⌕ The Caged Door

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Jisoo, meet-", he was cut off by the tall man.




Flashback to 12 yrs ago.

Park Jin-Young: Jisoo Hyung...u know what! I am going to become a psychiatrist when I am big. It's my dream job to help people and you know that I love helping people.

Jisoo: Yea... I know you love helping and I am sure you will be a very successful doctor in the future. I will be there next to you and we can be doctor twins.

Park Jin-Young: YESSS! That would be amazing.

They both hugged each other.



"You both know each other?!", asked Namjoon.

"Yes, we studied in the same school", Jisoo replied still with a shocked face.

"Yea...", Jin-Young replied.

"OHH...good. Then I will leave you two alone for some time to catch up. You guys can leave and Jin-young show her around here and her patient in room 107 pls. Thank you and I hope you have a good time here with us.", Namjoon told as he bid goodbye.

Jisoo and Jin-young left the room.

"OMG! I never knew you worked here dumbhead! Hahaha...Now I don't need to go through a lot of work to get friends here. Hehe Hehe", Jisoo exclaimed in happiness.

"As if I ever knew that you joined here. Dr. Namjoon told that a new woman is joining our hospital who is drop-dead gorgeous. He wanted me to show her around the place. I thought I will show her around and maybe even try hitting on her. But when I saw you all my wonderful dreams shattered into pieces."

"Ahh. GOD!! You haven't changed a bit since I last met you.", she replied done with him already.

"HAHAHA. Ohk. Come on I will show u around the place and your first patient."

They walked around the hospital. It was a white building with white ceilings and many rooms. They were many doctors and rooms with patients in them. It was one of the best mental hospitals in Seoul. All the doctors were very kind to Jisoo, they smiled at her. She felt this kind of feeling after a long time. The building was very big, so each doctor had one huge room with a bed and bathroom in it. it was pretty luxurious Jin-young showed my patient's room and they stood in front of it.

"Go on... It's your turn now...All the best!", Jin-young told her.

"Oh...Ok. Thanks!",

They entered the room. She saw a young adult lying on the bed with his back facing them. He was holding a book, in which he was drawing and coloring. He is a pretty good artist for a person who has a problem. A lot of toys were fallen on the ground and he was also mumbling something to himself.

"Hello", she told. "HI...Nice to meet you. So, you are my new doctor??", he replied. "Yes, I am your new doctor. I am Kim Jisoo, nice to meet you too" "I am Jimin, Park Jimin", he replied with a huge smile on his face. "So tell me about yourself. How old are you?". "I don't have much to tell about myself, I am 25 yrs old. I love drawing and singing. I even love all the doctors that take care of me. I am very fragile. So take good care of me OK!". "Absolutely... I will take care of you like a baby. I love drawing too..." "Wow. Now we have something common between us! Yayyyyyyy!!" he gets up from his bed and starts jumping and screaming out of joy and running in his room. Seeing this Jisoo feels very joyful. She is very happy that she got a patient like him!

"OKOk. Enough running around doctor has taken your medicines to take it and go to sleep for some time ok", Jinyoung told him.

"OK... But in one condition, Jisoo Noona should come to play with me after some time?"

"Sure. I will come to play with you. Now take your tablets and sleep. Noona will come in some time.", Jisoo replied with a big smile on her face.

Jisoo was very happy that she couldn't express her feeling. After jimin slept, Jisoo and Jin-young went out of the room. They just walked in the corridor when Jisoo came up with a question.

"Jin-Young, what happened to Jimin? Why is he here? Being his doctor, I need to know about him."
"OH... Yea sure. Soo, when he was a kid, almost like 14-15 yrs he met in an accident with his parents. His parents passed away but he luckily was alive. He was barely breathing. He was fully covered with blood lying next to his mother. For his parents, not even a little sign of breathing was there. Then he was talking to the hospital. After a while he felt better, he had asked where his parents were. We couldn't keep it away from him anymore. Since he got to know that his parents passed, he always sat in a room locked and used to cry. His father loved drawing, he started drawing like his father. He drew pics of him standing beside his parents. He wouldn't eat nor drink anything. Then after a few days he had a attack. A serious one. It affected his brain. But he was well after some time. But he doesn't remember anything from his past. He doesn't remember his parents or who is he or anything about himself and his past. All his memories had just disappeared. Since then, he started behaving like a five yr. old. From then, he was brought here with us. He has made a lot of progress staying here."

"OH MY GOD! He has such a dark and sad background which he itself doesn't know about! But good he is living a good and a happy life. I am going to do my best in taking care of him. I will never let anyone hurt him."

They both were quiet for sometime until Jisoo came across something.

Jisoo sees a fully caged door at one corner of the corridor. It was basically an isolated room. She was very curious and asks Jin-Young about it.

"Jin-Young, what is in that room and why is it caged?", she asked very curiously

"That is something that you shouldn't bother thinking about in your life


𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝ᵒⁿ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now