⌕ Hyung?

291 35 2

The phone starts ringing.
"Who the hell is that calling at this time!"


XXX Hospital


Jisoo wipes off her tears and picks up the phone.


"Hello...", a man replied who had a very deep sound.
"May I know who I am talking to".
"OH. Sorry ma'am. Hi I'm Kim Namjoon, the head doctor of the XXX hospital."

"OH...Ok. Tell me"

"So..I went through your files and everything and I feel you will be an amazing doctor here, so I have decided to taking you in. Dr. Kim Jisoo.",

"WOW! Thank you so much Dr", Jisoo replied with a wide smile on her face.

"You can start your work here from tomorrow 9:00."

"Sure...Thank you".

OMG! I got the job! Yayyyy. I never have to go to that stupid hospital anymore. Go to hell with all the doctors who had ignored me and treated me like crap.! Go the hell!! Jisoo suddenly calms down and starts getting nervous! Aghhh... What am I going to wear tomorrow? Will the doctors there treat me like crap too!? Will I be the worst doctor there? Will I get the worst patients there?! Ahhh!!!

She called Irene.

Irene: Hey love. Why are u calling at this time of the night?

Jisoo: Unnie.! I got the job at the new hospital!!

Irene: WOW! Good job! I am so happy for you!

Jisoo: Thanks, but I am so worried Unnie! What will I wear tomorrow!? Will the doctors there like me!? Or will they treat me like crap like the doctors from the other hospital!? (Rolls her eye).

Irene: First, you don't need to worry, I'm here. Second, U HAVE 2 HUGE CLOSETS WITH HUNDREDS OF YOUR DRESSES IN IT AND ALL ARE VEY PRETTY AND YOU DON'T KNOW WAT TO WEAR!! DUMBASS!! Third they won't hate you, if they do, they will die by my hands and Its 2 in the morning! Go to the sleep gal!

Jisoo: K. Gn.

Jisoo gets up quick gets ready and puts on a cute pair of top and skirt and gets ready to go to her new work place. She stood in front off the hospital and stared at it nervously breaking her knuckles. OK! Calm down Jisoo. All is going to be fine. Anything bad happens just tell to Irene. Ahhh!! OK let's go in Jisoo.

Jisoo enters the hospital and a gush of cold air brushes to her checks she was greeted by the same alcohol smell and the same rush she was used to in her previous hospital. She heads to the head doctor's office and knocks on the door.

"Come in". Jisoo heard an authoritive voice from behind the door 'You can do this Kim Jisoo, u did it once, you can do it again' she mentally convinced herself and entered the room.

"Hey, Dr. Jisoo! Nice to meet you. Pls sit", Namjoon replied.

Jisoo sits down nervously with a smile on her face.

"So... U can start your work today, but I called one of my favorite doctor here just to show you around, before you can start. I will also give you your timetable and the patient you will treat."

"Ohk. Sure"

Someone knocks the door of the office and the doctor had asked him to come in. As he sees Jisoo she beamed in shock.

"Jisoo, meet-", he was cut off by the tall man.







𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝ᵒⁿ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now