Chapter 7

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"Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience, a canoe trip. You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake to Bony Island. When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle" Chris said. I wasn't really paying attention to him. What Chef said was still on my mind. "We've got to por what?" Geoff asked. "Portage. Dude, walk with your canoe" Chris said. "Ohh" "When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility. Move campers move." Chris said. Everyone ran towards the canoes. "Oh wait, one more thing I should mention. Legend has it, if you take anything off the island, you'll be cursed forever!" Chris said. God, this sounded like one of Duncan's scary stories. "Yeah! A cursed island! WOO!" Owen said. "Now get in your canoes, and let's have some fun" Chris said. "Yes!" Owen commented.

Chris said to pick a paddle partner. It was time for me to make my move. If I could just get Gwen alone for five minutes, I knew I could woo her with my manly charms. Cody said.

Yes, yes yes! It is so on. Cody said.

Cody? He's like an annoying brother. A really annoying little brother. So much for hooking up with Trent. Gwen said.

Duncan and I decided to ride together. I really needed to talk to him. I looked back at Bridgette. Geoff looked sad for some reason. I couldn't hear them talking so I didn't know why. I'd ask him later.

Man, I thought Bridge and I were tight, but suddenly, I don't know, it's like she's fading on me. Nah, it's all good. Geoff said.

Duncan and I put on our life jackets like everyone else. We carefully pushed the canoe into the water and got into it. We both took a paddle and waited for Chris to start us. "On your marks, get set....paddle!" Chris said. Duncan and I got into a good rhythm, so we were near the front. "You ok doll? You look tense" Duncan said. "I was just about to tell you. Last night Chef came to our cabin in the middle of the night. He woke me up and apologized for the Phobia Factor challenge Chris gave me. Said it was unfair" I said. "That's weird. Really weird." He said. I sighed. "Hey, once this stupid thing is over, we'll figure it out" He said. "I know but it's just... distracting. I wanna focus on the challenges and help the team win but I can't if he keeps doing this stuff" I said. "Just relax and have fun. Why don't you go ask Bridgette how it's going with Geoff later? I'm sure that would be a fun conversation" Duncan said. "Yeah.. it probably would. Thanks Duncan" I said. He nodded. All of a sudden this fog started to fill the air. There it was, Bony island. There was a giant skull engraved in the rock. The coast was rocky and dangerous. Luckily everyone was able to get to shore safely. "Okay, did you see that skull? How cool is that? It's like this place is haunted or something." Izzy said. All of a sudden something moaned in the distance. "Let's just get this over with" Gwen said. We all picked up the canoes and held them over our heads and started running. All of a sudden, a tree fell down in front of us. "Aah! I think I saw something" Cody said. Then these weird rodent-like animals popped out. They looked like a capybara crossed with a bear. They had giant teeth and tusks. "Monster beavers!" Cody screamed. We all started to run.

A remnant of the Pleistocene Era, the woolly beaver is a day-active rodent indigenous to Bony Island, Oh yeah, and theyre meat-eaters. Chris said.

Luckily Duncan and I found a route to get away from the giant beavers. We split up from the gophers and lost the giant beavers.  We met up with Geoff, DJ, Katie, and Harold and ran past the Gophers, who had attracted some giant birds. Then we came to a fork in the path. "Which way are we gonna go?" DJ asked. "Left, definitely left" Courtney said. "I don't know. I think we should take the one on the right" Geoff said. "The right trail is wider." Bridgette said. That made Geoff smile. "What are you looking at?" Bridgette asked. Geoff just smiled and Bridgette sighed. "That guy will never learn how to get a girl." Duncan whispered to me. We took the right path. We were going fine until Geoff fell and hurt his leg "Oh! My leg! I'm down! I'm down! Oh, it's so unfair! Why did this have to happen now? Why why!" Geoff said. You have got to be kidding me. "Geoff!" Bridgette said, walking up to him. We put our canoes down and gathered around him. "You've got to go on without me." Geoff said. Courtney started to walk away but DJ grabbed her. "We're not leaving any man behind. Not on my watch" DJ said. He was so sweet. If I wasn't into Duncan, I'd definitely talk to DJ more. I finally admitted I like Duncan. I couldn't ignore it anymore. I got so excited when I saw him.

I didn't know if I was gonna make it. It was touch-and-go. Geoff said.

I've seen surfers get eaten by sharks before, but this—this was horrifying. Bridgette said.

The man just kept going. Dude's got heart. DJ said.

We're watching this 16 year old dude whine over falling down and everyone is babying him and Y/n and I are looking at each other thinking "what the fuck are they doing." Duncan said.

Now DJ and Harold were carrying Geoff on top of their canoe. The gophers got to the beach before us. What a surprise, we spent probably 5 minutes worrying about a splinter. The Gophers were already trying to light a fire. But luckily, Duncan snuck a lighter in. None of us cared about him cheating. He used the lighter to light the fire. Courtney and I kept blowing on it to make sure it didn't go out. ""How did they do that so quickly?" Heather asked. Duncan smirked and held out his lighter. Somehow this didn't violate the rules. We all gathered sticks for the fire, even Geoff who was dramatically dragging himself along the sand. "Bridgette, you have first-aid training, right? Maybe you could check out Geoff's wounds. He might have gangrene." DJ said. "Or jungle rot" Geoff said. "Or athlete's foot" DJ said. I quickly noticed that DJ was trying to play match maker with Bridgette and Geoff. Geoff did need the help so, it was probably a good thing.

I owe Geoff big time. He helped me get over my fear of water. So when I saw him drowning with the ladies, I had to help the dude out. He doesn't have the game Duncan does. I mean look at him and Y/n. They're practically attached at the hip. It's actually pretty nice to see Duncan being kinda soft for someone. I never thought I'd see it. DJ said.

"I don't think this is going to be big enough." Courtney said. "You heard the woman. We need more wood guys. Come on. Let's go" DJ said. What a ladies man he was. Then all of a sudden Harold dumped our paddles into the fire. All of our jaws dropped. "HAROLD YOU IDIOT" I screamed. "How are we supposed to get home now?" Bridgette asked. Then Izzy threw this weird thing in the Gopher's fire and it grew. They won. "What are we gonna do without paddles?" Bridgette said as we stood in front of the canoes." "You guys can get someone to swim behind the boats and push them. I did that once with like this huge 60 foot yacht. The whole crew had to flutter-kick for like 8 days to get to shore, and like four of us got eaten by sharks. I didn't, not me. But it was really insane. Okay later!" Izzy said. "That might work" Geoff said. "We need someone big enough to push all the canoes back. DJ, you're the only one who's strong enough." Bridgette said. "You can't ask him to do that! The dude can't swim!" Geoff said. "Geoff, I know you're friends but DJ's the only chance we've got" "She's right. Those skinny arms aren't going to cut it" Courtney said, holding up Harold's arm. "If it makes you feel better DJ I'll kick with you. I used to take swim as a kid. Not trying to brag, but I was good" I said. "I'll do it!" Geoff said. "You can't swim with that kind of injury. You're horribly disfigured" Bridgette said. "I can do this. I have to. Y/n you don't have to help if you don't want to." DJ said. "I'll do it. I don't want to sit in a canoe again." I said.

It was all up to me. I needed to swim like a Killer Bass should, and no wedgie flop was gonna stand in my way. DJ said.

"That is one brave man" Geoff said. "You forgot about Y/n" Duncan said. I chuckled and got into the water with DJ. We both started kicking hard and we were able to push the canoes through the water. The team was chanting our names. We sped past the Screaming Gophers and used a rock as a ramp to fly into the air. It was a horrible landing, but I didn't care. "The Bass are the winners!" Chris said. We cheered in delight. We all decided to hang out in our cabin. Bridgette told me about the gift Geoff got her. I was so glad Duncan wasn't like that. "Oh Bridgette.... He really doesn't know how to flirt" I said. "He really needs some lessons on how to flirt" Duncan said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Some lessons from you" I said with a smirk. "I'm flattered doll" He said. Then Bridgette sighed when she accidentally dropped the little picture. "Have any glue?" She asked. "I wouldn't waste my time trying to fix that" Courtney said. "Maybe I would" Bridgette said. I chuckled lightly. "The early stages of flirting amuse me" Duncan said with a laugh. "How did he even find the macaroni?" I asked. "He must've stolen it from someone" Duncan said. I knew he meant Chef but he wasn't gonna say it while I was around. That night the whole team fell asleep talking. It was really, really nice.

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