First differences

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Tokito went on a mission which lasted a whole week, he had to go to a certain district where he ended up with a demon that plagued that town. It was weeks of a lot of rain, apparently winter was approaching and although he did not pay attention to His health was maintained as if nothing with his wet uniform, bad idea. He barely managed to reach the farm where Shinobu and Aoi had to tend to him quickly.  Yes, Tokito had relapsed with a cold, where was his beloved demon?  Well, she also accompanied her brother and her friends on a different mission.-The Tokito pillar!  The Tokito pillar has returned with a cold! - informed the crow, resting on the redhead's shoulder. - What ?! - Tanjiro managed to say, they were focused on that battle against a very strong demon.  However Nezuko quickly positioned himself in fighting mode.-Nezuko-chan wait ...! - Zenitsu did not finish his words because Inosuke was thrown on top of him, because of that demon. -So you are the famous demon, characterized For not devouring a human- commented that demon crossed his arms, carefully observing Nezuko who quickly went towards him.-Nezuko no! - shouted his red-haired brother, however he was perplexed to notice how his sister dodged the opponent's demonic abilities to finally Slaughter him with a strong kick. "Are you finished?" questioned that demon behind Nezuko. The ability of that demon was to create exact copies of himself, Nezuko turned with a frown ready to fight again but he took her by the neck. Too bad you don't enjoy the way we do - he lamented, entangling his finger in her locks. - He doesn't need it! - Tanjiro shouted - Breathing water third position!  Dance of the currents! - he shouted again while concentrating his breath so that his katana would emerge that power.Nezuko with his claws cut the grip of that demon to take it by the neck and fix it to Tanjiro who quickly jumped, turned and slaughtered his enemy "That explained ... because we couldn't" sighed the redhead, approaching his sister who hugged him. "I already had it!" Inosuke complained, getting up from the blonde who also got up in pain. "I told you to wait but you don't pay attention! - shouted the blond haired man, blaming Inosuke who started to defend himself by screaming.  Let's go back! - he proposed starting to run followed by his sister.-Nezuko-chan wait for me! - Shouted the blonde haired man going after them.-Come back here coward! - Inosuke yelled also going after them. Who was lying on the bed, when he noticed his presence he got up. "Are you okay?" I asked with concern, she approached him and asked him to remove the bamboo muzzle. "You ... are you?" she whispered placing her pale hand on his cheek.  Tokito despite having a cold, blushed too much with such action. "I admit that I neglected ..." he replied with a somewhat hoarse voice, the demon sat next to him and then hugged him. "Next ... don't give up." ..Care- he managed to verbalize, Tokito cut that hug to place his hands on his face. , Nezuko- I greet the insect pillar with a tray of medicines. The one with black hair and purple tips, took a glass of water and spread a strange medicine to spread it to him.-What happened to him?  I grumble and take that glass to drink it. -It's fine when I wake up I check it, Tanjiro told me that the enemy took her by the neck- I explain now, extending a pill to him, Tokito quickly took that pill to cautiously check his pale neck more. There he went. , when Tokito hit rock bottom.  The first differences, she was a demon and he was a human.  He was now ill and his beloved would not be infected by being a demon.  She was strong and could resist more than a mere mortal. He was deep in thought but when he felt that pale hand of his on hers, he put those differences aside and focused on her. "I don't care ..." He murmured to himself, kissing her hand, Shinobu observed that and only outlined a smile.-Unlike this medicine, it is a cream, place it on his neck and you will see that he will no longer have bruises- I advise him leaving that on the table for later Leave him with his beloved. To hell with the differences, Tokito said in himself, leaning back to embrace his beloved demon again.

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