⌕ Muscles

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Jisoo and Jin-Young stood in front of each other staring into each other's eyes. *shook*. "His what!?", Jisoo exclaimed in disbelief. "His doctor". Seeing Jisoo shook Jinyoung repeats his sentence loud and clear. "doctor, D-O-C-T-O-R". "Aishh! I know what you meant, are sure about it? Like his doctor-doctor? like D-O-C-T-R"  "You missed an 'O' chu". Jisoo gives him a death glare. Jinyoung giggles and say "OK. yea his doctor. Jimin is not much work and you are free. So why not, and you are perfect for this job. Nobody has been able to handle him this well."  "Ohh...That's nice I guess. I think I will take up this job. Thanks. Jinyoung places a nice wide smile on his face and all of a sudden it just vanishes.
"But! There are some ground rules that you need to follow." "Ground rules?" 
"Yeah... First, you are going to tell me about anything jungkook tells you. You are going to come to me if he ever tries to hurt you again. Understood!?"
"BRO.OK. OK stop with the overprotection. I will tell you if anything happens."
"Good", he said in satisfaction.

Jisoo goes to Jungkook's room:

"Why the hell are you back here. You wanna die again!", angry jungkook said while he rolled his eye looking at Jisoo who just walked into his room. "I am not here to make a fight ok. I am just here to tell you something. I don't know whether you will take it in a good way.". Jisoo sees him unbothered by her words. She sighed and just continued with her topic. "I am going to be your doctor from today." 

' OH Crap now she is going to be my doctor. Out of all the doctors in the world, you give me her! Why her! There is nothing good about her, but well I like her guts.'

As Jisoo saw Jungkook shook and speechless, she tried to get his mind towards what she said. "Do you think I give a damn about it? I have had many doctors treating me, so nothing new.", jungkook says with a cold arrogant voice. *Jisoo rolls her eye*.  "I will come back later to check on you".  *walks out of the room*

         'Aishhh! What's his problem. That idiot! I have to check up on Jimin also.  Let's go there and will come back to that idiot later.' 


Enters Jimin's room:

"Hey Jimin, how are you?", I ask him and go to the near table to put on my gloves. I don't hear a voice from him. Strange, he jumps in joy when I come to check up on him. I turn around and witness a glum-faced Jimin sitting with his hands crossed while he gives me a dead serious face. "What happened to you Jimin?" asked worriedly. 
"Why are you late, you promised me that you will play with me and you are 15mins late!!!", Jimin growled in anger with his furious-looking eyes at Jisoo.
I was quite speechless at this unusually angry behavior. The two stood looking at each other speechless until Jisoo broke the silence in her low sweet innocent voice "I am so sorry Jimin, I can explain everything. I got a new patient to take care of today and he is very annoying and-" 
"You got a new patient!?", Jimin replied with a low yet loud voice.
"So, now you care about him more than me in a day's time!" he replies as he gets even angrier.
"NO! NO! I care about you even more, Always."
Jimin just sighed and sat with a sad glum face not even making eye contact with jisoo.

Seeing Jimin sad yet angry sitting on the bed she felt guilty. The look on his face made her give him a tight hug and ease his anger towards me. I went up to him and put my two warm soft arms around his shoulder and apologies again. At first, Jimin did not react, but after a few seconds, he could not resist her hug. He gathered all his anger and hugged her back. They broke their hug and jisoo asks Jimin, "I think there I have some spare time to play with you". Jimin nods in happiness and seeing a wide smile on Jimin's face she feels very happy. 
The two people laugh and play in the room.


Jisoo stands in front of Jungkook's room not wanting to enter.

"Ahhh... I go from heaven to hell. Why does God hate me!", she sighs and opens the door. The room was filled with the strong alcohol smell she gets every time she enters his room. Especially his room. She goes to the table to get her gloves while she whins from inside. She puts away all her grudge against him and starts to converse with him. 
"Hello, How are you?"  "You again!", Jungkook replies done with her already. "I just came to do my job."  "Do whatever you need to do and just go", he told in irritation. 

I go back to the table and grab the equipment to check him. I took out the stethoscope while and look and him. Usually, the patients themselves pull up their sleeves so that the doctor could put it. As I just wait for a few seconds for him to pull his sleeve nothing happens. As I look up, I see him lying on the bed like a cut-off log unbothered while he hums a song. I curse him under my breath and pulls his sleeve on top. It revealed a strengthened and bulky hand muscles. My jaw dropped as I witnessed this. Luckily he did not see me or else that would be enough for him to flex himself and his muscles. As I removed the strap to wrap it around his arm, but one side of the strap did not reach the other. The strap was too small for his muscle body. 'The hell! Aghhh. It won't wrap around his arm. What do I do!? I pulled the strap till its utmost still did not reach. Even though his muscles are damnn, it's such hard work for me! HE AND HIS FRICKING MUSCLES!!'

I put all my effort and at last with all my sweat and tears I put one end of the strap to the other at its corner. As I finished with the stethoscope I remember that I had to treat his sprain on his shoulder, he had got a sprain while he tried to jump at me before. As I turned he knew that next, I had to change the bandage on his shoulder. As I turned back to him my eyes widened at the sight. "Fuck! My Virgin eyes!", I exclaimed in my mind as I saw his fully built 6 pack abs! His naked, flat muscular body blinded me. My jaw dropped down. Unfortunately, Jungkook saw me in my state now, he smirked "Your luck. You like what you see!", he said while he looked down at his naked upper body and his abs. I came back to my senses while my cheeks slightly turned pink. I just ignored his words and just went to do my job. I took out the septic bandage and put on a new one. I placed it and had to rub that part of the shoulder so his pain reduces. I held his shoulder tight but not so tight so that it doesn't pain, not that I care about him I just like to do my job perfectly. I lift his shoulder slowly and massaged his shoulder with care at a slow pace. He seemed to enjoy it and I witnessed something that I thought I would never see in a long time.
A Smile. Seeing this my heart blossomed and I thought,

'That smile suits him'.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝ᵒⁿ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now