Manly (BakuKiri) TransMBaku

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(Private Request)

It had been a long day, a really fucking long day. That started with more unnecessary paperwork than Bakugo had patience for, and it left him exhausted, physically and emotionally. Not to mention the newbie villain that left him with a huge mess to clean and covered in muck and small scrapes. He slumped against the wall next to Kirishima's apartment, giving the door three solid knocks like he always did.

"Shit babe! Are you okay?" Kirishima ushered Bakugo inside

"'M fine." Despite how he looked, Bakugo really was fine, at least in terms of not needing to go to the hospital.

"You look like you were run over." Kirishima plucked a stem out of Bakugo's hair

"Should see the other guy." Bakugo smirked. The villain may have been quick, running him in circles, but Bakugo was smarter and timed his shot just right. It was going to be a few days before that wannabe would be discharged from the hospital.

Chuckling, Kirishima helped Bakugo into the bathroom and helped him get out of his hero gear

"Leave the binder would ya?" Bakugo whispered. For health reasons he probably should take it off soon, but he really wasn't ready to be confronted with his own body yet.

"Sure bro." Kirishima grabbed a washcloth and gently wiped all the grime off his boyfriend.

As Kirishima wiped him down, Bakugo made the mistake of checking the news on his phone. He really should know better by now.

'Top Female Hero Dynamite stops villain attack!'

'Workout routine to have curves like Dynamite'

'Dynamite and her latest squeeze?'

'RedRiot actually straight!?'

Bakugo growled, yeeting his phone full force at the wall. Fucking tabloids and their stupid fucking clickbait.

"Wanna talk about it?" Unphased, Kirishima set down the wash cloth, having gotten Bakugo as clean as he was going to get without actually showering.

"Eijiro... am I... not manly enough?" Bakugo's voice cracked on the verge of tears

"Bro, you're the manliest guy I know." Gingerly, Kirishima cupped Bakugo's face, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"I still look like a fucking chick." Fat heavy tears streamed down Bakugo's face when he squeezed his eyes shut.

"Babe, come here." Kirishima pulled Bakugo close

"Why?" Sniffling, Bakugo let Kirishima move him.

"Suki, let me show you what I see." Kirishima turned Bakugo around to face the mirror wrapping his arms around him

Not wanting to see his body, Bakugo kept his eyes on the counter even as he relaxed into Kirishima's arms.

"You're so handsome." Kirishima pressed a soft kiss to Bakugo's neck, "No one is as strong or driven as you are. Look at all the muscle you worked so hard for." he traced Bakugo's abs gently, just barley ghosting over them

Timidly, Bakugo let his eyes drift to where Kirishima's fingers traced over the newly visible abs. He'd always had them but before he started taking testosterone they were always covered in a soft pudgy layer of fat he never could quite get rid of.

"I love the way your hair is growing in." Kirishima ran his fingers through Bakugo's pale blond happy trail before dragging his hand up and rubbing at the stubble on Bakugo's jaw "Looks so manly."

A soft sigh escaped Bakugo's lips. Yeah, it did look good. He was definitely going to rock having a beard.

"Fuck babe look at your cumgutters, they cut so deep. My fingers fit so nicely." Kirishima slid his fingers into the groove between Bakugo's abs and hips

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