the piano: jeongin

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I walk aimlessly around the school, searching for an empty room. I should be in the cafeteria or outside eating lunch, but I'm not hungry. Besides, I have no one to sit with. The perks of being the outsider. I walk up the last flight of stairs and see a classroom I haven't noticed before.

"I wonder if it's empty" I mumble to myself, peeking through the little window. There is a desk and a few chairs. It looks old and disheveled, like it hasn't been used in years. I slide open the door and walk in. There are papers and old books in here. It seems like an old music room. I turn my head to see a piano, it's maple brown color covered in dust. Unwanted, like me. I think as I wipe the dust off the chair and the piano.

"I don't think anyone would mind" I tell myself, placing my bag on the floor and sitting down. What should we play? I wonder, rubbing my hands together.


Jeongin's POV

"Oh, shoot" I say, stopping in my tracks.

"What? What is it?" Chan asks, turning around with a confused look.

"I completely forgot" I say, face palming myself in guilt.

"Forgot what?" Changbin questions, walking up beside me.

"I promised Yoonji that I would help her with her project" I tell them. I'm such a dummy.

"Sorry guys, I'll see you later" I tell my friends, running off.

I run down the hall and up the stairs. What room did she say she would be in? I question, attempting to remember what she had told me earlier.

"Was it one fourty b or one thirty?" I wonder, walking up and down halls.

"Wait, what's that?" I mumble, hearing something coming from one of the classrooms. I stop moving, trying to figure out what the sound is and where it is coming from. Is that a piano? I thought the school didn't have one. I quietly walk down the hall, the music growing louder with each step. With each step I take, I search my brain for the song that is playing. I can't seem to pinpoint it, it sounds familiar but I don't know. I reach the room of where the piano is coming from. There's a girl/boy playing. I stand in the doorway of the slightly opened door. I take note in how her/his body moves with each key that is pressed. Her/his hands gliding onto each key as if it is her/his last. I couldn't help myself. I open the door and fully enter the room, wanting, needing to hear more. What is a talent like this doing here? I wonder, admiring how s/he plays. Her/His hair falls covering her/his eyes, but that doesn't seem to stop the playing. I sway myself to the music, it soon begins to rain.


I'm crying
That's disappeared
That's fallen
Left alone in this sand castle
Looking at this broken mask

And I still want you
But I still want you
But I still want you
And I still want you

I finish playing, letting my hands fall onto my lap. I wish I could play more. I hear rain fall onto and bounce off of the windows. I hear the sound of, someone clapping? I turn my head to see a boy. He seems to be around my age, maybe a grade above me. His dark blue hair is slightly messy, but still neat. He is smiling, why is he smiling? I wonder, getting up and grabbing my bag. I can feel a sharp pain in my left hand.

"Fudge" I hiss in pain, dropping my bag and massaging my hand.

"Oh, are you okay? Do you need me to take you to the nurse?" the boy asks, worryness painting his face.

"No, no, I'm fine" I reply, clearing my throat and standing up. A wave of silence rolls over, awkward and uncomfortable silence.

"Oh, I-I wanted to say, you play really well and pretty" the boy says, stumbling on his words. I look up at him, I've never had someone tell me that.

"Th-thank you" I reply, feeling some strange feeling. I feel like smiling, but I won't.

"I'm Yang Jeongin, third year. And you are?" he introduces himself, holding out his left hand. I stare at him, his hand and back to him, then to his hand again. I histaintly shake his hand.

"Lee Y/N, also third year" I state, letting go of his hand.

"Wait, aren't you the exchange student? Also what happened to you hand?" Jeongin asks, pointing at my left hand. I feel my heart drop. Jeongin's eyes widened after a moment.

"Oh, sorry, that was rude. I apologize" he says, bowing.

"There's no need for that. It's okay" I tell him, feeling awkward. Jeongin stands straight up.

"But to answer your question, yes. I am the exchange student" I state.

"And my hand, don't worry about it. It happens" I add, not wanting to talk about it. Jeongin nods his head. I have the feeling that if I don't leave now, we will just be standing and staring at each other. I crouch back down to pick up my bag. Jeongin beats me to it. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Why do you have my bag?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"I'll carry it for you. Your hand seems like it is hurt" He says, pulling a strap over one of his shoulders.

"I have two hands for a reason" I respond, reaching for my bag. Jeongin moves away from me.

"So, I'm still going to carry it. Where is your next class?" he asks, flashing a cheeky smile. How cute.

"World history, I think" I say, not really remembering my schedule.

"Great, me too, I'll walk with you" Jeongin says, going onto his tip-toes. The bell rings.

"I guess so" I reply. Maybe, just maybe this won't be so bad after all.

A/N: Hello! I hope you liked this one shot/imagine. If you could vote that'd be greatly appreciated. Also, thank you for over 1k reads, it means alot. If you want to, leave a request. Alright, have a nice day or night, stay safe and healthy luvs<3

P.S.- You are amazing and wonderful. Remember that you are loved and that you are not alone, no matter what. There is always someone here for you. Now, get some rest luv<3

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