II Chapter 18

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I was standing in a field, fog hindering my vision to the horizon in either direction. There was deep snow at my feet, but even as I watched it thawed away, leaving not even moisture behind. I was gripping a sword tightly in my hand, so hard that my fingers were already stiff. As I began to walk forward the grass started to sprout from the ground, lushes and green. 

There was something in front of me, but it was still obscured by the thick mist. I walked on, the grass growing increasingly thick beneath my boots and I was beginning to fear that it would overgrow and swallow whatever it was I was seeking. 

But then I was standing before it and looked down at what lay at my feet. It was two wolves.

No, not wolves - direwolves. 

But there was something wrong with them, other than that they were dead. The first was a great grey beast, with a coat that looked so aged and brittle that I felt it would crumble to dust should I even try to touch it. Yet there was a deep gouge in its chest and a shot piece of black stone sticking out from it. 

revolted by the sight I looked to the second wolf. A young wolf with a light brown coat, that almost looked orange against the green of the grass. But his fur was patchy and not at all like the winter coat I would expect it to have. As I leaned closer I saw that he was not covered in hair but in feathers. Large feathers that I knew if they had been black would have belonged to a raven. There was a mortal wound in this wolf's chest as well, leading red blood onto the ground.
My eyes filled with tears but before I could understand why the wolves simultaneously jerked up their heads to look at me. Both their eyes were white and I stumbled back, falling down into the soft grass and horror filling my chest. They stared deep into me. and their ruined mouths moved.
"Thank you" they whispered, blood spluttering form the wounds in their chests and my gaze fell onto the sword at my side, who's blade was sticking up into the air and its tip was dripping red with the wolves fresh blood.

When I woke the sun was already gleaming through the high windows of my chambers. As I rose I noticed that Elyn and the Hightowers servant girls were gussying about the room, laying out a new gown and small clothes. 

"Good morning my Lady" Elyn greeted when she noticed me climbing out of bed. 

I brushed my hair from my face. the braid had come loose in the night, leaving me with a tangled mess. The servant girls were quick to guide me over to the fresh clothes, presenting me with a bowl of fresh water and clean towels. 

I yawned healthily before splashing the cool water on my face and rubbing the sleep out of my features. 

"Lady Rhonda Hightower has invited you for breakfast" the handmaiden told me as I slipped out of my undergarment and donned the fresh small clothes the tanned girl handed me. 

"What of Lady Tyrell?" I demanded as the redhead fastened the strings at the back of the gown. 

"She is with the council" Elyn stated simply. 

Seven hells, I had wanted to be at that council. "I would like to join her"

"I am afraid Lady Rhonda is already awaiting your presence in the garden" she stated sharply, no doubt having been instructed by her Lady not to let me disturb them. 

I clenched my jaw, staring in the new dress they had for me in slight anger. It was mostly grey again, with with slight green and yellow accents and patterns on the skirt and sleeves. The neckline was very low, giving me an uncomfortable amount of cleavage to show. I let them tame my hair in silence, sulking on the fact that I had overslept my chance to attend the war meeting.
When they had tied my hair in a knot I retrieved my golden neckless from the drawer I had stowed it in and placed it around my neck, letting it hang above my clothes this time. As Elyn lead me out of my chambers, I noticed that the Tyrell guard was still stationed there. We passed the halls silently, heading up the many stairs and I felt my muscles still burning from moving u and down them yesterday. 

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