lit background giving him an ethereal glow, his tears shimmering like diamonds.

"Almost was..." Hanta squeezed Denki a little closer

"What happened?" Denki turned and curled up in Hanta's lap. He leaned on Hanta's shoulder running his hand through the thick black hair on his chest. In the soft moon light he could make out some of the features that were different: eyes impossibly darker, teeth more wolf-like only barely hidden by darker colored lips, thick facial hair where once had been closely shaved, and ears perched at the top of sleek dark hair trailing past broad scarred shoulders, but underneath it all was undeniably the love of his life.

"Not sure you want to hear it..." Hanta pressed a firm kiss to the top of Denki's head.

"I need to know. Please." Denki begged softly, cupping Hanta's face, rubbing his thumbs on the edge of his scruffy beard and the soft of his cheek

"How about this, let's get back to where I've been staying so I can at least make you some tea. Sound good?" Hanta nuzzled into Denki's neck lovingly

"Sure." Denki smiled weakly, the feeling of scruff scraping against his skin was surprisingly calming. Buried in Hanta's hair, he took a deep breath, impressed at how his scent was still exactly as he'd remembered it. Woodsy like a campfire with undertones of something sweet.

Carefully Hanta stood up cradling Denki. Going off the path, he worked his way through the forest back to a little cave hidden by overgrowth.

A small abandoned hut was built into a cave that Hanta found while exploring the area. The flooring, like the door, was made of old weathered wood. Bare cave walls with a few counters along the edge and a tiny fireplace to cook gave the tiny living space just enough character to feel like a home.

Setting Denki down on a pile of furs and blankets, Hanta placed a tender kiss on his love's cheek before making quick work of putting together a cup of tea.

"Here love." Hanta offered a warm cup of tea made with boiled rainwater and a few herbs he'd foraged for.

"Thanks." Denki gratefully took the chipped mug letting the warm combination of chamomile and mint settle the uneasiness that had his stomach in knots.

With his own cup, Hanta got cozy next to Denki, pulling him close. Taking a deep breath he steeled himself to fulfill his promise. "I don't want to go into too many details but, the night my dad dragged me out here, he tossed me to the ground and told me to run." rubbing his leg idly he continued, "He set his dogs after me. I never stood a chance at out running them." He pulled up the frayed leg of his pants showing several bite scars, pausing a bit to gauge Denki's reaction, the last thing he wanted to do was overwhelm him.

With a gentle caress of the scars, Denki wordlessly encouraged Hanta to finish his story.

"They got me real good. At some point I passed out from the pain. I was pretty sure I was going to die." He traced the scars on his stomach, "When I finally came too, I was bandaged up by a campfire. I'm not sure why they saved me but I'm grateful they did."

"Who did?" Denki let his fingers wonder around tracing the patterns of scars across Hanta's chest and stomach

"You'll meet them soon, I was thinking maybe tomorrow we could go visit them." Hanta smiled fondly, nuzzling into the top of Denki's head. "They've been wanting to meet you. "

"Hm?" Confused Denki tilted his head to make eye contact with his love

"You're the only person I talk about." With a goofy grin, Hanta booped Denki's nose affectionately, "I left the safety of their camp a few months ago to try and find you. I knew you'd come up here eventually." he wrapped his arms around his little lightning bolt, hugging him impossibly closer.

"Why'd you wait so long?" On the brink of tears, Denki tangled his fingers in long black hair burying his face in it.

"Needed to make sure I could control myself enough for you to be safe." Hanta squeezed tight, dropping his voice to a whisper "Didn't want to accidentally hurt you. I'm sorry."

"I missed you," Tears flowed freely down Denki's face "so fucking much."

"I missed you too, my love." Slowly Hanta shifted till they were laying on their sides cuddled up, legs intertwined to keep their body's as close as possible. He whispered sweet nothings until sleep crept up on them, lulling them into her warm embrace.

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