Chapter 18

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I looked intently at the screen. The best part of the movie was coming. "He's coming out of the woods with a big, hacking chainsaw. That's so cool." Izzy said. I loved these types of movies... Duncan made me grow a liking to them. "Oh no, psycho killer man's going for the car." Owen said. "Yo, fool couple, stop making out and start the car" LeShawna said, throwing popcorn at the screen. "They're gonna be chainsaw sushi." Izzy said with a laugh. A horrid scream came from the woman in the movie. "Great Canadian cheese! Now the car won't start." Owen said. "Oh man I hate scary movies." DJ said. "Run! The psycho's gonna get ya." Izzy said. DJ gasped and closed his eyes along with covering his ears. Duncan gave him an unimpressed stare. "Here comes the blood fest." Gwen said. My eyes were glued to the screen when the reviving of the chainsaw filled my ears. "Yeah right on!" I said. "Haha! Gross!" Duncan said. "Gross! Aw the chainsaw psycho's going back to the woods. He's getting away. Yeah! Good ending. Izzy loved scary movies." Izzy said, throwing herself in Owen's arms. "So does Owen." Owen said, looking at Duncan. Duncan gave him a thumbs up. So did DJ. Let's just say I gave Duncan a lecture. I frowned when the movie turned off. "Whoo! Am I ever glad that's over. I really hate scary movies." DJ said. "Oh yeah. What scares you most? The paper where everyone meets a grisly death or the psycho killer with a hook!" Duncan said, pulling out his fake hook. DJ screamed in fear and hid behind LeShawna. At first I did the same thing, but now I expected it. Every laughed at DJ.

Dude, that was not cool. DJ said

"Ah come on Deej, for a slasher flick, it was pretty tame" Gwen said. "Yeah, there was hardly any hacking. Not like Bloodbath 2, Summer Camp Reign of Terror" Duncan said. "No way. That's my favorite movie! I love when the killer jams that guy's hand into the lawn mover." Gwen said. "Or when he pushes the chick off the dock and then she lands on a propeller blade that slides her in half" Duncan said. "Or when he shoves that big dude,s head inside the wood chipper!" I said. DJ jumped into LeShawna's arms. "Aw, looks like Gwen and Duncan have more in common than and fashion sense. It's just mindless guys and gore" Heather said. "Horror movies aren't mindless." Gwen said. "Yeah, they're loaded with psychological trauma. Look at DJ" Duncan said. LeShawna shoved DJ off of her. "Whatever. Does anyone have any idea what our challenge will be this week?" Heather asked. "Yeah. Where the Chris-meister?" Geoff asked. All of a sudden I heard the sound of a boat running. I saw my dad loading a ton of bags into the boat. Duncan and I walked over. "Hey Chef, where's the fire?" Duncan asked. Before we knew Chef got into the boat and drove off. By this point everyone else had come. "Dude, you forgot this" Owen said, holding up a green backpack. Some sort of paper fell out of it. "Huh? Escaped psycho killer on the loose. Be on the lookout for a man wearing a hockey mask Ira a hooked hand and carrying a chain saw." Owen said. Oh god. "Haha! He's on the loose." Izzy said. "Oh come on. They don't expect us to fall for this. Scary movie followed by hasty exit, followed by strategically placed lame prop." Heather said. "I-I don't know. He looked pretty spooked." DJ said. "Pah-lease. It's all part of their little stunt to freak us out." Heather said. "If this was a stunt, would Chris leave behind his hair gel?" Owen asked, pulling a package of it out of the backpack? We all gasped. Chris never went anywhere without his hair gel. "Whoa, this is for real." Gwen said. Duncan grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. "So let me get this straight. Chris left us for dead, and now we're alone, while that escaped psycho killer with the chainsaw is on the loose?" DJ said, clearly panicked. "No, we're alone while that escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook is on the loose." Duncan said, pulling out his fake hook. DJ ducked down and started to scream. "Duncan cut it out" I said with a chuckle. "I told you dude, not funny" DJ said. "Ugh. Neither is your chicken little routine. Get a grip bro." LeShawna said. "I can't help it. I feel like I'm being watched" DJ said. "Duh. It's a reality show. We're always being watched" Heather said. "Ok look. It doesn't matter whether this is real or a challenge. We need a game plan." Gwen said. "Yeah, yeah, we need a game plan." DJ said. "You little fright wigs might need a game plan, but I need a facial." Heather said. She started to walk away. "Are you crazy? First rule of slasher films, never go off alone." I said. "I might actually listen to you if I were in a movie. We're being punked, you're so gullible. Hey Chris, if you're listening, next time rent one that takes place at a summer camp. If you losers want to hang around and play boogyman, go ahead. But I have got a date with exfoliation." Heather said. She quickly walked away. "And the bossy, mean chick seals her fate." Izzy said. She pretended to cut her own head off. "Wow. Your really good at sound effects." Owen said. "I say we go back to camp and talk strategy. Who's in?" Gwen asked. "I am" I said. Everyone except Izzy and Owen followed after that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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