⌕ Mochi

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"Am I going to finally meet my mochi!?", jungkook swayed in dismay. Jisoo stood there giggling silently. "Mochi!?", she says while she continues to giggle. "Stop laughing...What's wrong with that word!", he replies in melancholy. Jisoo tries her level best to control. "Nothing. But from where did u get that word?"  "I gave it to him during school days" "But why mochi?", she asks confused. "He was adorable, cute, and funny just like a mochi. His check was so squishy like a mochi. He always brightens my mood.", he says cheerfully remembering his soft and cute face.  "Are you in love with him!?", jisoo says sarcastically. "WHAT! NO! SERIOUSLY", he replies with both his eyes wide open. "Okay. I was just kidding. Let's go?". Jungkook nods. 

Jungkook was really happy to meet his best friend after many years, but something really bothered him. He just thought what would happen if jimin did not remember him anymore. It would be awkward if he goes into the room knowing his friend, but he doesn't. He was still not sure about this decision, but he really wanted to meet jimin. 

The patients are not supposed to meet other patients or move around the hospital. It was prohibited for the doctors to take the patients to other rooms too. Jisoo needed to do this but if she got caught she wouldn't land well.

Jisoo and Jungkook stepped out of his room. Sneaking around Jimin's room was the part that felt like a gift to Jungkook. Jungkook's and Jimin's rooms were pretty far from each other. Positively many doctors don't pass through the way they are passing so they are a small chance of them not getting caught. 

They both crouched down and walked so that nobody saw them. They walked for a minute or so, crept through the corners and they almost reached the entrance to Jimin's room. There comes a doctor holding a pad and going to Jimin's room. Jisoo who stood in front was confused and startled. She jumped nervously in front of the door making the person stop in their track. The doctor stood there dumbfounded by her weird sudden action. "Chae-Won, why are you here?", Jisoo asks nervously biting her lips. "Jin-Young told me to come here and give his medicines because you did not come", she cursed under her breath not knowing what to do. Suddenly an idea came up. She looked towards Jungkook who was standing by the wall in the corner and eyed him. "What! Oh my god. What do I do with Jin-Young! I am so worried", Jisoo said mockingly while she jumped to Chae-won and wrapped her hand over her shoulder, and walked forward slowly. 'What is wrong with Jisoo'. "Umm. Ok What happened?", Chae-won said in oblivion. "I don't know if I have to tell you this but there is a problem in Jin-Young in here", she said while pointing to her head. "Is he mentally ill!? But he is a doctor, right?", she said sensitively.

'OK! He will kill me if he gets to know.'

Jisoo looked back at Jungkook, gave him a signal, and turned. "You know, when he was a kid, his dream was to become a doctor, but that's when he met in an accident and something happened to his brain. He talks to himself and when anyone asks him to whom he was talking to he said that he was talking to his future self who became a doctor. From then he always imagines different things and said different things. Don't tell him that I told you OK or else he might hurt himself if he knew that it was all false.", Jisoo said crying dramatically while walking forward. "OH. Jisoo don't cry, it's fine. It will be all right I hope", she said with sympathy. Jisoo stopped. Jungkook and slowly entered Jimin's room while Jisoo and Chae-won were talking. "Ok. I need to go to Jimin now and later give Oppa his medicines", she said while referring to Jin-Young. "Okok. Then I will get going". Jisoo nodded and turned back. She wiped her fake tears and smirked lightly. "Ok. That was easy.", she said in success and walked over to Jimin's room.

Both Jungkook and Jisoo entered Jimin's room successfully. In front of them is a wide-eyed Jimin. "Noona, what are you here with him and again you are late", he said while looking at Jungkook. There was an awkward tension in the room. Jungkook couldn't speak a word. He was just really happy and astonished to meet his best friend after a huge time span. H felt really sad and angry, he never showed his soft spot to anyone except Jimin and he had to control himself in front of Jisoo. He couldn't control his emotions, slowly tears drops rolled down his eye. He just wanted to hug his best friend. He ran up to him and locked his hands around Jimin's shoulder without hesitantly and wept on his shoulder. Jungkook felt complete now. The hug they shared felt nice and warm, it felt like a soft bear hug.

Jimin's POV:

'Who is he. He looks so familiar'. The man came and hug me tight. It felt nice. It was like that man was the missing piece in my life. Once we shared a hug, I felt complete. I really want to know who is this person. The curiosity couldn't hold me back. As we broke the hug, the man stood in front weeping with his head down. "Do I know you? You look really familiar.", I ask. "Uhmm. I don't think you would remember me. I am related to you", Jungkook nervously said. He couldn't lose this chance too for trying to bring back his memories. He decided to give it a try. "Related to me? Can you please be a bit more specific?", Jimin did not leave this chance to know about anything he doesn't remember, and this feels like an important part of his life. So, in any circumstances, he needed to know.

"I was your best friend. I saved you from the people who bullied you back in school. We used to play video games in each other's houses. We never went back to our home. We stayed up all night playing. We used to do everything together. Ours Eomma's were very close.", Jungkook told when he got interrupted. "My best friend?", Jimin asks in confusion. "Yea. I used to call you 'mochi'. We were inseparable. Don't you remember!". I was so lost with everything the man had just told me. I tried my level best to get back the memories I had forgotten. Nothing but small glimpses were lingering around my head. Jungkook lost all his patients and started getting annoyed.

"How can you not remember your best friend. I stood by and with you for many years and in the end, you just don't remember me, NOT EVEN MY NAME! I think this is how I am repaid for all the trouble I took in bringing back your memories about me", Jungkook had lost it and spat all the words right in front of Jimin. Jisoo stood wide-eyed by the sudden change in Jungkook's behavior. She went up to him and patted his back slowly and rubbing his arm trying to calm him down since he is also a patient. "Jungkook, it's fine. I don't think he remembers. Please do not shout. Control Jungkook. Let's go. We will try later. You and Jimin need to take rest now ok", Jisoo said softly trying her level best to calm down Jungkook.

Jungkook nods along with her words. "I will get going now. Take care of yourself", Jungkook says while turning his back towards Jimin. "I will be right back Jimin", Jisoo says. Both of them turned their back towards Jimin and starts walking to the door.

3 steps to the door
'Don't leave me again'

2 steps to the door
'Don't you take another step'

1 step to the door
'I need you'

Holds the handle of the door
'I can't do this'

"Wait" Both looks back from where the sound had come from

"So, you are Jungkook right?"


Hey Guyss
Finally, Jimin recognizes Jungkook!
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