Time for the next step

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"Ouch! Crap shit fuck bitch!", jungkook screams suddenly.

"Oh, god. What is it now?", jimin said with a sigh. By his expression, it can be seen that he heard this many times already then. 

"Ouch. Ouch. Ouch", Jungkook ran around the room, with one leg on top. 

Yes. He hurt himself.  Again. This was the 3rd time he ran around screaming. Jungkook was packing his things, getting ready to leave. The day had finally come. Everyone especially jungkook prayed for this moment to never come, at least for a while. 

But it doesn't look like God had answered his prayers.

"I-I was cleaning below the dusty table. And- and something poked my leg! It pains.", jungkook said to jimin with a pouting face. He couldn't be any cuter. 

"Aww. Such a kid!", jimin said as he pinched his cheeks.

Suddenly jungkook snapped out of his weird innocent-looking phase and went back to himself.

They went back to cleaning the room. They had been at this work for a while now, as jungkook did not put any effort into cleaning his room while he was in the place.

They cleaned until their backs were gone for a toss and couldn't move anymore.
Someone had to get these old hags a walking stick to move further. 

They both fell on the bed with their heads next to each other. "Kill me already!! I cant clean YOUR room anymore!", jimin wines like a baby. That's when suddenly the door opened. 

"Did the devil come?", he asked eagerly turning his head towards the door.
"Unfortunately, the devil was unavailable. So you get an angel.", jisoo chimes as she walks in. 

"OK, You guys look dead like shit", she exclaimed as she sees the two logs.
"Look dead? I wish I were dead at this moment.", jimin says. "Me too!", jungkook adds on. 

A second ago there were things in this room. Now it's boxed with the things inside them. So, this was really the time for jungkook to leave, right? It wasn't joyful for either jimin or jisoo. 

"So any second thoughts leaving?", jimin asks as jungkook smiles.

"Don't worry my love. It will be a great change.", jisoo says as she hugs jungkook. 

"But I don't think its time.", he said thinking deeply.

"You will get to see the world. Go anywhere you like, but don't do anything you shouldn't.", jisoo chuckles. 

"I am really gonna miss only the both of you! This room is going to be empty now.  Don't you put any random person in this room and spoil my essence in the room. Who is going to make a drama in the hospital? Who will be your emergency vent? Will it be the new person who will stay here? I am hoping it won't be", jungkook said as he looked with serious eyes at both next to him.

Jisoo walked in front pulling jimin with her. They both placed their arms around him, and they felt good. They felt like they will never break apart even in certain circumstances. It was a few seconds until they hugged in silence until, "Ok! This is too much hugging", jungkook broke the peaceful air.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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