⌕ Bye Bitch

142 15 9

*Long chapter alert! Sorry*

It was the first day of 2022, and I have decided to try to make this year the best year. I woke up with a bright smile, unusually cleaned my messy room, got freshened up, and went to my best friend's room, Jimin to give him my warm wishes.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR BUDDY!", I screamed from the door and wrapped my arms around Jimin choking the shit out of him. "Someone seems to be in a good mood! What's up?", Jimin asked confused at my weird behavior. "Just, promised me this year will be a peaceful year, no violence unless necessary and yesterday...", I slightly blushed. "Was perfect", he finished his sentence. "You look like you guys have fun!", I smiled happily.

"Yes, it was perfect. Beautiful scenery and among it was us, lights around which made the place beautiful, there was a beautiful necklace in my hand for the beautiful lady. The mutual feelings we had.", Jimin went into wild thoughts. "Where is the beautiful lady?", Jimin asked as we had not seen her since morning. "I don't know, but I really want to meet her."

"Jisoo!", Jinyoung screamed from outside her room banging on her door. There was no response. "Jisoo!", he banged louder. "She will be sleeping like a sloth!", he had an extra key to her room just for emergency. He ran to his room grabbed the key and ran back to her room. It was an emergency as she was late for her work. I pushed the key into the keyhole and turned it. I opened the door to witness an empty room. He entered with a confused look. "She did not come here?", Jinyoung questions himself and comes out locking the door behind him. Jinyoung went around the hospital in search of her.

Jinyoung enters random rooms to check if she was there. He peeped into some room through their windows but did not find her in any room. "Where the hell are you jisoo!?", he cursed himself.

He went up to Jungkook's room and finds Jungkook eagerly waiting for someone, looking at the door. "It's you. Ugh", Jungkook heard someone coming towards his door and witnessed Jinyoung. "Did you see Jisoo anywhere??", he questions. "No. Where is she?", Jungkook got worried. "I don't know." And Jinyoung stormed out of the room.

Where is she? Did something happen?

Jinyoung also went up to Jimin's room, but no hope. He was freaking out, he searched the entire huge ass building but there was no trail of her. He was worried about her, then he remembered Irene and he ran her up.

"Hello?", Irene calls out from the other end of the line. "Irene...Have you seen Jisoo anywhere!?", Jinyoung asked bothered. "Not even a hi!", Irene cursed under her breath and Jinyoung heard it but chooses to ignore it as that was not important at this very moment. "No, I haven't seen her today. Why? Where is she?", Jinyoung was worried sick. "She is not here as well, she was not here at night.", Irene was anxious. "OK, will talk to you later. Bye.", Jinyoung cut the call without waiting for any response. "That arrogant bitch", Irene was pissed. 

"Jinyoung!",  I witnessed him passing through my room and I rushed and caught him at the right time. "Where is jisoo!?", I asked in a deep serious voice. "Jungkook, calm down. I hope she will be here close by", I could see the fear in jinyoung's voice.  "Hope? What do you mean by hope!", i was pissed.  "You called irene and asked?", jinyoung nodded. "And??", jinyoung looked down disappointed, "She also hasn't seen her". 

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝ᵒⁿ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now