Chapter 11

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I was sitting on the steps of the cabin with Duncan and Geoff when Harold walked outside. "Ok, who's made s'mores out of my underwear?" Harold said. Geoff and Duncan chuckled lightly. "I thought you guys were over those pranks. I said. Harold took one of the underwear and threw it on the ground. It landed in front of Courtney, causing her to scream. "Harold! You are so totally gross!" Courtney said, walking away. "No wait! It wasn't me! Idiots." Harold said, walking back inside the cabin. "Sometimes he just makes it too easy" Geoff said. "I hear you man" Duncan said. "Listen up you little cockroaches. I want all campers to report to the dock of shame at 0900 hours! That means now soldiers. Now" Chef said through the loud speakers. I sighed and started to run over there. "Don't he'll go easy on you" Duncan said as we ran. "I don't want anyone to suspect anything..." I mumbled. "It'll be fine. It's not your fault" Duncan said.

"Line up and stand at attention. You call this proper formation? Feet together, arms down,  eyes forward, heads up" Chef said. Anyone that wasn't following these protocols got smacked with a stick. I guess Gwen talked because Chef started to yell in her face. "What did you say to me, soldier?" Chef said through his megaphone. "Um, nothing" Gwen said. "And you'll continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something. Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect everyone to come out alive." Chef said. Owen chuckled but was punishment by being wacked with the stick "My order are to make sure that all the babies in front of me drop out of my boot camp except one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team." Chef said. "Uh, what happened to Chris?" Heather asked. "Rule #1–You will address me as master chief. Have you got that?" Chef asked. We all responded with "Yes Master Chief." "You will sleep when I tell you to sleep. And you will eat only when I tell you to eat. Is that clear? Rule #2–When you're ready to give up, you will walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell. Which brings me to rule #3–let's get one quitter before the end of the first day. That day will not end until someone drops out. Now get your butts down to the beach, soldiers. Now, now now" Chef said. Everyone sprinted to the beach.

Ok, whoever's sick, twisted idea this was to put him in charge of this challenge, I have to say I'm a little bit impressed. Gwen said.

"Listen up. Each team must hold a canoe over their heads. I catch you taking hour hands off the canoe and you will be eliminated. And no eats lunch until someone drops out. Canoes up!" Chef said. We all picked out canoes up. It really started to get hard when the sun started to beat down on us. "Come on you sissies. It's only been three hours." Chef said. "Looks like they missed lunch today" Chris said. "Mhm. Guess they just weren't hungry. Unless someone wants to quit now." Chef said. I sighed as I leaned my head against Duncan's back. All of a sudden I saw Geoff reeling a fishing pole... that was attached to Harold's underwear. "Ow! Idiots." Harold said. He removed his hands from the canoe for a Ed once but quickly put them back up. "Is there a problem down here?" Chef asked. "No" Harold said. It was nighttime and no one had dropped out. Chef was telling us some story but I wasn't paying attention. I groaned. All of a sudden Lindsay put her arms down. "Guys, I can't do this anymore. I have no more feeling in my arms." She whined as she walked towards the bell. "Looks like we got ourselves a quitter" Chef said. "Don't do it Lindsay!" Owen said. Lindsay ignored him and rang the bell. The Gophers got crushed by their canoe, but we tipped ours to the side. "Listen here's your have nothing to be ashamed of. Except being the little baby that let your team down. As for the rest of you'll head to the mess hall. Dinner is served" Chef said. I sprinted over to the mess hall. I didn't care what we were eating, I wanted it. "All right maggots, open your ears. You've got 10 minutes to eat before night training begins, so get to it." Chef said. I sighed and rested my head on Duncan's shoulder. "Um excuse me, master chief, where's the food?" Gwen said. "You're looking at it." Chef said, unfailing the food. "This is the leftover garbage from this morning's breakfast." Owen said. "Darn right, when you're at war, you take what you can get" Chef said. I didn't go and get anything. "You want me to look for something decent? You look a little pale" Duncan said. I shook my head. "Well, I can see you've got this under control. I'm off to craft services. Coming?" Chris said. "Serve me up some of that" Chef said, walking away with Chris. "You should sit down" Duncan said, leading me over to one of the stools. I nodded and did as he suggested. He went to go look for something in the garbage cans. He pulled out some juice. "Hey, Harold. We felt really bad about the whole underwear fishing incident thing, so here we found you some apple juice" Duncan said. "Thanks" Harold said. He immediately spit it out. "That's not juice!" Harold said. "Oh, oh my mistake dude. Uh we-we must have confused it with the kitchen grease." Duncan said. I chuckled lightly. Any entertainment was good right now. Duncan walked back over to me. "Stole you a muffin yesterday" Duncan said, handing me the muffin. "Thanks" I said gratefully, quickly starting to eat the muffin. "Don't worry about it" He said, running my arms.

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