Chapter 10

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The next morning the boys wanted everyone to take part in their prank against Harold. So most of the girls went out for a swim while DJ, Geoff, and Duncan were canoeing. Harold's bed was moved to the dock. He woke up and hopped out of bed to see us all laughing. "Good morning Harold" We all said. Harold looked down to see himself naked. He covered himself with a pillow. "Do, you learned your lesson yet?" Duncan asked from the canoe. "Yes! Okay! Yes!" Harold said. "Oh we're gonna need more than that man" Geoff said. "I'll never leave my crusty underwear out again. I swear!" Harold said. "What the heck, I believe him. It's a pleasure doing business with you!" Geoff said as he threw Harold's clothes to him. "You better have learned your lesson after you scarred my girl's eyes!" Duncan yelled, looking at me and winking. I felt a blush spread across my face. Everyone else let out an "oooooo."

It was really awkward walking into the main cabin today getting breakfast. I tried to keep my cool. "Today's breakfast is Hawaiian Italian fusion casserole." Chef said. "You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge" Gwen said, "Yeah, that's right. You got a problem with that?" Chef asked angrily. "Sir no sir" Gwen said. Duncan must've noticed me bouncing my knee up and down because he placed a hand on my thigh. He'd stolen a mug that morning, but didn't didn't really care. "You want some?" Duncan asked, referring to his coffee. I nodded and took a sip of his. Then we all went out to the dock to see what our challenge was today. "So, last week's challenge exposed a few Gopher issues and I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the Bass pond, too" Chris said. Duncan elbows me lightly. I smacked his back. "So this week's challenge is gonna be centered around building trust. Because all good things begin with a little trust. Some of you don't need it, but some of you do" Chris said.

I trusted Trent once. He left me buried alive on the beach. Gwen said.

I know Chris was referring to Duncan and I when he said there was something funky floating in the Bass pond. I honestly don't really care. Y/n said.

"There will be three major challenges that will have to be complete by two or more members of your team. Normally we like to have the campers choose their partners, but not this time. More fun for me!" Chris said. Of course he paired Duncan and I up together. I knew it. It didn't really match the goal of the challenges since Duncan and I trusted each other, but I knew Chris was doing it for the views. Everyone loved a good romance these days. I rolled my eyes as we walked out into the woods. "Okay, so for the first challenge, you'll be doing an extreme free hand, rock climbing adventure. Y/n and Duncan will play for the Bass. Heather and Gwen for the Gophers. Here's your belay and harness" Chris said, throwing them to us. Heather snatched the equipment from Gwen. "Hey what's your damage?" Gwen asked. "If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're nuts" Heather said. "You won't be holding her up, exactly. One camper pulls the slack through the belay as the partner climbs. If the climber falls, the belay will stop them from crashing. The catch! Both the and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like.. rusty nails, slippery oil slicks, milk explosives, and a few other surprises." Chris said. Of course he added deadly elements. "Wicked!" Harold said. "The person on belay also harness their partner up. It's all about trust people and remember, never let go of the rope. Your partner's life depends on it." Chris said. "Excuse me, can we trade partners? I really don't feel like being dropped on my head today" Gwen said. "Please. As much as I love your company, I'm not going to throw a challenge just to kill you, yet. Now spread em" Heather said. "So which one of us is climbing?" Duncan asked. "I'll climb. I don't know how sturdy that rope is. I'm the lighter one so.." I said. "Ok" Duncan said, starting to put the harness on me. "Don't worry, I've done this before. They teach you how to climb walls in prison all the time." Duncan said. I chuckled. I smiled as I saw DJ hand Bunny to Geoff while DJ went to the bathroom. I quickly and carefully started to climb up the wall. I saw Gwen jump to the ground. I looked down at Duncan. Chris sprayed hot sauce at him but it had no effect. "Don't worry about me doll! I gotcha" Duncan yelled. I kept climbing. If I kept this up I could beat Gwen, considering she was currently on the floor. All of a sudden I heard Gwen scream. I looked over and saw that Heather had ripped her skirt off. I ignored it and kept climbing. I was fine until a slipped on an oil spill and started to fall. Duncan caught me, but not in time to catch up with Gwen. "Sorry guys." I said as I unhooked myself. "It's cool" Geoff said. For some reason Duncan and I were in the next challenge. I knew the reason, but I didn't really care. "And now, round 2. The extreme cooking challenge! Each team must choose who cooks and who eats. "You're cooking" Duncan said quickly. "I am fine with that" I said. "Today up I'll be preparing fugu sashimi, the traditional Japanese poisonous blowfish. The fugu blowfish contains enough lethal toxin to kill 30 people." Chris said. "Fishies, meet your maker!" Chef said, throwing the puffer fish onto out cutting boards. "They must be sliced very carefully to cut around the poisonous organs. The poison paralyzes the nerves and there is no antidote, so no worries. Begin!" Chris said. I started to carefully cut the blowfish. Hopefully I get this right. I finished pretty quickly. Mine were little sushi rolls... but Lindsay's was just a.... pile of fish. Duncan apparently has no regard for his life because he just popped one right into his mouth. "It's great" He said casually. I sighed in relief. I looked over at Trent. This wasn't gonna end well. It didn't. He was paralyzed and started vomiting everywhere. I hid my head in Duncan's chest. I hated vomit. "Poor guy.." I said quietly. "He'll live" Duncan said. After that we went to our next challenge. "Good news. The third round involves three more challenges. It's the three blind challenges. It begins with the blind William Tell, followed by the blind trapeze and culminating in the treacherous blind toboggan. Like legendary marksman William Tell, you'll be knocking arrows of your partner's head with crab apples" Chris said. "Um, wasn't it the other way around?" Courtney said. "Shh. Hush. Also, the shooter will be blindfolded. The person who knocks off the arrow while causing the least amount of facial damage, wins." Chris said, he shot an apple at DJ and hit him right in the nuts. "Ah nuts! LeShawna and Owen, you'll be one team. Courtney and Sadie, you'll be the other." Chris said. "I'm violently allergic to apples" Harold said. "Ooh. Let me shoot. I'm a good shot" Sadie said. Courtney sighed. "You'd better be" She said "Ok, let's rock and roll." Chris said. Both girls kept missing. Next thing I knew, one of Sadie's apples hit me straight in the nose. I wasn't expecting it so I fell over. I ran my hand over my nose and when I pulled it away I saw blood all over my hand. Chris handed me a towel and I put it under my nose. Soon after, LeShawna hit the arrow. "I got it this time" Sadie said. "LeShawna won already" Chris said. "Hey Einstein, it's over- oo!" Courtney said. The apple hit her in the forehead. "Sadie! It's over man! Let it go!" Chris said. "Oopsie, sorry. Did I do that?!?" Sadie asked as she looked at my face. "Yeah, you did" I said. "You're going down" Courtney said before falling over. Duncan walked over to me. He had been gone for some reason. "Jesus fucking Christ, what happened to you?" He asked. "Sadie hit me with an apple. Don't you fucking laugh at me this hurts." I said. "I won't baby, I won't" He said quietly. I rolled my eyes before we walked to the next challenge. "And now, the blind trapeze. To avoid serious injury, the trapeze had even set up over this pond which us full of jellyfish. You two will stand blindfolded on the platform until your partners tell you when to jump" Chris said. "And then?" Heather asked. "Then hopefully they'll catch you.. or that's going to be one heck of a painful swim. Okay, hut hut!" Chris said. I held onto Duncan nervously. Bridgette had to jump. And her partner was Harold! I didn't want my friend to fall into a lake of jellyfish. I frowned as I saw DJ walk away. "What happened?" I asked Geoff. "Bunny got lost" He said sadly. "Aw.. I liked Bunny" I said sadly. DJ loved that rabbit. Duncan walked away. I didn't question it. I was too focused on watching Bridgette. I gasped in relief as Harold caught Bridgette. Then it was Heather's turn. She landed in the pond. It wasn't fun for her. But we got a point. "And now the final leg, the blind toboggan race." Chris said. "The say what?" LeShawna said. "Each team will have a driver and a navigator. The driver steers while the navigator shouts directions. Oh yeah, and the driver will be blindfolded. Not many of you left huh? Keep losing you guys. Oh well, Gwen and LeShawna, Geoff and DJ" Chris said. Oh no. Geoff had just broken DJ's trust... This can't end well. Then Duncan reappeared. "Hey DJ! Look who I found!" Duncan said. He opened his hands to reveal Bunny. "You found him!" I said with a smile. "I figured now that I have a girl, I gotta be a little nicer" He whispered. I gasped as I saw explosives go off. But I saw DJ and Geoff flying through the air... and they landed right on the finish line. We won. I ran over to them. Then I saw DJ reunite with Bunny. I started to cry. I had a long day ok? It was too cute. "Thanks Duncan. You're the best" DJ said. "Whatever man. It's just a stupid rabbit. Awww look who's crying" Duncan said with a smirk. "Shut up!" I said. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist. "That was sweet of you. Am I making you good?" I said with chuckle. "Shush. You better not tell anyone."

I'm not nice ok? Just to set the record straight. And before you say I'm nice to Y/n. I'm not. Duncan said.

"And the Bass are the winners of the toboggan race." We all cheered. "But unfortunately, I said that these were blind challenges. By taking off the blindfold for a moment, you broke the #1 rule. Which makes the Gophers today's big winner!" Chris said. "You're a bitch. Can't even feel sympathy one time" I said. "He can be a meanie" Chef said. I looked down. Duncan placed a hand on my shoulder.

We all sat by the bonfire. "Who wants a treat? A tasty goodie that represents exemption, security, peace of mind—" Chris said. "Just get it over with" I said. "And if you don't get a marshmallow you have to walk the Dock of Shame and you can never come back. Ever." Chris said quickly, getting in my face. I pushed him away. "Let's see, one for Duncan, one for Y/n, one for Bridgette, one for Courtney." Chris said. Duncan handed me his marshmallow. He knew I hadn't been eating much. The food here was awful. "Thanks" I said quietly, popping the marshmallows into my mouth. "DJ, Geoff, well done my brothers. Looks like we only have one left. Sadie and Harold, the final marshmallow..." Chris said.

When I say someone's going down, they go down. Courtney said.

I kinda felt bad for Sadie, but she did hit me in the nose. Y/n said.

No one hits my girl in the nose. Wait- I didn't call Y/n my girl I swear- Duncan said.

"Oh come on already" Courtney said. "Don't rush me. The audience eats up this kind of dramatic conclusion. That and romance. But some of you are already filling in the romance part..... Harold" Chris said. "You know what? That's fine with me, you marshmallow eating freaks." Sadie said. She ran off bawling. "Rest of your are safe. For now" Chris said. We all walked back to the cabins. "You ok Princess?" Duncan asked. I was walking really slowly. "Yeah, just a headache. Probably from Sadie hitting me in the nose." I said quietly. "Come on" Duncan said, picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the cabin. He placed me in bed and crawled in beside me. "Thanks... love you" I said quietly. "Love you too" Duncan said, kissing my cheek. I fell asleep quickly

Duncan's P.O.V.

Jesus, that girl makes me so soft. You can't blame me though. She was so adorable.

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