Chapter 2

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I was woken up to the sound of a blaring megaphone. What the fuck? It was the first morning. I quickly got ready and headed outside with everyone. "Morning! Hope you slept well!" Chris said. "Hi Chris. You look really buff in those shorts." Heather said. "I know. Ok, I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Chris said, starting a timer on his watch. "Oh excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen said. "Amen to that" I agreed. "Ohhhh you'll get breakfast Owen. Right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake." Chris said. Of course we have to do a 20 kilometer run first thing in the morning. "Oh so you're funny now? You know what I think would be funny?" Eva said as she walked over to Chris with her fist up. Duncan, Geoff, and I quickly grabbed her, attempting to restrain her from punching Chris. "Eva! Try to control your temper!" Courtney whispered. "You're enjoying this aren't you?!" Eva said. "A little. You have 30 seconds." Chris said, pointing at this watch. "Oh if I could let her go and let her destroy you Chris I would!" I said.

Ok those girls Eva and Y/n have got to get a handle on their temper. They've only been here one day and they've already best one person up and almost beat up another! Courtney said.

"Ok runners! On your marks, get set, go!" Chris said. I started at a slow jog. I knew if I kept a steady pace the others would get tired before I would.

I don't run. And I definitely don't run in high heel wedges. Heather said.

I have to admit I got tired really quickly. I felt kind of light headed and dizzy so I sat down on the ground, panting as I did. I was made for short distances, not long jogs! I winced at the sun beating down on me. "Here, drink." Someone said, handing me a bottle of water. I looked up to see, of course, Duncan. I didn't question it. I quickly grabbed the water bottle and chugged the whole thing. "Where'd you find it?.." I asked, getting up. "Snatched it from chef's kitchen." Duncan said, taking a sip of his own water. "Good one." I said, starting to walk again. Duncan walked beside me. ""Pick it up people! If you're not back by dinner time, you don't eat!" Chris said as he rode on his motorcycle. "Oh he is not taking away my eating privileges!" I said, picking up a full sprint. "Fuck- wait for me!" Duncan yelled, sprinting after me. I sighed in relief when I saw the main lodge. I ran as quickly as I could to one of the seats and plopped down. About 10 minutes later I saw Duncan walk in. "Damn... you're fast..." He said as he attempted to catch his breath. "Thanks" I said, still panting slightly. All of a sudden Own burst in holding Noah over his shoulder. "Clear a table stat!" Owen said as he ran over to the other table. "Oh! We made it!" LeShawna said as she crawled to her table. I looked over to see Owen performing CPR on Noah. I had no idea what happened, but I assumed Noah overheated and passed out. And then Harold came in. "What took you so long? We just lost the challenge!"Courtney asked as Harold gasped for air. "I think I'm having heart palpitations." Harold said as he clicked his chest. "Hey wait a minute. If they lost, that means we won the challenge!" Gwen said. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock" I whispered under my breathe. Duncan must of heard it because he snickered and I elbowed him in the ribs. The Gophers started to cheer lightly, even Noah woke up from his beauty sleep. "Woah there! Hold your horses guys. That wasn't the challenge" Chris said. "What did he just say?" Gwen asked. "You are so dead Chris!" I yelled. "Who's hungry?" Chris asked, revealing a table of mouthwatering food. I could hear my stomach grumbling. All my angry feelings towards Chris evaporated.

After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet. Gwen said.

And then I saw it. The buffet table. It was beautiful! There was turkey and anamno bars and baked beans and maple syrup! Huh, can I have a minute? Oh, oh oh, oh. Owen said.

I groaned in pain as my head slumped down to Duncan's shoulder. We had devoured the feast and all of us were completely stuffed and bloated. I knew I was too. I could feel how bloated I was. I did kind of regret eating all that. "Ok campers! Time for part 2 of your challenge!" Chris said. "I thought eating was the second part!" Owen said. "What more do you want from us?" Gwen asked. "Ugh, weird goth girl is right! Haven't we been through enough!" Heather said. "I hate you so fucking much Chris. So so much" I said. "Uhm, let me think about that Heather. No. It's time for the Awakeathon!" Chris announced. "The whatathon?" Owen asked. "Don't worry! This is an easy one! The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility." Chris said. "So, what you're saying is the 20 k run and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make harder for us to stay awake?" Gwen asked. "That's right Gwen!" Chris said. "Man he's good." Gwen added. "Move, move, move!" Chris yelled through the megaphone. I had already walked out and slumped onto a bench outside the minute Chris said that. I clutched into my stomach uncomfortably. "You ok?" Someone asked as the sat next to me. I looked up even though I knew who it was. Duncan. I didn't even really know what I was doing when I laid my head in his lap. "Someone tired?" Duncan said playfully, twirling a strand of my hair around his finger. I let hours pass, just laying in that position.

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