Old Flames Rekindled (KiriSero) pt 1

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(Requested by KamiKun18. Thank you all so much for being patient while I tried to write this. I ended up writing a lot of my own experiences into it and I kept getting emotional while writing the later parts of it. I'm still polishing up the last chapter but I figured I'd get the ball rolling. Also slight spoiler, I always do happy endings, so the pain won't last too long.)

CW very angsty but worth it

The chill, laid back guy Sero used to be was gone, ripped from his very being and buried with Kaminari. His best friend, his lover, his partner in crime, his husband, Kaminari had been everything to him, the sun, moon, and his whole world. The love of his life, the one person who without any effort could brighten his day, was gone. Endless nights of crying over 'what ifs' followed by days filled to the brim with the pain of 'Kami would've loved that'.

Much to his hero associations dismay, Sero slowly became a recluse. Refusing to leave the house he and Kaminari had shared, unwilling to pack away his things. Somewhere in the back of his mind he felt if he just left everything as it was, one day Kaminari would walk through the front door. He knew he wouldn't but maybe if he wished it hard enough.

The loss of Kaminari, and subsequently Sero isolating himself, hit the Bakusquad hard. Mina stopped hanging out with Kirishima and Bakugo a few weeks after the funeral, saying she needed some time away to get over it. She ended up transferring to a different country. Full of frustration and unresolved feelings of failure, Bakugo and Kirishima started fighting more and more, neither of them able to get past the guilt of not being able to save their friend. One day it reached its breaking point while they were out on patrol. A screaming match culminating in an explosion to a thankfully hardened face, ended the relationship.

Since the very public volatile breakup, Kirishima had become a shell of his former self. Sure he still plastered on a smile while he was saving people after all, he'd been trained to smile through the most difficult of circumstances but they were never genuine anymore. Where Sero had physically isolated himself, Kirishima put up emotional walls. The once talkative ray of sunshine faded, the sparkle in his eyes gone. The change to following orders robotically instead of his original enthusiasm for being a hero didn't go unnoticed by his mentor.

"Red..." Toyomitsu placed a large hand on Kirishima's shoulder. He missed his ray of sunshine, the bold energetic intern he'd met so many years ago. He'd tried to give Kirishima space to grieve but he only seemed to be getting worse.

"I got a call from Woods..." He gently pulled Kirishima into his side "My boy... your friend needs someone. He hasn't shown up for work in weeks and won't answer the door for anyone." he rubbed Kirishima's arm in an attempt to comfort the boy he has long regarded as a son.

"Okay." Kirishima pulled away from Toyomitsu and headed to the lockers to change into civilian clothes. He didn't let his mind wonder, nor did he give himself any time to contemplate what his mentor had asked of him. He just mindlessly followed orders.

It wasn't until Kirishima walked up to the house that his heart wrenched. Memories of Kaminari enthusiastically answering the door to usher him in, broke from the box he'd stuffed them in. A knot formed thick in his throat making his eyes well with tears. Was it wrong to hope against all odds that when he rang the doorbell that familiar mop of golden hair would greet him?

Blinking away his tears, Kirishima rang the doorbell and waited. No answer. He rang again and waited. No answer. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly trying to subdue the shaking in his fingers as he reached into the flower pot for the spare. He couldn't help the tears that ran down his face at the bright yellow key with a lightning bolt on it. He rubbed away the tears before he unlocked the door.

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