2 a.m. pancakes:hyunjin

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Your POV

I roll around in my bed, trying to get comfortable. It's no use. I can't sleep, I'm uncomfortable, and I'm hungry. I sigh in annoyance while aggressively kicking my blankets off me. Proceeding to spread my limbs out like a starfish. Why can't I sleep? I desperately wonder, sitting up in my bed.

"What's that smell?" I ask myself.

A sweet vanilla scent swims into my room. I take off the remainder of my blanket and get off of my bed. I make my way through the living room area and into the kitchen. I can hear faint music playing. Who is playing 'Early Autumn', Ella Fitzgerald?

"Hyunjin, what are you doing?" I question, standing in the doorway. Hyunjin jumps, probably in surprise. It's funny how his hair bounces with him. I think, smiling at him and his pulled back blonde hair.

"Aish, you scared me Y/N. Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Hyunjin says, placing a hand on his hip. I notice the small spatula in his hand.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I reply, crossing my arms. A small wave of silence washes over, it was way too quiet. I walk over to the stove, where Huynjin is standing.

"What are you making?" I ask, looking at the frying pan that has two sand colored circles on it.

"Pancakes, I was hungry" He tells me, shrugging his shoulders.

"It smells so good" I mumble. Feeling my mouth water from the sight and idea of eating pancakes. I hear a laugh come from Hyunjin.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask, looking at him.

"Do you want some? There's still some batter left" he says, holding up a mixing bowl.

"Yes, please" I smile, sitting on top of the counter.

"Coming up" Hyunjin says. He scoops the previous pancakes off of the pan and onto a plate. I watch Hyunjin as he scoops the batter out of the bowl. The batter makes a sizzling noise when it hits the pan. Ah, the smell of heaven. I take in another string of air, never wanting the scent to leave my nose. Hyunjin stands in front of me and holds his hands out.

"Come here" he says, gently pulling me off of the kitchen counter.

"What is it?" I ask him, confused as to what he is doing. Hyunjin pulls me closer to him. Okay, personal space buddy. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I question. Hyunjin doesn't answer, he takes my left hand and places it on his shoulder. He takes my other hand and places it into his own hand. I am so confused right now.

"Follow my lead" is all he says.

"Uh, okay" I reply, unsure of what we are doing.

"You do realize I have no idea what we are doing" I state. Hyunjin looks up at me and smiles.

"Well, my fine roommate, we are dancing" Hyunjin says, letting go of my waist and flipping the pancakes.

"I don't know how to" I tell him, he laughs.

"Just follow me" He says, placing his hand around my waist once again.

"One, two, three" Hyunjin repeats, in rhythm with the music. After a minute I start to get the hang off it, kind of. It feels nice, just the two of us, plus sleeping Kkami in the next room. Right now, this feel comfortable, and home like.

"See, you got" He smiles, spinning me around. Hyunjin spins me around once again, and dips me. Hyunjin has a satisfied look on his face. I can't be mad, the light from the faint kitchen light makes his eyes shine. Every curve and edge on his face, makes him look like a one of a kind sculpture.

"Alright, stop staring" Hyunjin says, snapping me out of my thoughts. He places me back onto the counter. This boy. I think, rolling my eyes at him.

"I saw that" He chuckles, placing the other two pancakes onto a plate.

"No you didn't" I reply, crossing my arms.

"Sure, do you want whip cream on your pancakes?" Hyunjin asks, shaking the can of Reddi Whip.

"Yes" I reply, nodding my head. Hyunjin pops off the cap and swirls some onto both pancakes.

"Hey, Y/N" He says, I turn my head towards him.

"You got something, right, here" Hyunjin says, placing whip cream onto my nose.

"Yah! That wasn't very nice of you" I pout, wiping it off. Hyunjin is laughing like the crazy person he is. I take the opportunity to take the whip cream and place it on his face. Hyunjin instantly stops laughing and has a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"It's all fun and games until payback happens" I smirk, taking a plate of pancakes and walking out.

A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed this imagine/one shot. If you could leave a like that'd be greatly appreciated. I hope you all have been well, if you need someone to talk to, just message me and I will be there. If you just need someone to listen, I will. Please take care of yourselves, have a nice day or night. Stay safe and healthy luvs<3

P.S.- you did well today, get some rest <3

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