Chapter 1

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I held on the the railing as I looked out into the ocean. It was really happening. I had been accepted into Total Drama Island. I had mainly applied to get away from home, but also hopefully earn some money for my family. My father left me, my mom, and my brother when I was very young. My mother said he had a dream of opening a restaurant. He was so focused on that he forgot about us. He didn't care anymore. And one day... he just left without a trace. I have no idea who he is or where he is. All that I know is I doubt I'd ever find him. The whole situation was devastating to my mother and resulted in us being quite poor. My brother and I had to work our asses off to stay on our feet. But this show could change our entire lives, we could have enough money to pay debt, bills, all that stuff. But I needed to get my past out of my head. Other than to get away from home and maybe earn some money, I really wanted to make some new friends here. And if I wanted to make friends I needed to focus on the task at hand. I shook the thoughts out of my head and directed my sight towards the approaching dock. There was.... a crappy, beat-up summer camp? Of course, the producers had tricked us! It wasn't a five star hotel. I scowled as I got off the yacht and onto the dock. "And our final camper is Y/n, our girl who is neither good nor bad. Will she take a side during this season?" Chris, the host of the show, said. "Suck it McLean." I growled, angry at the situation. "Ooooo, we have a sassy one!" Chris said. I shook my head and stood next to this surfer girl. "Hi! My name's Bridgette!" She said. I smiled lightly. A chance to make a friend had already appeared. "Hey! I'm Y/n" I said. She smiled back at me before Chris started to talk again. "First things first, we need a group photo for the promos. Everyone on the end of the dock." Chris said. We all slowly walked to the dock, getting situated in the positions Chris wanted us in. I was positioned on the shoulders of this punk guy, who I had been told went to juvie. I was pretty nervous since he was on another guy's back. "Don't be scared princess. I gotcha. It's Duncan, by the way" He said. "Y/n" I said plainly, rolling my eyes. Chris jumped into the yacht and positioned his camera. "Ok! 1, 2, 3. Oops! Ok, forgot the lense cap." Chris said before he clicked a button. I growled at his silly mistake. "Ok, hold that pose. 1, 2- Oh, no wait card's full. Hang on" Chris said. "Come on man my face is starting to freeze!" A girl with a high ponytail and big hoop earring said. "Got it! Ok, everyone say Wawanakwa!" Chris said. "Wawanakwa!" We all said together. And of course, just as we said that, the dock collapsed under our weight. I immediately swallowed a ton of water. I struggled to reach the surface since there were so many people. But then I felt someone grab my arm and tug me out of the water. I immediately started to cough up water. Once I finally stopped, I looked up to see a familiar face. Duncan. "You ok doll?" He asked. "Fine, Juvie" I said with an annoyed sigh. I quickly got up and turned back towards Chris. "Ok guys, dry off and meet at the campfire  pit in ten!" Chris said. I grabbed my suitcase and started to walk towards the cabins. I set my suitcase on the porch of one of the cabins and sat by the campfire. I didn't have anything better to do. I looked up and smiled as Bridgette sat next to me. "You and Duncan seem to already have a connection." She said with a giggle. "We just met! How can we already like each other like that?" I said. "Love at first sight isn't impossible" Bridgette said with a giggle. I rolled my eyes and Bridgette and I continued to talk about random things until Chris arrived. "This is Camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition, and maybe even your friends, ya dig?" Chris said. I chuckled as a boy with glasses and red hair, who I believe was named Harold, attempted to smile at Duncan but only got a look of anger and a fist towards the face in return. "The camper who manages to stay in Total Drama Island the longest without getting voting off will win one hundred thousand dollars!" Chris said. "Excuse me, what will the sleeping arrangements be because I'd like to request a bunk under her." Duncan said, pointing to me. I gave him an annoyed stare which just caused him to smirk. "They're not co-ed, are they?" I asked. "No, girls get one side of each cabin, dudes get the other." Chris said. "Excuse me, Kyle, can I have a cabin with the lake view since I'm the prettiest?" A girl with long blonde hair asked. I didn't even know her name, not like I cared to know. "Ok, you are but that's not really how it works here. And it's Chris" Chris said, clearly offended. "I have to live with Sadie or I'll die" Katie said as she grabbed Sadie's hand. I had learned her name because of how much her and her friend, Sadie, babbled with each other. "And I'll break out in hives. It's true." Sadie said. I rolled my eyes in sarcasm. "This cannot be happening." Gwen said. I really wanted to get to know her. She seemed like the kind of person that would get me. "Aw, come on guys! It'll be fun! It's like a big sleepover!" A guy with blonde hair and a tank top said as he wrapped Gwen and some jock dude in a hug. "At least you don't have to sleep next to him." The jock with dark brown hair said. I looked over to see Duncan giving a deer a very hard time. He had it wrapped up in a head lock. I frowned and walked over. "Duncan let the poor thing go" I said. I smiled as Duncan hesitantly let the deer go. I then quickly walked back to my seat with Bridgette. "Here's the deal, we're gonna split you into two teams. If I call your name out, go stand over there." Chris said as he pointed to an area around the campfire. "Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, LeShawna, Justin, and Noah. From this moment on you are officially known as the Screaming Gohpers!" Chris said, throwing a green banner with the team's mascot to the group. "Yeah! I'm a gopher! Wooo!" Owen said as he held the flag up. "Wait, what about Sadie!" Katie said, but Chris completely ignored her. "The rest of you over here. Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, Harold, anddd Y/n. Move Move Move Move!" Chris said. I smiled at the thought of Bridgette and I being on the same team. At least I had one friend. But I could tell she liked Geoff a lot. That wasn't a question. "But Katie's a gopher! I have to a gopher!" Sadie yelled. "Sadie is it? Come on, it'll be ok." Courtney said as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "This is so unfair! I miss you, Katie!" Sadie yelled. "I miss you too!" Katie yelled back. A bit overdramatic? "You guys will officially be known as the Killer Bass!" Chris said as he thre us our banner. "It's awesome! It's like, amazing!" Harold said with a smile. "Alright campers, you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition." Chris said. Well great, this was gonna be fun. So fun

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