Chapter 12

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I laid on Duncan's chest while he listened to music. Everyone else was asleep. Until an airplane flew over us and woke everyone up. We all got dressed and walked out of the cabin to see Chris flying an airplane. Chris somehow landed without destroying the whole camp. "Just flexing your muscles for today's x-treme sports challenge! This week you'll participate in 3 challenges. First up, x-treme soda bed skydiving! Contestants will plummet- uh- skydive to a waiting sofa bed target below" Chris said. When Chef demonstrated from a low height, the bed closed and trapped Chef. This wasn't safe at all. But then again, what was safe in this place. "Of course, you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet and using these" Chris said, throwing out two old parachute bags. "Our lucky contestants are Trent and Y/n. The second challenge of the day is x-treme rodeo moose riding! Contestants will rodeo ride the great Canadian bucking moose for 8 seconds or get hoofed into a giant pile of socks from the lost and found." Chris said. I was standing by the pile of socks. It smelled rank. "That stink pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home" LeShawna said. "It's your lucky day, LeShawna. You're riding for Gophers and Geoff you'll ride for the Bass. And the final challenge—x-treme seadoo water skiing! Contestsnats will water skin a race course grabbing as many flags they can before crossing the finish line while a member from the opposing team drives the seadoo" Chris said. "How can we water ski without water?" Heather asked. "It's really hard. Check it out" Chris said, turning to Chef screaming as he tried to water ski on land. "Awesome! Harold, you'll ski for the Killer Bass... and Lindsay for the Screaming Gophers. Now for the cool swag, whoever scores the most challenge gets bragging rights for the night, saves their butts from elimination, and wins a tricked out multi massage mobile shower" Chris said. I wanted that so badly. My muscles were so fucking sore and my hair was super tangled. The showers we usually had barely produced enough water for me to wash my body, let alone my hair. "Ok gang, time for breakie, then report back in 20 minutes for the x-treme sports challenge!" Chris said, flying off in his plane. It left us all coughing from the dust. We all walked to the mess hall and ate before leaving. Gwen and Bridgette were talking about some love letter but I didn't really care. It wouldn't be to me, Duncan would say whatever he wanted to say to my face. That was one good thing about him. "Now remember, ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds wherever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing. The Gophers were talking about something stupid but I didn't pay attention. "You better catch me if they don't" I whispered to Duncan. "Oh trust me, someone will catch you" Duncan said. I smiled as I looked down at the island. It was beautiful. "If you could just fill these out?" Chris said. "What's it for?" I asked. "Yeah, but these are for organ donation! I have this cool cannibal challenge I want to pitch to the producers and this will go a long way toward budgeting free props! Here comes the drop guys!" Chris said. "I don't see the drop zone" Trent said. I didn't question it. "Uh, I don't think I can do this" Trent said. "You'll be fine." I said, jumping off. I screamed in delight as the air rushed into my face. I started to panic when my parachute didn't work. But luckily if deployed after a few seconds. "I'm coming!" I screamed. I smiled as I softly landed on the couch. "Thank you for not killing me" I said, taking off my helmet. Luckily I jumped off the couch before it folded in. "Well that was lucky" I said, taking my parachute off and heading to our next challenge. "Gophers loose! Bass wins! 1-0" Chris said as he flew by. I winced as I saw Trent being wheeled in. He was in a full body cast. "Jesus, I'm glad you landed safely" Duncan said. "Me too. I want that shower." I said. "Ok cowpokes, let's start the Rodeo Moose Challenge!" Chris said. I was standing back since the moose was gonna be released. I felt someone cover my eyes. "Who's naked this time" I asked. "Geoff pulled his pants down to show Bridgette his tattoo" Duncan said. I heard Geoff screaming. "And Geoff's— out?" Chris said. Duncan pulled his hands away from my eyes. I saw Geoff in the pile of dirty socks, some of them shoved into his mouth. "Ooh, that stinks big time for Bass. No seriously, that is some rank stuff. LeShawna, let get!" Chris said. LeShawna didn't even look nervous. She was saying something while she was on the moose but I couldn't hear her. Then the moose just ran out of the pin, running over Chef. I winced. LeShawna never fell off. "So, we have a tie. Whoever wins the X-treme seadoo water ski challenge wins invincibility." Chris said. "I'm ready!" Lindsay said. She looked really pretty. All the boys were staring at her, except Duncan. "Don't worry, dumb girls aren't my type" Duncan whispered in my ear. I felt my cheeks get red. "We are so dead... unless. I get to drive the wave jumper!" Heather said. "Just win the dang shower so I can get my hair did." LeShawna said.

This is it. We're tied for the win. Bad-to-the-bone Duncan is driving Lindsay. I'm skiing for the Bass. Winning is inevitable. Goodbye wedgies, we willows, and toilet-face plunges. Hello, dirty Harold. Harold said.

I cringed as I saw Harold in a red Speedo. "You are so out of your league, alpha geek." Heather said. "Here's the road rules. Oh wait—there are no rules. Which means this is gonna be awesome! And go!" Chris said. I sighed as I saw Harold being dragged in the mud. But he was still able to grab a flag. "Flag 1 for the Bass!" Chris said through the loudspeakers. Duncan and I high-fived. Harold continued to rack up flags. "Five flags and heading home!" Chris said. "Impossible!" Heather screamed. "Heather has to cross the finish line or be disqualified. But when she does, Harold will take five flags to victory for the Killer Bass!" Chris said.

I couldn't let that little dork-wad win, so I decided to cut him loose. Heather said.

I gasped as Heather held up a knife. She was gonna cut the rope! That was until a tree branch snagged her top off. There was hope until Harold became so distracted by Heather that he smashed into a rock. Heather crashed as well and flew into the air. "I don't know what Heather did to make Harold lose his concentration, but it's a total wipeout for the Bass team." Chris said. I sighed. There goes our shower. "Play dirty babe" I said quietly. "Don't worry, I will" Duncan said with a smirk. "Ready set, ride it like it's sweeps week, go!" Chris said. "Flag 1" Chris said as Lindsay grabbed a flag with ease. "Flags 2, 3, 4" Chris said. "Come on Duncan!" I yelled. "Lindsay has snagged flag five and is racing home for the win. Duncan is euchred. He has to cross!" Chris said. "Says you!" Duncan said, letting go of the handles. He ran into a rock and flew into a tree while Lindsay gracefully crossed the finish line. I sighed and ran over to the tree Duncan landed in. "Gophers win!" Chris said through the loudspeakers. I chuckled as I saw Duncan's bruised face poke out of the tree. "Come down" I said. He sighed and slowly climbed down the tree. "Come on, I'll clean you up back at the cabins." I said, running a hand through his messed up Mohawk. He smiled lightly at me. "The Bass team went belly up and will now decide which fishy to flush, while the Gophers totally scored some much-needed showers." Chris said. "I'm sorry, I know you really wanted that shower" Duncan said as we walked back. "It's fine, you being ok is more important." I said. I walked into the cabin and pointed at Duncan's bed so he'd sit down. I grabbed the first aid kit I had out of my bag and started to clean the cuts on Duncan's face. "Are there anymore?" I asked as I finished with the ones of his face. "No, that's it. Thanks" He said, laying down. "No problem" I said, kissing his cheek and laying down beside him. No one else was in the cabin. It was relaxing.

We were all gathered around the bonfire like usual. "As you know, if you do not receive a marshmallow you will be forced to walk the Dock of Shame, and you can never ever. return to camp. Bridgette, DJ, and Y/n, you are safe" Chris said. I frowned at Duncan when I walked up to take my marshmallow. He looked so tired. "Geoff you're safe too" Chris said through his megaphone. Geoff stank so we didn't bring him to the bonfire. Chris threw a marshmallow in his direction. "Ok, that leaves Harold, who  bailed big for reasons unknown. And Duncan, who bailed even bigger, because Lindsay left him circling the drain in a shameless-" Chris was stopped when Duncan picked him up by his shirt. "That chick was determined." Duncan said. "Which is why you're safe" Chris said, handing Duncan his marshmallow. I signed in relief and ran over to Duncan. "Harold, sorry dude.  You're done like dinner." "Well, it's been fun guys." Harold said as he walked away. I was kind of shocked he left with no retaliation. Duncan and I walked back to the cabin while everyone was saying bye to Harold. I changed into my pajamas and laid in bed, waiting for Duncan. I smiled as he laid down next to me and laid his head on my chest. "You tired?" I asked as a rubbed his back. "Mhm" He said quickly, closing his eyes. "I love you" I said quietly. "I- hey I was supposed to say that first! But I love you too" Duncan said, clearly annoyed. I chuckled and kissed him lightly. "Go to bed" I said teasingly. He nodded and quickly drifted off to sleep. I followed shortly after.

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