Chapter 8

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All of a sudden we heard a helicopter above our cabin. "Attack! They're coming, man. They found us!" Duncan said, jumping out of bed even though he only had his boxers on. He hid under DJ and Geoff's bunk. "Duncan it's ok. It's probably just Chris" I said. "And how are you gonna prove that?" Duncan yelled. I rolled my eyes and let him hide under there. I was sitting on the cabin steps when the loudspeakers squeaked. "I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet. Breakfast in 3 minutes at the campfire pit." Chris said through them. I rolled my eyes and started to head over there. "Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge?" Chris asked. "We are ready! Hahaha" Owen said. "Incoming!" Chris said, throwing a can of beans. "This is breakfast" He said, throwing the rest to us. "No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even Chef's yucky burnt eggs" Heather said. "For once I agree with her." I said. "Beans, beans, they're good for your heart. The more you eat, the more you—" Owen said but was cut off by someone throwing a can of beans at his head. "Today's challenge is about survival. We're going hunting" Chris said. "Now that's more like it." Duncan said. "Isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold asked. "Why yes, Harold. It is." Chris said, shooting the gun at Harold. "So we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette questioned. "Negatory. This is the first ever Paintball Deer Hunt. I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods. So finish breaky" Chris said. Owen let out a disgusting burp and I groaned. He ate all the beans. "Got anymore?" Owen asked

"And now for the team breakdowns. The Killer Bass hunters are Harold, Geoff, Y/n, and Bridgette, locked and loaded with Bass blue paint. And using orange paint are the Gopher hunters, LeShawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay" Chris said, "Waa hoo! This is awesome man!" Owen screamed. "You also get these stylin' glasses and wicked camo caps. The rest of you are now deer. Here are your antlers, noses, and little white tails." Chris said. "Yeah, right. I am not wearing that." Heather said. "There is no way I'm a deer." Duncan said. Chris stuck all the deer accessories on him. "Take these off and your team is toast" Chris said. Duncan looked humiliated, but it was hilarious. I tried to hold in my laughter. Owen chuckled. "What are you looking at?" Duncan asked him. "Oh, nothing, baby" Owen said, grabbing Duncan's tail then letting it go, which made a slapping sound. "You'd better be a good shot, Tubby" Duncan said. The deer walked off to hide.

"And break!" Harold said as we did a little group thingy. All of us put on our glasses, except Bridgette. "Okay, you do realize that this is all just pretend, right, and that it's just paint. So say if you.. like.. hit Heather—" Harold said. "Wait, Heather is a deer?" Bridgette remarked, her face lighting up as she chuckled. A smirk spread across my face. Game on. We all walked into the forest. "Start your paintballs! Game on!" Chris announced on the loudspeakers.

Harold, Bridgette, and I easily shot down Heather since she was arguing with Beth. We shared a high five then looked for more deer. I didn't find anyone else. I smiled as I saw Duncan. He smelled horrible. "Jesus Duncan, what happened to you?" I asked, holding my nose. "It's Owen's stink. It's following me around like my juvenile record" Duncan said. "You're not getting any affection until you take a shower" I said. "Ugh fine. You should get back to hunting so we can win" Duncan said I nodded and walked away. I found Bridgette, Harold, and Geoff again. They found the jackpot. LeShawna, Beth, Lindsay, and Heather. We immediately shot them all. "This is really fun" Bridgette said. "Attention human wildlife and hunters, please report back to camp. It's time to show your hides and tally up the scores." Chris announced on the speakers. We all walked to the camp. We were all scolded by Chris. "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Stealing from Chef, eating chips in the woods, being mauled by bears. Do you know what I see here? I see a very undisciplined group. I see a disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint product. And I have to say that was awesome! When you guys opened fire on your own team, wicked T.V. guys" Chris said. I thought we were gonna be punished. All of a sudden I see Duncan waddling out from the woods. He very clearly got hit where no guy wants to be hit. "Who got you and why?" I asked. "Courtney kicked me because I said you were nicer than her" Duncan said. I chuckled as he sat down on the dirt. "Well, since three members of the Gophers are dripping in paint— make that four members, and some of them aren't even deer, I think we have our winner. You're off to a hunting camp shindig" Chris said. We all cheered, except for Duncan who tried to but fell down in pain. "Gophers I'll see you at the campfire ceremony again" Chris said. "DJ, will you carry this one back to the cabin. I don't think he can walk" I said, trying to contain my laughter. "Yeah, I got him" DJ said, slinging Duncan over his shoulder. "Wha- No I can walk just fine!" Duncan protested. "I highly doubt that" I said teasingly. He groaned and quit his little fit. We got back to the cabin and DJ plopped Duncan in bed. "Thanks... I guess" Duncan said. "No problem" DJ said. "Once you recover your can go take a shower to wash all that Owen stink off of you" I said. "Aw come on-" Duncan whined. "Nope. Not gonna work" I said. After Duncan took a shower, everyone talked a for a little bit then I fell asleep in Duncan's arms.

Duncan's P.O.V.

I smiled as I saw Y/n sound asleep in my lap. All the girls had gone to sleep so it was just the guys. "You like her, don't you Duncan" DJ said. I would've lied, but DJ would've known I was. He was really good at figuring out who was into who. "Yeah, but if you guys tell anyone you're dead" I said. "At least she responds to you. Bridgette doesn't seem to get my hints" Geoff said sadly. "Well you didn't start throwing obvious hints until you gave her that gift." I said, stroking Y/n's hair. "Duncan's right. He got Y/n because he didn't rush her with a grand gesture" DJ said. "Oh... that makes sense." Geoff said. "I'm going to bed" I said, carefully picking up Y/n and climbing up to my bunk. I laid her on my chest and soon I fell asleep.

My Escape (Duncan x Fem Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora