Aquarium Love (KiriBaku) Mermaid Au pt 2

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After the last building they still had about 30 minutes before Kirishima got off so they went back to the Shark exhibit. Bakugo rushed over to the large curved panel and just silently watched the Hammerheads swim around burning the image into his mind, until Kaminari's phone went off.

"Okay Eijiro's off, let's go meet him!" Kaminari locked arms with Bakugo, pulling him along to the parking lot where Kirishima was waiting for them.

They all piled into Sero's car and drove off toward the arcade. Bakugo did his best to focus on anything other than the way his thigh pressed against Kirishima's.

When they got to the arcade Sero gave Bakugo some money to go order food as Kaminari handed a couple of bills to Kirishima to go load on to their playing cards

"Okay so super quick before they get back," Kaminari scooted close to Mina "we're trying to get Kat and Eiji together." he whispered quietly

"Ooohhh so that's why the sudden plans! Okay, okay, I'm in!" Mina excitedly whispered.

Bakugo and Kirishima made it back to the table after a few minutes and Kirishima excitedly slammed his hands down on the table

"Rematch while we wait for food!" Kirishima declared as he eyed Sero with a determined look

"Fine, fine." Sero chuckled as he slid out of the booth "Hey Bakugo you down to play winner?"

"Yeah whatever." Bakugo blushed as he looked away, sitting down next to Mina

Sero went over with Kirishima to the air hockey table, he gave Kirishima a run for his money but let him get in enough points that when he threw the match at the end it wouldn't seem like he was trying to lose.

"Alright Kat you're up!" Sero plopped back down next to Kaminari as Bakugo got up

"No hard feelings but I'm gonna kick your butt." Kirishima smiled brightly as he swiped the card to start up a new game

"Like fucking hell you will." Bakugo smirked with a determined glint in his eye

They went back and forth for a while and in the end Kirishima lost by only one point.

"Best two outta three?" Kirishima looked at Bakugo with what he could only describe as lust. Something more than just a determination to win and a lot closer to being turned on. He pulled a hair tie off his wrist and pulled up his black hair in a messy half bun.

"You're on fish-stick!" Bakugo teased with a sly smile, trying not to get too distracted by how cute Kirishima looked with half of his hair up. Is it bad that he wanted to run his fingers through it? Okay so maybe he wanted to tug on it roughly as he made him gag on his cock, same same.

The next round was more intense and Kirishima managed to win but only just. Bakugo was having more fun than he ever had playing stupid games, he loved competition but his friends weren't very competitive.

Before they started the last round Kirishima smiled a little too brightly as he pushed a couple of loose strands of hair behind his ear

"Let's make a bet." Kirishima leaned on the game table, "Loser pays for drinks."

"Just one round or we talking the rest of the afternoon? Because, I will drink you under the fucking table sharkboy."

"Rest of the afternoon to make it exciting." Kirishima's eyes glinted with determination as he looked at Bakugo like he was his next meal.

"Tch," Bakugo gave Kirishima a smug smirk "let's do it."

This game was even more intense than the last two, both boys determined to win. They played so fiercely it was actually quite hard for either boy to score. At the end though Bakugo won. Mostly because Kirishima started to get distracted by the beads of sweat running down Bakugo's exposed biceps. Never had a tank top looked so good, bet it would look better crumpled up on his floor.

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