hear me out: felix

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Your POV

"It's the big day," I sigh, as happily as I can.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Felix.

Felix looks at the mirror and turns himself to face me. He looks dashing. The tuxedo with subtle colored accents on the ends of the sleeves look so pretty. Felix's hair has been combed and styled to a Disney prince standard. Oh, his freckles seem to be more noticeable than ever.

He sighs, "I'm sca-nervous".

I tilt my head slightly, then turning it right side up. I smile softly and walk towards him, stopping a little ways before him.

Just enough space. I think, straightening out his already perfect appearing jacket.

"We have a few minutes. I'm all ears," I say.

"I know it's normal, to feel nervous before taking the final step in solidifying a relationship," Felix begins.

I take my hands off his jacket. Felix holds onto my pinkie finger, a habit he has had since I first met him. I feel a prick in my chest, like it's covered in thorns.

He continues, "but, I don't think I can continue with what I'm going to do without telling someone something that I need to tell them".

I'm silent, unsure of what to say or what the "proper" thing to say is. I'm the type to sit and listen more than the person to be a wise owl and give advice. Felix is now holding my hand instead of my pinkie. His head is down, watching his thumb slide straight on the back of my hand.

"Y/N?" Felix calls my name softly.

I give a hum as a response, now watching how his hand holds mine.

Will we still do this? Even after he says those words to her? I wonder, the thorn feeling rushing back.

"Am I bad person? For wanting to tell someone my feelings?" Felix asks, his eyes already reddening with tears.

"No, no, no, love," I quickly say.

I pull him in for a hug and place my hand on the back of his head, gently stroking his bleach blonde hair.

"You're not, you will never be a bad person for telling others how you feel," I explain, still holding him.

Small sniffles can be heard from him. After some time, we pull away from each other. Felix wipes his stray tears away from his cheeks.

"Thank you, Y/N," Felix smiles.

"I don't know what I would do without you," he adds.

"And I," I say.

Felix's POV

I stand at the alter waiting for my fiancée, or future wife. The thing is that none of this feels right. Everything feels wrong? Like I'm not the one she should be marrying and I'm not the one that should be marrying her. I give a quick smile to her bridesmaids, who are all wearing yellow and smiling happily. I turn my head to my best man, Bangchan.

"You know what to do," he whispers to me.

I just nod my head.

I'm such a terrible person. I note to myself.

I look down at my hands, left hand over my right hand. I can't do this. It's not right to her or to them. The wedding march begins and the church doors open.

"Here she comes!" One of the bridesmaids squeal.

I turn my head and watch her walk down the aisle. The white dress is lovely, her hair and makeup are top quality and enhance her beauty. The bouquet of yellow roses and white daisies look so delicate in her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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