watermelon dreams: seungmin

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Your POV

I sit on the balcony of my aunts building. A sigh of content comes from my mouth as a gentle sea breeze swims by. The smell of salt pricks my nose. The continuous loop of ocean waves hugging the shore while leaving with a laugh plays. I don't mind it.

"I've missed this," I whisper to myself.

I pick up the small bowl of fruit off the table. Watermelon. The best. I should be getting work done but, school can wait a little longer. The annotations of an old piece of literature can stay by my laptop, humble on the dark wooden table. I poke a cube of polka-dotted seeded watermelon onto my fork and eat it. The sweetness of it makes me smile as the cool juice from it slithers around my tongue.

"There you are," a familiar voice speaks.

I look to my side to see Seungmin, my friend since the end of middle school. His gentle smile reflects on the glass as he closes the sliding door. The cream colored curtains sway with the motion on the other side. Seungmin takes the empty seat, facing the right side of the balcony. He places the camera that was around his neck onto the table. The black strap creates a zig-zag pattern.

"I didn't even hear the door open," I chuckle.

Seungmin let's out a stifled laugh, "You should pay more attention then, love."

I roll my eyes, "yeah, yeah."

"I came here to relax, not to be a cat walking a tightrope," I jokingly answer his statement.

Seungmin gives a cheeky smile, looking out towards the ocean. He deeply inhales, his chest visibly rising and falling. I look at him fondly, wishing I could have this everyday. Or at least more often than I do. I continue back to my bowl of watermelon, wanting to finish it before it gets warm.

"Hey, watermelon human, over here," Seungmin calls out.

I look over at him, fork and watermelon still chilling in my mouth. Seungmin holds his camera to his eyes and snaps a photo. I finish the piece of watermelon and take the fork out of my mouth.

"YAH! Why did you do that?" I chuckle.

Seungmin laughs softly, "You looked cute," he says.

I raise my eyebrow. I look what now? I say in my head. Seungmin smiles once more and points to the bowl of watermelon in my lap.

"Can I have some?" He asks.

I look down at the bowl. What to do.

"I don't know. Can you?" I tease him

Seungmin smirks, "really?"

"'Really' what?" I ask.

"Alright," Seungmin says.

Seungmin gets up from his seat, taking a few steps before getting close to me. He places his right arm on the wooden table, the small action accentuating the features of his hand. He bends down to the point where his face is in front of mine. Seungmin looks me in the eyes. Tilts his head to the right and. . . leans in.

Our lips touch. It's not ending soon. I don't mind it, I think? His lips are soft, smooth, and taste of. . . plain chapstick.

Figures he would change it.

I smile? I like this feeling. Seungmins other hand is placed on the arm of the chair I'm in, adding a little more weight. I fall back into the chair as Seungmin deepens the kiss, moving his head more to the left. He pulls away.

"Mmm, you taste like watermelon," Seungmin hums.

"Uh- tha-that's because I'm eating watermelon," I chuckle, feeling the blush on my cheeks.

"Aren't you cute," he smiles, patting my head.


"Y/N! Get your butt up!" My aunts voice echoes.

I open my eyes to see her standing front of my face. Her face has a soft expression but seems a little annoyed. The paintbrush holding her hair up pops up at the top.

"What is it, Auntie?" I grumble.

"Oh get up," she repeats.

I roll over. I was having such a nice dream. In a sense.

"Come on, Seungmin is here," my aunt says.

"Huh?" I sit up in bed.

Speak of the devil and he shall arrive. Or dare I say dream. At the entrance of bedroom there stands Seungmin with a smug look.

"Hello, love," he greets.

A/N: I LIIIIIIVVVEE!!!! Teheheh ;) Can't get rid of me that easily. Anyways....hope you liked this, I actually enjoyed writing this. Now, I don't know if I'll continue with these/this "book". I'll most likely write every now and then, I'm gonna try and write more though. I miss it. But hope you have a good day or night, stay safe and healthy <3

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