Episode 13

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I looked around suspiciously as I saw no breakfast ready for us. "What? No breakfast?" Trent said. "Oh don't worry bro. There will be plenty of food later on." Chris said. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the Bass table. "Congratulations to the remaining 11 campers for reaching the halfway mark in the competition. You'll all be on the jury for the final episode." Chris said. "We got the power, yeah!" Geoff said. "The two teams will become one next week. But first, all ththe girls will be moved to the Gopher cabin and all the guys will stay in the Bass cabin. This week's challenge is as old as history itself. A battle of the sexes. After everyone is settled in, I'll announce the challenge and then, you'll have a bite to eat." Chris said. Both him and Chef started laughing. "Ready for a little good news? This week, no one will be kicked off. It's all for reward and it's a good one. Ok, time to relocate. Let's move." Chris said. I didn't really wanna move cabins. I liked my team. And I didn't wanna stay with Heather and Lindsay. "Don't worry doll, we can always sneak around." Duncan whispered to me before walking away. I sighed and grabbed my stuff from the Bass cabin and moved it to the Gopher cabin. I grumbled as I saw Heather trying to be all friendly with Bridgette. I rushed past them so Heather wouldn't bother me. I smiled as I saw Geoff and Bridgette talking. "Maybe they'll finally hit it off." I whispered. "They'll never hit it off like we did" Duncan whispered back, giving me a quick peck before I walked out. I set my stuff on the bed farthest away from Heather and Lindsay. I wanna to go with Gwen and LeShawna and bring Bridgette along with me. I sighed as Heather and LeShawna argued. They immediately knocked it off when Bridgette came in. Heather started to act all nice. I knew the boys were having way more fun than we were. I'm sure Duncan would tell me all about it later. I left before any more shit could go down. I decided to go for a swim. I was floating in the water when I felt somebody grab my waist. "Duncan!" I squealed. "I know. I just couldn't keep myself away" Duncan said with a chuckle. "I know, I missed you. Those girls are annoying." "I honestly felt a little bad." "Come on, we can't let anyone see us. We can get back to our usual when we merge into one team." "Fine. But I'll miss you lots" Duncan said, getting out of the water. I smiled and went to change into dry clothes.

"It's time for today's challenge." Chris said. "Uh, where's breakfast at?" LeShawna asked. Chef and Chris just laughed. "Stop doing that" Heather said. "Let's just tell them. Today's challenge is "The Brunch of Disgustingness. You'll be getting a nine course meal. Each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know it that next dish is grosser than the last, not as gross, or just as gross, just that it will likely be gross." Chris said. "Tell them what they'll get if they win Chris." Chef said. "The winning team spends two days at a local five-star resort  where they'll be pampered, eat gourmet nosh and be given antibiotics against anything they may have caught while participating in this challenge. The losing team will go hungry tonight  and spend the next two days here, on Total Drama Island... with Chef" Chris said. Chef made a creepy smile at us and waved. "We are going to win this challenge." Heather said.

I just hope we win to ease some of the tension. I mean I'll try anything once, except meat. I can't eat meat. Bridgette said.

We all sat down in front or a random dish. "Take a whiff boys, 'cause all I smell is victory for me and my girls." LeShawna said. "I'll eat anything. Even my drawers if I have to. Will I have to?" Owen said. "Let's begin the challenge. First, some hors d'oeuvres." Chris said, unfailing the veiny little ovals. I knew immediately what they were. "All right, meatballs. Bring it on " Owen said, shoving the entire plate in his mouth. "Well, technically you're right Owen, but they are kinda special." Chris said. "It's need testicle bourguignon." Chef said. "Meatballs?" Owen said, spitting the stuff out onto DJ. I winced, but kept strong. I didn't wait for the other girls ad I started to eat them. They were gross, but could be worse. I finished my plate as soon as I could. All the boys were crying. "It's the hardest thing a man can do." Chris said.

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