dancing in the rain : felix

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Your POV

The subtle rhythmical pattern of computer keys being hit play throughout the office. I tiredly walk around the office, delivering coffees to the workers. Being an intern is not what it is cut out to be. It's even worse that the others all expect me to know every. Little. Thing. I look down at my wrist, 9:53 my watch reads. Look at that, I was supposed to be home two hours ago. I let out a sigh, placing a document into the copy machine.

"Hey, intern!" A male voice calls out.

I turn around and see one of the office men walking to me.

"Do you have my papers?" He asks, crossing his arms attempting to be intimidating.

"Uh, what papers?" I ask, trying to recall when I was supposed to give him papers.

He scoffs, "Are you kidding me? The papers I gave you this morning, where are they?"

I furrow my brows and walk over to the makeshift desk I have. I go through each drawer that I have, which is not many. My eyes go over my desk, no papers.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any papers. What were they about, maybe I-" I get cut off.

"Seriously! Are you stupid!" He yells, aggressively pushing me back.

The other workers whisper to one another. I look around and back at him. I'm used to being teased and yelled at. I take a breath and try to calm my nerves.

"Sir, instead of yelling, maybe you can tell me what the papers were and I can find them," I suggest, in my nicest voice.

He clicks his tongue and looks away, "You know what they are, do I have to get the boss out here? Huh?" He asks.

"Irresponsible," He says, looking away crossing his arms.

"What's the point of working here if you can't even do one simple thing?" He questions, well more so yells pointing his finger at me.

"Huh?" He says again, pushing me once more.

I can feel my blood begin to boil. Calm down, Y/N I tell myself, attempting to calm myself.

"Now tell me, where are the papers?" He asks once again.

"I told you, sir, I do not have your papers," I tell him once more.

I see him lift his hand, hell no I think. It gets closer to me, I hold his arm.

"Yah! Let go!" He yells. I don't let go.

"You little-ahh!" he groans in pain as I twist his arm back.

Oh how long I've wanted to do this I enjoy the little victory of mine. I know, terrible, evil. Oh, well. I can hear the workers loudly whisper to one another.

"Miss/Mister Y/N, let go of him!" I hear a voice demand.

I look over and see my boss, I let go of my coworker's arm. He sighs in relief, rolling his shoulder back. A painful expression on his face.

"Did you see that? S/He's/They're crazy!" My coworker says, turning and pointing at me once again.

My boss walks over to me, a serious look on his face.

"You know we don't condone any abuse or harassment in this work place. I'm sorry Y/N but, you're fired," My boss tells me, a half sympathetic look on his face.

Of course he would say that, who would believe someone younger and less in power, I think.

I let out a sigh, "Know what, I'm glad" I say getting in my bosses face.

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