Chapter 15

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I was cuddling on the beach with Duncan until I heard an explosion. I looked in the direction of LeShawna's trailer. It was destroyed. "Arrrr mateys, meet me at the amphitheater in five minutes and I'll tell you about today's challenge." Chris said. "Come on doll. Let's go" Duncan said, starting to push me off of his chest. "I don't wanna get up." I whined. "I don't either, but you know Chris doesn't care" Duncan said, kissing my forehead. I smiled and got up, dusting the sand off of me before heading to the amphitheater. "Well my little scallywags, have we got an adventure in store for ye?" Chris said. He was dressed up in a pirate costume. I chuckled as his face parrot fell forwards. "Whats under the sheet?" Geoff asked. "All in good time, laddie. Who here has a hankering for a good old-fashioned treasure hunt? Now this treasure hunt's got a twist, mateys. What you're looking for isn't hidden, and it isn't treasure." Chris said. "If there no treasure then what's with the eye patch and the plastic parrot?"  Duncan asked. "Arrrr, shiver me Timbers, good question me boy. You're looking for the keys to a treasure chest. Inside each of these chests is a treasure that will pamper you landlubbers. And one of these chests will even give you invincibility. Ha-Har! Now come round and pull a clue out of this bucket or you'll have to walk the plank" Chris said. We all got up and waited to take a plank. "These clues will tell ye, where your keys be stowed. "Uh Uh bear?" Owen said. "I was hoping you'd get that one, dude." "Ha-ha, the bottom of the dock, nice. I hear there's crabs that live under there." Chris said to Heather. "That there is the septic tank for the washrooms." Chris said as he looked over Geoff's shoulder. "Oh Y/n! You get Chef's fridge! How fitting" Chris said. I was hoping he meant because I had stolen stuff from Chef's fridge with Duncan, but I didn't think he was referring to that. "All you scallywags, go find your keys and bring them back by 6 p.m. Eastern standard time to open up the chest and get your loot, fair thee well, young scallywags. Now get to it!" Chris said.

I don't know who came up with the lame-o challenges and, memo to Chris, those pirate tights do not exactly flatter your legs, savvy? Heather said.

"Woo-hoo! I am all about the treasure hunt. Yes! The bears are a little concerning, but there's treasure. Owen said.

"You wanna look together?" I asked Duncan as we all scattered. "You know the answer to that" Duncan said, lacing his fingers through mine. "Can we get yours first. I don't wanna do mine yet..." I said quietly. "Yeah come on" Duncan said. Duncan's card was a key over a campfire. "I probably have to jump through a ring of fire or some circus shit" Duncan said. I chuckled lightly and after a little bit of wandering, we found the ring of fire. Duncan let go of my hand and easily jumped through the ring of fire. "I kinda wish it had taken you longer to do that.." I said with a chuckle. "I know, I'm sorry doll. I'll go in with you" Duncan said. I nodded lightly and we headed to the kitchen. We carefully crept into the kitchen. Chef wasn't anywhere in sight. We slowly s opened the fridge door and I shrieked when I saw Chef. "Y/n?..." Chef said as he walked out of the fridge. "I don't wanna talk! Just... let me get the key so we can get this over with." I said, trying to fight the tears that threatened to spill. "Look Y/n I'm sorry. I know this little trouble maker already told you everything, so I might as well get straight to the point. Your mother wouldn't let me see you and your brother. She won full custody of you both in court and I couldn't see you guys again. I understand if you don't wanna discuss this now, but if you need anything I'm here. Here's the key" Chef said, placing it in my hand. I walked over and hugged him. I don't know why. "W-We can figure all this out after everything is over, right?" I said quietly. "We can't sweetie. Now go on, Chris can't figure out I just gave you the key" Chef said. I nodded lightly and pulled away from him, walking back over to Duncan. "Hey kid, you better treat her right or I'll beat your head in!" Chef yelled as we exited. "I will sir!" Duncan said, pressing a kiss to my cheek. Chef, well my dad, smiled at us as we left. "You want some space doll?" Duncan asked. "No, I just want you to hold me for a little bit." I said quietly. Duncan chuckled lightly but wrapped his arms around me. I buried my head into his chest and breathed in his soft scent. We just stood there for a minute. "I'm gonna head back to the girls' cabin and probably take a nap or something. See you later" I said as I pulled away. "See you later doll. If you need me just yell" Duncan said, placing a kiss on my lips before walking off. I quickly made my way to the girls' cabin and saw LeShawna. She was all scratched up. I decided not to ask. We walked in to see Gwen crying into a pillow. "What's up girl?" LeShawna asked. "How did you get all scratched up like that?" Gwen asked. "Ha, you should see the crocodiles. What about you, what's up?" LeShawna asked. We both sat beside Gwen. "Well, you see, what happened was—" Gwen then told us this whole story about how she kissed Trent today and then saw him kissing Heather on the dock after he sent her a letter to meet her there. LeShawna and I looked at each other. We both had the same thought: Heather is dead. We both ran out of the cabin to tell all our friends. "Heather is so off this island" LeShawna said. "Damn right" I said. That girl had done enough. First we ran to Geoff, who was in the bathroom trying to find his key.

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