Chapter 14

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After about a day of being treated I went back to Camp Wawanakwa. After I hopped off the boat, I felt Bridgette throw her arms around me. "You had me so worried!" She said. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm ok" I said with a smile. All the other girls gave me hugs but I wanted to talk to Bridgette alone. We sat on the beach. "What do you wanna tell me?" Bridgette asked. "Duncan and I kissed." I said. "What?!? When?" "The night we had that dinner" "And you never told me?" "We didn't want anyone to know at first! We were scared we were gonna get voted out" "I was just messing with you. I'm assuming he took good care of you while you were sick then?" "Yeah, he did." I said with a smile. "He better have." Bridgette said. I spent the one day I had left getting to know Gwen and LeShawna more. They were both really nice. They asked me a lot of questions about Duncan, but I didn't mind. I was sitting on the beach with the other girls when I saw the yacht coming into the dock. The boys were back. They were all dancing and having a blast. "What a weekend!" Duncan said, sliding down the steps and walking over to me. I smiled lightly. "I grabbed you something" Duncan whispered. He handed me a small bag and I shoved it in the pocket of my hoodie. He walked back over to the guys after that. "Oh sweet mother of mirth. You can't but that kind of fun." Owen said. "I think Owen and DJ took a real shine to those ladies who served us hand and foot." Duncan said. I frowned as he said that. "Hello, the spa treatments? My alligator elbows, totally gone" DJ said. "Oooh, like velvet" Owen said. I walked off. I didn't wanna hear them anymore. I was upset. I wandered off into the woods and sat down, leaning against a tree. "Y/n?" I immediately knew who it was. "Duncan go away." I said. "Babe what's wrong?" "Duncan, leave me alone." "I'm not leaving till you tell me what's wrong." Duncan said. He sat beside me, putting a finger under my chin and gently positioning my head so I was looking a him. "Did you like the girls at the hotel better than me?" I asked. "No! Why would I like them? They were nothing compared to you." "Yeah but I've never done any of that for you before-" "Y/n shush. You've done plenty for me. My eyes are for you and only you, ok?" He said. I nodded and climbed into his lap, pushing my face into his chest. "I'm sorry.." I said quietly. "It's ok, did you open the present?" I shook my head lightly. "Open it" He said, stroking my back. I pulled my head out of his chest and opened the bag. I smiled as I saw chocolate, candy, lotion, pain killers, pretty much anything I could want. "Thank you Duncan" I said, kissing his cheek. "No problem love." "Awww are you getting soft for me?" "No. I just felt bad because you were sick that's all" I chuckled lightly. "I told Bridgette about us" I said. "All the boys know about us" Duncan said. I smiled lightly. It was nice that he didn't try to hide me, even though it did make him look soft to some people. We walked back to where everyone else was after that. Duncan quickly walked over to the guys and they started to celebrate their friendship. "Listen up campers, as of right now, all teams are officially dissolved. From here on in, it's every camper for themselves." Chris said through the loudspeaker. "Well uh it's about time we flew solo" Duncan said. All the boys turned away from each other. "Oh ho ho. I am feeling that. Bring it on Chris" LeShawna said. "Then get ready for this." Chris said. All of a sudden I heard a horn blow. Oh. My. Fucking. God. EVA?!? "Back by popular audience demand, it's Eva!" Chris said. I immediately backed away from the dock. "That's right, I'm back. And just so we're clear, not only am I gonna kick butt, but I'm giving social attention to my backstabbing bass team who voted me off. Especially you, Y/n." Eva said. She started to walk towards me but Duncan grabbed her arm. "Hands off" He said, shoving her back. For some reason, she didn't do anything. "Wait a sec. You said no one is allowed back." Gwen said. "I did?" Chris asked. "And once you leave you can never ever ever come back" Gwen said. "Oh yeah, that. Yeah, I lied." Chris said. "You can't do that. It's not fair" Gwen said. "Whoa girl, you're reasoning other a loudspeaker. That just does not look good" LeShawna said. I flinched as Eva walked towards me with an angry face. "Eva look I'm sorry it doesn't need to be like this between u-" I was cut off by Eva screaming. "Yes it does. You bitch. I'm surprised Duncan still has his hands all over you. If I were him, I would've left you by now. I'm glad I've been taking anger management classes, because if I didn't you wouldn't be standing here" Eva said. "She was an audience favorite?" Heather asked. "Not really, the audience likes Y/n. But we liked her! Also returning to camp, it's Izzy!" Chris said. "Oh no!" We all said in unison. Izzy came in screaming and swinging on a vine. "Hey guys, it's good to be back at camp even though I never actually left the island. I've been living in the woods all this time." Izzy said. "But I thought the R.C.M.P. hunted you down." Gwen said. "They tried. But being a wilderness survivor, I was swift-footed and avoided capture." Izzy said, pulling a fish out of her pocket and biting the head off. "Once I was safe among my animal brethren, it was just me against the harsh elements." Izzy said. "You call this harsh? It's been warm and sunny all week." LeShawna said. "Not where I was. But luckily I was able to take refuge in the beaver dam. Yeah, I befriended the family of beavers who lived there and together we foraged for nuts and berries. Boy, I could use a bag of nachos right now" Izzy said. She was on all fours, scratching her ear with her leg like a dog and she started barking, at least I think that was what she was doing. "So, what's new with you guys?" Izzy asked. Before we could respond, we heard the blaring noise of the loudspeakers. "All righty, campers, report to the amphitheater where you'll learn all about this week's challenge. McLean out!" Chris said. "Woohoo! Another challenge. Partay! Give me 10!" Owen said, holding his hands out to Duncan. "Uh dude you heard the loudspeaker. It's every camper for themselves." Duncan said, walking towards me. I smiled at him and everyone chatted for a bit before everyone headed back to the cabins.

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