Chapter 17

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Everyone was playing a game of frisbee on the beach. Well, except for Heather and Lindsay. But did anyone really want them playing. Oh, and Geoff was still crying about Bridgette. "Ooh, sound like Geoff's having a hard time accepting Bridgette's been kicked off, huh?" LeShawna said. "Yeah, he's so weak." Duncan said. "Duncan if Y/n got voted off you know you'd be wailing too" LeShawna said. I laughed when Duncan's face turned bright red. "Oh, we better go check on him" Duncan said. "Wait, what about our game?" LeShawna said. "Check on him? Since when did he start having feelings?" Gwen asked. "Since him and Y/n became a thing" LeShawna said. "No, since they started up their guys' alliance. Duncan's no fool. He needs Geoff's vote to stay in it." Heather said. "Hehe maybe we should try forming a girls' alliance again..." Lindsay said. Heather walked her with a fly swatter. "Or not" Lindsay said. "I'm gonna go see what they're doing. I'm not gonna let Duncan just use Geoff for a vote." I said. "Go keep your boyfriend in check girl!" LeShawna said. I chuckled and nodded as I walked towards the bathroom. "Attaboy, hug it out." Owen said, pulling Geoff into a bone-crushing hug. "Look man. Voting Bridgette off was just a strategic move. If the guy alliance stands strong we can win this. So are you in?" Duncan asked. "Duncan you forgot about your girl" I said sarcastically. "Y/n you're basically one of the guys now. You don't even sleep in the girls' cabin anymore" Duncan said. "Yeah because I wake up in the morning to see them fighting." I said. Duncan chuckled.  I smiled and out my fist in to their little handshake. "I don't know, man. Going in without Bridge is like— Oh, is that bacon? Ah man did I miss breakfast?" Geoff said, running off. "I think Geoff's in. You in Y/n?" Duncan asked. I didn't really have a choice. I was on the outskirts of the girls' alliance, so I needed the boys to stay in. "Yeah, I'm in. But I have to act like I'm with the girls" I said. "Yeah" DJ said. "Morning campers! Your next challenge awaits you at the arts-and-crafts center." Chris said. Arts-and-crafts? What is this? A summer camp for 5 years olds? I rolled my eyes and walked over to the place with the guys. "Welcome to the arts-and-crafts center." Chris said. "More like the arts-and-junk center." Duncan said. "Yeah. It used to be an outhouse, but now it's where Chef parks his road hog." Chris said. Chris kicked the door open to reveal a beautiful motorcycle. "Which brings us to your challenge... building your own wheels." Chris said. "Hot rods! Yes! Awesome! Give me five!" Owen said, holding his hand up to Duncan. He just stood there. "You'll find all the parts you need in our bike depot." Chris said. "Bicycles! Less awesome, but still good, right?" Owen said. "Once you've collected the basics, trick them out any way you want using props from the arts-and-crafts center. Best design wins. And to prove I'm a nice guy, I'm even throwing in a bike manual." Chris said, driving off. "Ew, it's furry!" Heather said as she caught it, quickly throwing it out of her hands. "Cool! Mold spores" Izzy said. "Freak. We get first dibs." Heather said.

Finally, a challenge I can get behind. I used to build bikes back home with my brothers all the time. Ok, do I used to steal them from the dweebs down the street and crash them into the school wall. The point is, this is something I know. Duncan said.

I walked to the pile of scrap parts and tried to find something salvageable. Owen was ranting about how he was gonna make his dream bike. Lindsay was too. When Lindsay said she never got her Christmas gift, DJ and Owen almost bursted into tears. "Guys this isn't a Christmas wish contest. If we want to vote the chicks out, then our bikes have to kick butt. Capiche?" Duncan said. "Right, wailing choppers." Geoff said. "Kick butt. Yes! Let's do it!" Owen said. "Guys' plus Y/n alliance. Woo-hoo!" DJ said unenthusiastically. And of course, Heather heard the whole damn thing cuz of their whooping. "Great. Looks like I'm out of the game." I whispered.

The guys think they're so stealth, building their little alliances. It's kind of cute, really. But why work on your own bike when you can get someone to do it for you. Heather said.

"One of us has to win immunity" Geoff said. I nodded lightly. I started to look through the scrap pile and found some decent parts to work with. I filled up the tires with some air before I started to organize all my pieces. I ignored all the girls talking. "Hey, do you guys remember your first bike ride?" Owen asked. "Oh yeah. I wiped out so harm I popped my collarbone.motion could see it sticking right out of my shoulder. It was wicked." Duncan said. "Of course you did." I said with a chuckle. "I flew so far over my handlebars that I skid for a mile. Skin was hanging off me in chunks" Geoff said. "Oh, that's nothing. I popped my arm right out of my socket. It took 3 doctors to hold me down hike they slingshot it back into place" Owen said. I elbowed Duncan lightly and pointed to DJ, who was sweating and shaking. "It's ok DJ. I didn't get hurt when I rode a bike for a first time. I figured it out myself." I said. "Your parents didn't teach you how to ride a bike? That's one of my best memories dude" Geoff said. I looked down and didn't answer. I saw Duncan elbow Geoff hard in the ribs. "Ow! What did I do?" Geoff asked. Duncan just gave him a stare and Geoff knew he fucked up. I started to work on my bike again. "Campers, time to judge your bikes. Put your pedal to the metal and meet me at the craft center." Chris said through the loudspeakers. Thank god I had finished. "Well campers, we gave you the parts, let's see what you came up with. Excellent aerodynamics Heather." Chris said. "It only weighs 2 ounces" Heather said. "Like her brain" Gwen retorted. "Spooky yet practical. Well done. Wicked "mad max" mobile dude! Nice, simple, sturdy Y/n!" Chris said. He then walked over to Lindsay's little pony bike. "Go ahead, ring her bell" Lindsay said. Chris did as instructed. "The real bike has sound effects like this. Neigh, neigh!" Lindsay said. "Dude, seriously? This is lame" Chris asked as he walked over to DJ, who had covered himself in every protective thing possible. "Now this is a hot rod. Ni-ice!" Chris said as he looked at Geoff's bike. "I call her.... Bridgette." Geoff said, referring to the sketch of Bridgette taped to the front of the bike.

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